Thursday, December 26, 2019

Reading Minds

Jake and Booker-T entered Midge's yard and found her sitting on the porch staring at a large white ball.
"Hey Midge," said Jake. "What are you doing with the big ball?"
"Did you know I can read minds," said Midge.
"You can read minds?" laughed Jake. "How do you do that?"
"What am I thinking about?" asked Booker-T.
"You are thinking about food," said Midge touching the white ball.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Christmas Time

“Hey Booker-T!" called Jake as he stopped at the gate on his way to Midge's house. "Where are you?"
"Hi Jake," said Booker-T as he ran around to the front yard. "What are you doing?"
"Lets go see Midge," said Jake.
They hurried to Midge's house and entered the yard and found Midge sitting on the front porch.
"What are you doing, Midge?" asked Jake.
"I am just sitting here looking at the porch," said Midge.
"Why?" asked Jake.
"I'm looking at the lights all along the top of the porch and along the roof," said Midge. "Aren't they pretty?"

Thursday, December 12, 2019


Midge and Jake walked to Booker-T's house looking for him. They walked into the back yard, but Booker-T wasn't there.
"Lets go inside," suggested Midge.
"His doggie door is too small for me," said Jake. "I will wait for you out here while you go look inside."
"Okay," said Midge. "Wait here."

Friday, December 6, 2019

Down on the Farm

Midge, Jake and Booker-T walked from the little pond to where the cows are in the barn area. Standing in the area, near the red barn, they saw several cows talking to each other and the horses were running around the field. Midge, Jake and Booker-T, crawled under the fence and walked to where the cows were standing.
"Hi everyone," greeted Midge. "Remember us?"
They turned to look toward the visitors.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Road Construction

Midge hurried to Booker-T's house and ran through the gate.
"Hey Booker-T, Where are you?" called Midge.
"Hi Midge," smiled Booker-T as he came around the house from the back yard.
"What are you doing?" asked Midge.
"I just finished eating my breakfast," said Booker-T. "What are you doing?"
"Nothing," said Midge. "I'm just standing here."
"Did you have a good Thanksgiving with your owner's family?" asked Booker-T.
"Yes," said Midge. "There was lot of good food. Did you have a good day?"

Sunday, November 24, 2019


"Hey Booker-T!" called Midge as she walked through the gate at Booker-T's house. "Where are you this morning?"
"Hi Midge," said Booker-T. "Are we going to the zoo building today?"
"I think so," said Midge.
"You don't know?" asked Booker-T.
"No," said Midge. "We have to talk to Jake and see if he wants to go."
"What are you thinking about?" asked Booker-T.
"Do you know if dragons are real?" asked Midge.
"I don't know," said Booker-T. "Where did you hear about dragons?"

Catch a Falling Star

Midge sat on the front porch staring at the sky as the fluffy white clouds floated above.
"Hey Midge," said Booker-T when he entered the gate and joined Midge on the front porch. "What are you looking for Midge? Are you looking for those space aliens again?"
"No," said Midge. "I was trying to find some stars."
"I think they are only in the sky at night," said Booker-T. "Why are you looking for stars?"
"I heard this song in a movie my owner was watching," said Midge.
"What song?" asked Booker-T.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Space Kitty

Midge was sitting on the porch watching the clouds floating across the sky above. Through the front gate, Booker-T came into the yard and walked toward Midge. He started whistling as he approached the porch. Midge looked up as Booker-T got close.
"Oh!" said Midge as she looked up. "Is that you Booker-T?"
"Is it Booker-T?" asked Booker-T. "Or maybe I'm a space alien came to earth to see you."
"How do I know you are a space alien?" asked Midge.
"I'm from planet Kitty Box," said Booker-T.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

It's Halloween - Happy Halloween

Jake walked along the sidewalk on his way to Midge's house. He stopped at Booker-T's house and called him to come with him. Booker-T hurried to through the gate and they entered the gate at Midge's house. Midge wasn't on the porch where she usually waited for them
"Lets go around the back and see if she is back there," said Booker-T.
"Hey Midge," called Jake as they walked to the back yard. "Where are you this morning?"
"Lets go inside," said Booker-T. "Maybe she is sick."

Monday, October 28, 2019

Booker-T Sees a Ghost

"Midge! Midge!" screamed Booker-T as he ran into Midge's front yard. "Where are you? Hurry!"
Midge came running around the house to the front yard. "What happened, Booker-T. Why are you screaming at me?"
"Midge, there is a ghost in my house," said Booker-T as he sat on the porch shaking.
"How do you know there is a ghost in the house?" asked Midge. "Did you see it?"
"No," said Booker-T. "I only heard it."
"Maybe it was something else," said Midge. "Was your owner watching something on TV?"
"No," said Booker-T in a shaky voice. "She was sleeping. I was on the end of her bed when I heard it."
"What did you see?' asked Midge.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Big Balloon

As they walked around the fenced area at the petting zoo, looking for Pinky the Pig, Booker-T saw the big red and white balloon across the field from the zoo.
"Hey Midge!" said Booker-T. "Look over there."
"Wow!" said Midge. "That is a big balloon. Lets go see what they are doing."
"I think that is one of those big balloons they say are hot," said Jake.
"The balloon is hot?" said Midge.
"Remember when we went to the park where they had all the balloons?" said Jake.
"Oh, I remember," said Booker-T.
"Why do they call the balloon, hot?" asked Midge.
"I think they call it hot air," said Jake.
"Do they put hot air in them?" asked Booker-T.

Good Morning ALL - Saturday Oct 19

Good morning all...   sorry for the late post of our stories...  Our writer was sick
in bed yesterday...  She is feeling better today and following is the new story for the week...

