Friday, August 30, 2019

Humans Do Talk Funny

"Zip-a-dee do da," sang Midge as she skipped along the sidewalk on her way to Booker-T's house. Booker-T met her at his front yard gate.
"What are you singing?" asked Booker-T.
"Zip-a-dee do da," sang Midge. "Zip-a-dee-ay. My, it's a wonderful day."
"It is a wonderful day out today," smiled Booker-T. "Where did you hear that song?"
"My owner was watching a movie last night and it was in it," said Midge. "The man was singing it to some little kids and animals."
"What are we doing today?" asked Booker-T.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Shuffleboard and Croquet

The three found the area where the games were being played and found a tree to sit under while they watched the humans playing the games.
"Look Jake," said Midge. "They push that flat thing away from them and they don't have anyone to bring it back to them."
"Maybe we can help them and bring it back," suggested Booker-T.
Jake watched as a man used the big stick and pushed the flat thing across the concrete. When it came to a stop, Jake ran out and picked it up and carried it back to the man.

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Grand Opening

Jake, Midge and Booker-T started walking to the park to go for a ride on the train. Gabby flew above for a short distance and then swooped down and landed on Jake's head.
"Hey guys," said Gabby. "Where are you going?"
"We are going to ride the new train at the park," said Midge.
"The park is very busy today," said Gabby. "I just came flying over it."
"Why?" asked Jake.
"There are many people there having picnics and playing in the pond," said Gabby. "they have a baseball game being played at one end of the park and some games for others in another area of the park."

Tuesday, August 13, 2019


  Sorry for the late postings...   the last few weeks has been hectic with a friend in the hospital
and trying to go back and forth to see her... 

   enjoy the two new stories I posted today...

  enjoy your week

Jake and Midge

The Witches

Booker-T and Midge walked to Jake's house and found him taking a nap. They tapped him on the head. “Wake up Jake,” whispered Midge.
“I'm awake,” whispered Jake.
“No, you weren't awake,” laughed Midge. “Your eyes were closed and you were snoring.”
“I don't snore,” said Jake sitting up in the swing.
“How do you know?' asked Booker-T. “When you are sleeping, you can't hear yourself snoring.”
“I just know,” sighed Jake. “So, what are you guys doing?”
“Nothing,” said Midge.

Midge's Announcment

Jake walked to Midge's house and hurried through the gate. Booker-T was sitting there talking about something that looked serious.
“What are you two doing?” asked Jake.
“I'm running for president, Jake,” said Midge.
“President of what?” asked Jake. “A dog club?”
“No, Jake,” said Midge. “It is much better than that. I'm going to be the president of the United States.”

Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T