 Have a wonderful day

Jake and Midge

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Strange Object

"Hey Booker-T," called Midge as she entered his yard and ran to the backdoor.
"Hi Midge," greeted Booker-T as he crawled outside through the doggie door. "What is that you are carrying?"
"I don't know," said Midge. "It talks sometimes."
"Is it a phone?" asked Booker-T.
"I don't think so," said Midge as she laid it on the ground. "It has pictures on it. See what it does when I push on it."
Midge pushed on the front of the object she carried to Booker-T's house and pictures came on the object.

Friday, October 4, 2019

The Box

Midge stretched and jumped off her owner's bed when she left to go to work. Midge ran to the window and watched her drive away in the car.
"Good morning Midge," said Snappy.
"Hi Snappy," said Midge.
"What are you doing?" asked Snappy.
"Nothing," said Midge.
"Do you feel okay this morning?" asked Snappy. "You slept late this morning."

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Ditch

Midge ran next door to Booker-T's house. "Hey Booker-T," called Midge as she entered the gate in the fence. "Where are you?"
Booker-T came strolling around the house. "Hi Midge," said Booker-T. "What are you doing?"
"Do you want to go to Jake's house and then go see the petting zoo today?" asked Midge.
"Sure," said Booker-T. "Lets go."
They hurried through the gate and started up the sidewalk. "I'll race you to the corner," said Midge.
"You are faster than me," said Booker-T. "But I'll race you. Let's go."

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Space Aliens are Somewhere

Booker-T walked to Midge's house and hurried through the gate. He found Midge sitting on the front porch staring at the sky.
"Are you looking for space aliens again, Midge?" asked Booker-T.
"I think they are out there, Booker-T," said Midge. "I know one day, they will come down to earth and meet us."
"How do you know?" asked Booker-T. "Did you get a message from one?"
"No," sighed Midge. "Do you think they can send messages?"
"I don't know," said Booker-T. "Maybe they aren't as smart as we are, if they are out there."
"I wonder how we can send them a message and tell them it's okay for them to come here," said Midge.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Back to the Amusement Park

"Hey, Booker-T!" called Midge as she ran to the back door at his house. "Where are you?"
"Hi Midge," said Booker-T as he entered the kitchen. "What are you doing?"
"Lets go to Jake's house," said Midge. "I want to go ride the big wheel that goes way up in the air."
"What big wheel?" asked Booker-T.
"That big wheel at the musement park," said Midge.
"You mean the amusement park," said Booker-T.
"Wonder why it is called an amusement park," said Midge.

Friday, September 6, 2019


The three friends walked into the zoo and went to the back corner to look at the hippo. Jake read the sign near the cage.
"What are you reading?" asked the hippo
"Hello," smiled Midge. "I'm Midge."
"Who is that reading over there?" asked the hippo.
"He is my friend, Jake," said Midge. "The sign is about you."
"What does it say about me?" asked the hippo.
"It says your name is Samson," said Jake.
"Yes," said the hippo. "That is my name. Do you like Samson?"

Friday, August 30, 2019

Humans Do Talk Funny

"Zip-a-dee do da," sang Midge as she skipped along the sidewalk on her way to Booker-T's house. Booker-T met her at his front yard gate.
"What are you singing?" asked Booker-T.
"Zip-a-dee do da," sang Midge. "Zip-a-dee-ay. My, it's a wonderful day."
"It is a wonderful day out today," smiled Booker-T. "Where did you hear that song?"
"My owner was watching a movie last night and it was in it," said Midge. "The man was singing it to some little kids and animals."
"What are we doing today?" asked Booker-T.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Shuffleboard and Croquet

The three found the area where the games were being played and found a tree to sit under while they watched the humans playing the games.
"Look Jake," said Midge. "They push that flat thing away from them and they don't have anyone to bring it back to them."
"Maybe we can help them and bring it back," suggested Booker-T.
Jake watched as a man used the big stick and pushed the flat thing across the concrete. When it came to a stop, Jake ran out and picked it up and carried it back to the man.

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Grand Opening

Jake, Midge and Booker-T started walking to the park to go for a ride on the train. Gabby flew above for a short distance and then swooped down and landed on Jake's head.
"Hey guys," said Gabby. "Where are you going?"
"We are going to ride the new train at the park," said Midge.
"The park is very busy today," said Gabby. "I just came flying over it."
"Why?" asked Jake.
"There are many people there having picnics and playing in the pond," said Gabby. "they have a baseball game being played at one end of the park and some games for others in another area of the park."

Tuesday, August 13, 2019


  Sorry for the late postings...   the last few weeks has been hectic with a friend in the hospital
and trying to go back and forth to see her... 

   enjoy the two new stories I posted today...

  enjoy your week

Jake and Midge

The Witches

Booker-T and Midge walked to Jake's house and found him taking a nap. They tapped him on the head. “Wake up Jake,” whispered Midge.
“I'm awake,” whispered Jake.
“No, you weren't awake,” laughed Midge. “Your eyes were closed and you were snoring.”
“I don't snore,” said Jake sitting up in the swing.
“How do you know?' asked Booker-T. “When you are sleeping, you can't hear yourself snoring.”
“I just know,” sighed Jake. “So, what are you guys doing?”
“Nothing,” said Midge.

Midge's Announcment

Jake walked to Midge's house and hurried through the gate. Booker-T was sitting there talking about something that looked serious.
“What are you two doing?” asked Jake.
“I'm running for president, Jake,” said Midge.
“President of what?” asked Jake. “A dog club?”
“No, Jake,” said Midge. “It is much better than that. I'm going to be the president of the United States.”

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Petting Zoo

Midge and Booker-T walked to Jake's house and strolled through the gate into the yard. They found Jake sitting on the porch staring into space.
“Hey Jake!” called Midge. “What are you doing?”
“I'm waiting for you two to come,” said Jake.
“How did you know we were coming here?” asked Booker-T.
“You always come here,” laughed Jake.
“Ha ha,” said Booker-T.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Motorcycle Race

“Zoom, Zoom,” said Midge as she walked around the front porch and the front yard.
Booker-T entered the gate and stood watching her.
“Zoom, Zoom,” sang Midge. “I'm motorcycle Midge. Zoom Zoom.”
“What are you doing?” asked Booker-T as he walked up to the front porch.
“I'm riding my motorcycle and singing my song,” said Midge.
“What motorcycle?” asked Booker-T. “And what song?”

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Hello Everyone

  Hello Every one.. hope everyone is doing great..
    Sorry for the late posting of the new story.  Our story writer had a friend
in the hospital who had to have heart surgery so she had been at the hospital.

    Hope you all are enjoying the stories. 

    Take care always.

      Jake and Midge


Jake, Midge and Booker-T strolled along the sidewalk to the zoo building where they transferred the animals to bigger zoos. As they neared the building, Midge noticed construction going on close by.
“What are they making Jake?” asked Midge as they walked to where a large sign stood. “what does it say, Jake?”
“They are making a petting zoo,” read Jake. “It says they will have baby goats, lambs, pot bellied pigs, a little donkey and a small horse. It says for all the kids to come and visit when they open.”
“What is a pot bellied pig?” asked Booker-T. “Don't all pigs have a big belly?”
“I don't know why,” said Jake. “It will be fun to see the animals.”
“Why do they call it a petting zoo?” asked Booker-T.

Friday, July 5, 2019

The Square Box

Jake started walking along the sidewalk on his way to Midge's house. In the road, he found a square box with a handle on it. He pushed the bow with his paws, but the box would not open. He poked it with his nose and nothing happened. He stood there looking at the box and walked around it staring at it.
“I wonder what is in the box,” thought Jake as he tried to pick up the box by he handle.
It made a little sound and he stood a minute and looked at it, moving his head side to side. He picked up the box by the hand and held on tight as he started his walk to Midge's house. He came through the gate and found Midge sitting on the porch.
“What is that you have?” asked Midge.

Monday, July 1, 2019

The Backup Plan

Midge and Booker-T strolled along the sidewalk on their way to Jake's house.
“You are really quiet today, Midge,” said Booker-T. “Are you okay?”
“I'm good,” said Midge. “My owner's little niece is coming to visit this weekend. I wonder if Jake will let me stay at his house?”
“You don't like her niece?” asked Booker-T.
“She likes to pull my ears and my tail,” said Midge. “And it hurts. Why do little humans like to pull dog's ears and tails?”
“I don't know,” said Booker-T. “Maybe because they don't know it hurts. My owner's nephew likes to carry me around. I feel like a sack of beans.”

Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Sky is a Stage

Midge sat on the front porch, staring at the clouds as they slowly moved across the sky. Some seemed to form shapes and Midge watched to see what images would appear.
“What are you doing Midge?” asked Booker-T as he sat down beside her.
“I'm watching the clouds,” said Midge. “What do you see in the sky?”
“I see white clouds,” said Booker-T.
“I see a white horse over there,” said Midge pointing to the big cloud above her.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Father's Day

    Father's day is coming...

  Happy Father's day to all the fathers out there 

 from the characters at Jake and Midge

       Enjoy our little adventures ....   Love all our fans from around the world.... 


It's an Emergency

Midge and Booker-T ran into Jake's front yard and hurried to the porch where he was laying on the swing.
“Jake!” shouted Midge. “Jake! Wake up! It's an emergency!”
Jake jumped up and stretched trying to get awake. “What is an emergency? What happened? Are you okay?”
“The space aliens have really landed Jake,” said Midge. “They are near my house. Come on lets go.”
“Aliens aren't real, Midge,” laughed Jake.
“The little space aliens are real, Jake,” said Booker-T. “I saw them. Lets hurry!”

Friday, June 7, 2019

Watching Television

Midge looked around the room for the television remote. “Do you see it Jake?”
“See what?” asked Jake. “What are you looking for?”
“The TV remote,” said Midge.
Jake glanced around the room. “I don't see it anywhere.”
“There's the TV,” said Booker-T. “Did your owner hide the remote?”
“I don't think so,” said Midge. “It is here somewhere. She used it last night.”

Sunday, June 2, 2019

A Lot of Rain

Midge came out of the bedroom and leaped into the chair next to Snappy's tank.
“Why so sad looking this morning?” asked Snappy.
“Did you see what it is doing outside?” sighed Midge. “It's raining cats and dogs.”
Snappy climbed on the big long in his tank and peered outside. He sat there looking up and down and side to side. He then turned around and looked at Midge with a puzzled look.
“What is wrong Snappy?” asked Midge.
“I looked all over out there,” said Snappy. “I don't see any cats and dogs falling from the sky. I only see lots of water.”

Friday, May 24, 2019

A Nice Home

“Midge!” called Booker-T as he poked his head through her doggie door. “Where are you?”
“Hi Booker-T,” smiled Midge as she entered the kitchen. “Come on in and say hi to Snappy before we go to Jake's house.”
“Okay,” said Booker-T as he crawled the rest of the way into the kitchen.
He followed Midge to the living room and leaped into the chair beside Snappy's tank which sat on a table near the window.
“Hey there Snappy,” said Booker-T.
“Hi Booker-T,” smiled Snappy. “What are you doing? Good to see you.”

Friday, May 17, 2019

The Dark Figure

Jake sat on his front porch watching the kids across the street playing on their swings and the big trampoline. They were laughing and sometimes singing. The night was slowly moving in as the moon and stars began to appear in the sky. He closed his eyes and made a wish.
“What did you wish for Jake?” asked Midge.
“Hi Midge,” smiled Jake. “What are you doing here in the evening time?”
“My owner is working late today so I took a walk but time for me to go back home,” said Midge.
“Okay,” said Jake. “I guess I was wishing to see a space alien. You keep talking about them so I want to see one.”

Friday, May 10, 2019

A Space Ship Landed

Midge and Booker-T walked along the sidewalk to Jake's house. When they turned the corner, they saw something very big sitting in the yard across the street from Jake's house.
“Do you think the space aliens have landed?” whispered Midge. “Lets get Jake.”
They hurried through the gate and ran to the porch. Midge couldn't control herself. She was jumping up and down and very excited.
“Jake, Jake!” screamed Midge. “The aliens have landed from space.”

Friday, May 3, 2019

The Explanation

Midge crawled out her doggie door and hurried to Booker-T's house. As she entered the yard, she called out to him. “Booker-T!” called Midge. “Where are you? Are you still sleeping?”
“I'm awake,” replied Booker-T as he crawled through his doggie door and met Midge outside. “what are you doing?”
“Let's go to Jake's house,” said Midge.
“What do you want to do today?” asked Booker-T.
“I want to do something that is fun,” said Midge. “Humans always have lot of fun and I want to do something fun too.”

Friday, April 26, 2019

The Big Silver Object from the Sky

Midge was in the back yard when she heard a loud noise. She looked around the yard and didn't see anything that would make the noise she heard. The noise got louder and louder when suddenly across the back alley a huge silver object came down in the field. Midge jumped up ad ran to Booker-T's house next door.
“Booker-T!” called Midge. “Booker-T! Where are you? Booker-T!”
Booker-T crawled out of the house through the doggie door.
“Did you hear that noise?” asked Midge.
“What was that Midge?” asked Booker-T.
“I don't know,” said Midge.
“Did you see anything?” asked Booker-T.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Easter from Jake and Midge



Friday, April 19, 2019

The Owner's New Toy

Midge stood in the chair next to Snappy's tank and watched as her owner drove away going to work.
“What are you doing?” asked Snappy? “Are Jake and Booker-T coming to the house?”
“Yes,” said Midge. “they will come and say hi when they get here.”
“Hi Midge,” said Booker-T as he entered the room. “I saw your owner drive away so I came in.”
“Hi Booker-T,” smiled Midge. “Did you see Jake out there?”
“Not yet,” said Booker-T as he leaped into the other chair. “Hi Snappy.”
“Hey there Booker-T,” smiled Snappy. “What are you guys going to do today?”

Friday, April 12, 2019

The Story

Midge sat on the front porch staring at the ground in deep thought.
“The sky was getting dark as the heavy rain clouds moved in,” said Midge.
“What rain clouds?” asked Booker-T when he walked to the porch and heard her talking to her self. “I don't see any clouds in the blue sky, do you?”
“That's the beginning of my story,” smiled Midge. “Don't you think it sounds good?”
“You tried story writing before,” said Booker-T. “You still can't type it up and sent to someone to publish it.”
“Gabby is going to help me this time,” said Midge.
“Gabby is going to help you do what?” asked Jake when he walked up and joined Midge and Booker-T on the porch.

Friday, April 5, 2019

The Stuffed Dog

Jake met Booker-T at his fence gate on the way to Midge's house.
“Hi Booker-T,” greeted Jake. “What are you doing?”
“I was waiting for you,” said Booker-T.
“Lets go,” said Jake as he started walking along the sidewalk, the short distance to Midge's house.
They entered the yard and found Midge sitting on the porch next to a stuffed dog.
“Where did you get the stuffed dog?” asked Booker-T.
“My owner's niece left it here last night when she came for dinner with her mom,” said Midge.
“What are you doing with it?” asked Booker-T.
“I want to be one of those ventoquists,” said Midge.
“A what?” asked Jake.
“A ventoquists” said Midge.
“What is a ventoquist?” asked Booker-T.
“They all have dummies,” said Midge. “And they make the dummies talk.”
“Oh!” said Jake. That is a ventriloquist.”
“I was close,” said Midge.
“You don't know how to do that,” said Jake. "How are you going to make it talk?"
“I can learn,” said Midge. “Watch.”
Midge picked up the stuffed dog and set it on the ground next to her.
“Hello Jake,” said Midge trying to disguise her voice.
“Your mouth moved Midge,” said Booker-T. “ Don't ventriloquists talk without without moving their mouths?”
“Yes” said Jake. “You need a lot of practice, Midge,” 
  "I can practice," said Midge.
“Why do you want to be a ventriloquist?” asked Jake. “You can't do it for the humans to see because they don't understand anything when we say.”
“I can do it for our animal friends,” said Midge. “They will think I'm really smart and funny when I make the stuffed dog talk.”
“But you can't move your mouth Midge,” said Jake. “And you have to sound different.”
“I will practice every day,” said Midge. “With the stuffed dog.”
“Won't your owner's niece want her stuffed dog back?' asked Booker-T.
“Maybe,” sighed Midge. “Maybe if I carry it around all the time and sleep with it, my owner will buy me one.”
“You could try that,” agreed Jake. “Without the stuffed dog, you can't be a ventriloquist.”
“Can we go to the little zoo place or go the park now?” asked Booker-T.
“You can practice later,” said Jake.
“Who's that?” asked Booker-T when he saw a blue car pull up in front of the house.
“That's my owner's sister,” sighed Midge. “Maybe she came to get the stuffed dog.”
The woman saw the stuffed dog sitting on the porch next to Midge and walked to the house to get the dog.
“Hi Midge,” said the woman as she picked up the stuffed dog and patted Midge on the head.
“Well, Midge,” said Booker-T. “There gores your stuffed dummy dog.”
“Will you be my dummy Booker-T?” asked Midge.
“I don't want to be a dummy,” said Booker-T shaking his head.
“You can pretend,” suggested Midge. “I want to be a ventriloquist.”
“I think maybe your have to find something else to do,” said Jake.
“Why don't you just be a dog,” said Booker-T. “Don't you like being a dog?”
“But I want to be a famous dog,” said Midge.
“You are famous to Booker-T and me,” said Jake. “You do a lot of things and you are really good at begging for food for us.”
“Midge, the famous begging dog,” laughed Booker-T.
“Very funny!” sighed Midge. “Lets go to the zoo building”

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Pizza Galore

Midge crawled out through the doggie door and ran next door to Booker-T's house.
“Booker-T!” called Midge. “Where are you?”
“I'm right here,” said Booker-T as he came around the corner of the house.
“Lets go,” said Midge.
“What is the hurry, Midge?” asked Booker-T.
“The pizza place opens today near Jake's house,” said Midge. "I want some pizza.”
“And how are we going to get some pizza?” asked Booker-T. “We can't walk in and buy it.”
“I know that,” smiled Midge. “We can sneak in with some people and sit near the counter and beg.”
“They will just kick us out,” said Booker-T. “They won't let us in the place.”
“We can sit at the window with our little noses pressed against the glass,” suggested Midge.
“They might get angry if we mess up their clean window,” said Booker-T.
“We will think of something,” said Midge. “Remember that hot dog place that gave us some hot dogs for dancing?”
“I remember,” said Booker-T. “Do you think they will give us some pizza for a dance?”
“We can try,”s aid Midge.
They hurried along the sidewalk to Jake's house and entered the yard. Jake was napping on the porch swing.
“Hey Jake!” called Midge. “Wake up, Jake. I want some pizza.”
“Hi Midge,” greeted Jake as he sat up in the swing. “Look what I found.”
“What is it?” asked Booker-T. “Looks like a piece of paper with a picture of a pizza on it.”
“It is what my owner calls a coupon,” said Jake. “It is for one free pizza.”
“Can we use it?” asked Midge.
“We can try,” said Jake. “ They can only say no.”
“I sure don't like that word,” said Midge. “I really want some pizza. Lets go try.”
Jake gave the coupon to Midge who carried it carefully in her mouth as they went around the corner to the new Pizza Galore place.
“Look Jake,” said Midge. “There are many humans lined up outside the place. We can sneak in with some of them.”
They walked close to the door and watched as the humans entered the door to get their pizzas.
“Lets go, Jake,” said Midge as she got behind a woman and her two little boys.
They followed them to the counter and Midge sat in front holding the coupon in her teeth.
“Lady,” said the man behind the counter. “You can't bring your dogs and cat in here.”
She looked behind her and saw Jake, Midge and Booker-T sitting there waiting.
“They aren't my animals, sir,” said the lady. “I don't know who they are.”
The counter man asked, “Do these animals belong to anyone here?”
“No one answered. Midge sat up on her hind legs still holding the small coupon for the free pizza.
“Hey look,” said a young girl. “The dog has a coupon for the free pizza.”
“Isn't that cute,” said her mother. “They want pizza. Why not just give them a pizza and maybe they will go home. They do have a coupon for it.”
The young man took a small pizza and put it into a box and reached out with it to the dogs. Jake gabbed the box and the three hurried out the door as he heard someone say. “I bet someone trained them to do that, They were really smart.”
Jake smiled as they left the pizza place with their free pizza. They carried the box to Jake's house where they enjoyed the free pizza.

Friday, March 22, 2019

The Lost Bow

Jake and Booker-T walked together to Midge's house. They stood for a moment at the gate and watched Midge pacing back and forth across the porch. She seemed really nervous about something.
They slowly walked toward Midge, who was now searching the front yard.
“What are you doing Midge?” asked Jake.
“I lost my pretty pink ribbon bow, Jake,” said Midge. “My owner won't be happy with me.”
“Where did you see it last?” asked Jake.

Friday, March 15, 2019

The Park Express

Jake was napping on the porch swing when Midge and Booker-T entered the yard through the gate.
“Hey Jake,” called Midge as she ran to the front porch. “What are you doing?”
“I'm taking a nap,” said Jake.
“Why?” asked Midge.
“Why not?” asked Jake.
“Don't you want to play?” asked Booker-T.
“Play what?” asked Jake.
“Why are you asking me questions?” asked Midge.
“Because you are asking me questions,” smiled Jake.
“We should go for a swim Jake,” suggested Midge. “Soon they are going to take the pond out of the park.”
“They aren't going to take it out,” said Jake.
“Gabby said they were going to take it out,” said Midge.
“They are going to take it out only for a little while,” said Jake. “They are going to make it a bigger and better pond for everyone at the park.”
“Okay,” said Midge. “That will be good, right?”
“Yes, Midge,” said Jake. “It will be good for everyone.”
“Well, do you want to go for a swim?” asked Midge. “It is warmer today. I think winter is all gone now.”
“Do you want to swim Booker-T?” asked Jake.
“Sure,” agreed Booker-T. “Lets go.”
The three left the yard and started along the sidewalk. When they reached the park, they looked both ways at the street and then hurried into the park.
“Why are they putting train tracks in the park?” asked Midge as they entered the park.
“I don't know,” replied Jake. “They weren't here the other day.”
“Is there a sign somewhere?” asked Booker-T.
“I don't know,” said Jake. “Lets follow the tracks and see where it goes.”
They followed the tracks past the pond and the picnic area and found a small building that looked a little like a train station.
“Over there Jake,” said Booker-T. “I see the big sign.”
“I see,” said Jake as he walked toward the sign.
“What does it say?” asked Midge.
“It says the Park Express,” said Jake. “It goes all the way around the park.”
“We can ride the train when we come to the park,” said Midge.
“That will be fun,” said Booker-T.
“I like to ride the train,” said Midge. "Why are they putting in the train?" 
“On this sign, it shows there will be three stations around the park,” said Jake. “So humans can get on and go from one area of the park to another.”
“Where are the stations?' asked Booker-T.
“It says one will be at the picnic area, one at the pond and one near the street corner where we enter the park,” said Jake.
“Does it say when the train will be ready for humans to ride?” asked Midge.
“It says the Park Express will be complete,” said Jake. “At the end of May.”
“Wow,” said Booker-T. “That will be nice when the humans come to see the summer shows and swim in the pond and have their picnics.”
“So almost two months it will be ready,” said Jake.
“They are really making the park nice,” said Midge.  "When they start running the train, we need to come ride it."
“Every where in the town they are building stuff,” said Booker-T. “It is really changing. Soon, we will have a bigger town.”
“Guess what they are building near that little cafe,” said Jake.
“What?” asked Midge.
“A Pizza cafe,” said Jake. “I like pizza.
“Me too,” said Midge. “When it is ready, we have to go and beg for some pizza like we did at the other little cafe.”
“We have two more weeks to wait,” said Jake.
“We can wait,” smiled Midge. “We have two weeks to think of a way to beg for the pizza.”
"Oh boy," said Booker-T.  "I like pizza too. Think really hard Midge." 
"Come on," said Jake.  "Lets think about it later and now lets go swimming." 

Friday, March 8, 2019

I Can Be Anything I Want to Be

Jake and Booker-T walked through the gate at Midge's house. She was sitting on the porch looking at her feet.
“What's wrong with your feet?” asked Jake as he sat down with Midge on the porch.
“Can you stand on your toes?” asked Midge.
“I don't think so,” said Jake. “I never tried to stand on them. I think that would be hard to do.”
“You are right Jake. That is too hard to do,” said Booker-T.
“Why do you want to stand on your toes?” asked Jake.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Jake's Discovery

Booker-T walked through the gate at Midge's house, but Midge wasn't on the front porch as usual. He quickly walked to the back yard and stuck his head into the doggie door. He didn't see Midge in the kitchen, so crawled into the house to look for her.
He entered the living room and ran to the stuffed chair next to the tank where Snappy lived.. He leaped into the chair and put his paws on the tank.
“Hey there Snappy,” greeted Booker-T.
“Hi Booker-T,” smiled Snappy. “What are you doing?”
“I was looking for Midge,” replied Booker-T.
“She is still sleeping,” said Snappy.
“Wow,” said Booker-T. “She is sleeping late today. That isn't like Midge.”
“She was up late last night watching a movie with our owner,” said Snappy.
“What movie did they watch?” asked Booker-T.
“I don't know,” smiled Snappy. “I crawled under my log and went to sleep.”
“Good,” said Booker-T.
“What are you and Midge going to do today?: asked Snappy.
“I don't know yet,” said Booker-T. “I have to wait and talk to Midge and Jake and we will decide.”
“Midge always has ideas,” laughed Snappy. “But she always wants to do human things.”
Midge came wandering out of the bedroom and saw Booker-T standing on the chair talking to Snappy.
“Hey Booker-T!” said Midge. “What are you doing?”
“I'm waiting on you,” answered Booker-T. “You slept late today.”
“I know,” smiled Midge. “I was watching a movie with my owner last night so I slept longer this morning.”
“Was it a good movie?” asked Booker-T.
“Yes,” said Midge. “It was called The Journey Home, or something like that. These animals were making a trip to go back home.”
“Where were they?” asked Booker-T.
“I don't know,” said Midge. “But they had to go a long way to get home and so much happened to them along the way. It was a happy ending and they all made it home.”
“I like happy endings,” said Booker-T.
“Me too,” said Midge. “My owner cries when it ends happy.”
“Why does she cry when it is a happy ending?” asked Booker-T. “Does she laugh if it is a sad ending?”
“No,” said Midge. “She cries when it is sad too.”
“Does she laugh at any movies?” asked Booker-T.
“Sure,” aid Midge. “she laughs at funny movies.”
Jake entered the room where Booker-T and Midge were talking about crying and laughing at movies.
“Hey you guy,” said Jake. “What are you doing?”
“We were talking about moves,” answered Midge. “What are you doing?”
“I came looking for you,” said Jake. “I thought you were coming to my house.”
“Midge slept late,” said Booker-T. “What did you bring with you?”
“It's a big bone,” said Jake. “I found it in my back yard last night.”
“Wow,” said Midge. “It is really big. Do you think it is a dinosaur bone?”
“I don't know,” said Jake. “I tried to chew on it and it is too hard to chew.”
“Maybe it is alien bone,” suggested Booker-T. “We don't know how big they are.”
“You are always hoping for space aliens,” laughed Jake. “Just like Midge.”
“I think they are real, Jake,” said Midge. “ We just haven't seen one yet.”
“Maybe they are and maybe they aren't,”said Jake.
“Maybe one day we will know for sure,” said Booker-T.
“I can't wait,” said Midge. “I do like your really big bone. “Maybe it is a dinosaur bone.”

Thursday, February 21, 2019

The Movie Song

Midge was walking around the front yard bouncing up and down and singing. “I'm an old cowhand, from the Rio Grande.”
Booker-T came into the yard and stood watching her, trying not to laugh too much.
“I can rope and ride,” sang Midge as she turned around and saw Booker-T standing there. “What are you doing over there?”
“I was watching you,” laughed Booker-T. “You are funny.”
“I was singing,” said Midge.
“Why were you bouncing up and down?” asked Booker-T.
“I was riding my horse,” said Midge.
“I don't see a horse,” said Booker-T. “Is it invisible?”
“It is a pretend horse,” said Midge.
“How do you ride a pretend horse?” asked Booker-T.
“You pretend you are riding a pretend horse,” said Midge.
“You are confusing me, stated Booker-T, tilting his head and staring at her.
“I'm singing a song, pretending to ride a horse,” said Midge. “But there is no real horse. I am only pretending that there is a horse. Little kids do it all the time.”
“Why are you singing about a cow if you are pretending to ride a horse?' asked Booker-T.
“I'm not singing about a cow,” replied Midge.
“You said you were a cow hand,” said Booker-T. “I heard you say it.”
“I know,” said Midge. “But that's not about cows and cows don't have hands.”
“Okay,” said Booker-T. “Then what is a cow hand?”
“It is a man who rides a horse and takes care of the cows,” said Midge.
“So,” said Booker-T. “It is about cows and cow hands.”
“What are you guys doing?” asked Jake as he entered the front yard.”
“Midge was singing a funny song,” said Booker-T.
“She does that a lot,” laughed Jake.
“But this time she was pretending to ride a pretend horse,” said Booker-T.
“What were you singing this time?” asked Jake.
“I'm an old cowhand,” sang Midge. “From the Rio Grande.”
“That was from a cowboy movie, I think,” said Jake. “I remember my owner watched it one night.”
“Mine too,” said Midge. “She likes those western movies.”
“My owner likes mystery movies,” said Booker-T. “I never heard anyone singing in them. Only weird music sometimes when something is going to happen.”
“My owner likes the mysteries too,” said Jake. “She watches all kind of movies. But she don't like the real scary ones.”
“Mine too,” said Midge. “But her little nephew's favorite movies are cowboy movies so when he is at the house, there is always a cowboy movie on the TV or cartoons for him.”
“My owner's nephew likes the cartoons best of all,” said Jake. “His favorite cartoon is Mighty Mouse. Remember that song. Here I come to save the day! Which means that Mighty Mouse is on the way.”
“I like that one too,” said Booker-T.
“Have you ever seen a strong mouse, Booker-T?” asked Midge.
“No,” said Booker-T. “Only Mighty Mouse. I like to watch cartoons. They are funny. Popeye is strong too. He eats spinach.”
“How about Tom and Jerry?” asked Midge. “Have you ever seen them?”
“Who are Tom and Jerry?” asked Booker-T.  "I never heard of them.”
“Tom is a big cat and Jerry is a little mouse,” said Midge.
“Oh, I know them,” said Jake. “Tom is a dumb cat always trying to catch Jerry who is always teasing Tom. They are so funny.”
“Cat's aren't dumb,” sighed Booker-T.
“I know that,” said Midge. “We know you are really smart and a little mouse couldn't fool you.”
“It is only a cartoon,” said Jake.
“That's right,” said Midge. “Tom pretends to be dumb. He really is smart. I pretend to ride a pretend horse and Tom pretends to be dumb.”
Booker-T just smiled.  "Maybe I will pretend to be a dog." 
They all laughed. 

Thursday, February 14, 2019

The Flying Mouse

The three friends sat in front of the entrance to the Flying Mouse ride as people lined up with their kids to ride the mouse. Each car looked like a big mouse.
“Why do they call it a flying mouse?” asked Booker-T. “There are no wings on it.”
“It looks like a Roller Coaster car, but it's the only a car,” said Jake.
“Lets see what it does,” said Midge.
The little mouse car took off and raced around the track, high above the people as they stood below and watched it go around.
“How can we get on it?” asked Booker-T. “I don't think we will be able to ride this one.”
“Maybe when there is only one person in the car, we can jump in with him,” said Jake. “I think that is going to be the only way we can.”
They slowly walked up the steps to the platform where the people were waiting. They saw only a few kids now. Then there was one kid left. “This will be our chance,” said Jake.
The little boy got into the car. They watched the man put his hands on the controls and they ran and leaped into the car as it began to move.
“OH!” said the little boy as the car was moving. “What are you doing in here?”
Midge looked up at the boy and nudged his knees. The car started moving faster and faster as it went around the track. Jake and Midge sat on the seat with the boy and watched as the car raced around the track. When it reached the top of the track, suddenly it dropped slightly and the speed became slightly faster. As it got to the corner of the track, it made a quick turn and the little boy grabbed hold of Jake. Midge slid off the seat and was sitting on the floor in front of the little boy. “Jake!” screamed Midge. “We are going to fly off the track!”
The nose of the car stuck way out front and from inside the car, it looked as if the car would fly off the track. Then suddenly it turned again and went around another corner.
“Jake!” said Booker-T. “This is too scary! When is it going to stop?”
“Maybe soon,” said Jake. “Why are you hiding on the floor Midge?”
“Booker-T is right,” said Midge. This ride is fast and scary. I'm ready to get off too.”
“Me too,” said Jake. “How do those little kids ride this mouse.”
“I think they are braver than I am,” said Midge.  "This is one human thing I don't want to do again." 
“Do you want to try the Merry-Go-Round again?” asked Jake."Maybe this time you can stay on top." 
“I don't think so,” said Midge. “After that wild ride, I'm ready to go home and take a nap. That ride wore me out.”
“Lets go to the food stands and try to beg for some food,” said Booker-T. “Or maybe some of the food that the kids dropped on the ground. I'm hungry.”
“Lets walk through that area on the way to the front gate,” said Jake. “I'm hungry too.”
The three wandered through the food area hoping to find or beg for some food. They saw some kids at a table eating hamburgers and sat down near the table to watch them eat. The kids ignored them and kept on eating.
“I'm tired, Jake,” sighed Midge. “Can we go to your house now and take a nap?”
“Okay, Midge,” said Jake. “Come on Booker-T, lets go home. I have a big bag of food we can eat some of it.”
They slowly went through the gate and hurried home. “I never want to ride the wild mouse again,” said Midge. "It is too scary." 
Jake and Booker-T laughed so hard they had to sit down a couple minutes before continuing home.

Friday, February 8, 2019

The Train

Jake, Midge and Booker-T walked across the street to the train station where many people were standing around waiting for the train to come into the station.
“I think they are waiting for the train to come,” said Midge. “I want to ride the train again, Jake.”
“We can't ride this train,” said Jake. “They will kick us off far from home if they find us on the train. I don't want to walk a long way to get home.”
“That's too far to walk,” said Booker-T. “My little legs would be so tired if we walked that far and we might get lost.”
“We can sneak into the amusement park and ride that train,” suggested Midge. “If they see us, we won't have a long way to walk home.”

Friday, February 1, 2019

The Pet Store

Midge and Booker-T hurried through the gate at Jake's house.
“Hey Jake!” called Midge. “What are you doing?”
“I'm sleeping,” sang Jake. “Can you see my eyes are closed.”
“No you aren't,” said Midge. “I see you peeking and I hear you answering me.”
“I was sleeping until you woke me up,” replied Jake. “What are you two doing?”
“We came to see you,” said Booker-T.
“Can you see me?' asked Jake.
“We see you,” said Midge. “Can you see us?”
“I sure can,” smiled Jake. “Now that we know we can see each other. What are you two up to this morning so early?”
“We want to do something,” said Midge.
“What do you want to do, Midge?” asked Jake. “It sounds like you have something in mind you want to do.”
“I want to go do the skateboard again,” said Midge. “I bet I can do it better this time.”
“It's too dangerous, Midge,” said Jake.
“You can get hurt on that thing,” said Booker-T. “You don't know how to control it when it goes down that ramp and you fall off.”
“Come on Jake,” said Midge. “Lets go to the skateboard ramp.”
“Lets go Jake,” said Booker-T. “You know she will whine until we go with her.”
“All right,” said Jake. “Lets go. Maybe we will be lucky and kids will be using the ramp.”
“Why is that lucky?” asked Midge.
“Because if they are using it, you can't use it,” said Jake. “And that will be lucky for you so you won't get hurt.”
“Did you see the skateboarding dog on TV Jake?' asked Midge. “My owner had the show on last night and that dog is good on the skateboard. I think I can do just as good as him.”
“I saw that too,” said Jake. “But he didn't go down any hills. He just rode the skateboard on flat ground. You want to go downhill with it and that's dangerous.”
“Maybe I will just ride it on the street,” said Midge. “I can do that okay.”
“Maybe there isn't a skateboard there for you to use,” said Booker-T. “Kids don't always leave them there.”
“Lets go see,” said Midge.
The three started along the sidewalk and around the corner, and Midge saw that they were building something.
“Lets go see what they are building, said Midge.
“I thought you wanted to go to the skateboard ramp,” said Jake.
“I do, but I want to see what they are building first,” said Midge.
They walked over to the construction site where they saw all kinds of trucks and men working.
“What does the sign say, Jake?” asked Booker-T.
“They are building a pet store,” said Jake.
“A pet store?' asked Midge. “Is that where pets go to shop?”
“We don't go shopping,” laughed Jake. “We don't even have any money to shop.”
“Then why are they building a pet store?' asked Booker-T.
“It is for the humans to go buy a pet or their pet's foods and toys and things,” said Jake.
“Why do they sell pets?' asked Midge. “ Did our owners buy us?”
“I don't know,” said Jake.
“Booker-T's owner didn't buy him,” said Midge. “He was free. What kind of pets do they sell?”
“They sell dogs, cats, birds and other kind,” said Jake.
“What kinds?” asked Booker-T.
“Sometimes snakes, mice, rabbits and spiders,” said Jake.
“They sell snakes and mice?” asked Midge. “Why?”
“I guess people want to buy them,” said Jake.
“Who wants to buy a mouse?' asked Booker-T.
“There are a lot of mice outside that they can get free,” said Midge.
“I think the ones they sell are better and they check them out for diseases,” said Jake. “The little boys next door to me had two little white mice, but they forgot and left the cage outside at night and they ran away, I think.”
“I hope a cat didn't get them,” sighed Midge. “Cats like to catch mice.”
“I don't,” said Booker-T. “You taught me to like everyone when I was homeless.”
“Why do people want to buy the pets when there are a lot of homeless animals they can help?”
“I don't know Midge,” said Jake. “I guess they want a certain kind of animal.”
“I think it is sad that a lot of animals don't have a home like we do,” said Midge. “Do they have shelters for all the homeless animals?”
“I think so,” said Jake. “People can go to them and get an animal to take home.”
“Can we go visit the animals there?” asked Midge.
“I don't think so,” said Jake.
“Why?” asked Booker-T.
“If they see us walking around in there, they might think we are homeless and put us in a cage,” said Jake.
“Oh,” said Midge. “I don't want to be in a cage. They might want to sell us to someone and our owners would not be happy.”
“Lets go to the skateboard ramp,” said Booker-T.
“Lets go watch the train,” said Jake. “We can all do that.”
“Which one?' asked Midge.
“The one near the zoo,” said Jake. “I like to watch that train.”
“Okay,” said Midge. “Maybe later we can go see the what animals are in the zoo building again.”
They hurried along the sidewalk to go watch the little train.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

I Can Win

Hey Booker-T!” called Midge as she entered the yard at his house. “Where are you?”
“Here I am,” said Booker-T as he came around the corner from the back yard. “What are you doing?”
“Lets go to Jake's house,” said Midge. “Come on Hurry.”
“What's the hurry?” asked Booker-T.
“Did you hear?” asked Midge.
“Hear what?” asked Booker-T.
“My owner had the news on last night and guess what?” said Midge.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

They Arrived in the Storm

Midge sat on the front porch watching the rain falling as the drops of rain bounced on the porch railings. Thunder boomed and broke the silence as large streaks of lightning flashed across the sky. Suddenly there was a very loud boom of thunder and Midge jumped and a bright light lit the front yard. In front of her stood a large round dome with what looked like dark windows. Midge stood up and stared at the object. It was a shiny chrome color and glistened in the bright flashes of lightning. She looked around and saw no one in the area.
As the rain fell heavier, the wind began blowing harder and harder.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

The Bouncing Fun

Jake, Midge and Booker-T left the zoo and started home to Jake's house. As they passed the house on the corner, Midge saw something standing in the back yard.
“Hey Jake,” said Midge. “What is that in the back yard?”
“I don't know,” said Jake.
“Are they home?” asked Booker-T.
“No,” said Jake. “I see them leave every morning and the don't come home til it gets dark outside.”
“Lets go see what it is,” said Midge. “It is really big.”

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Pokey the Sloth

Jake, Midge and Booker-T took a short nap in the new hammock at Jake's house before walking to the little zoo transfer building to check out this thing they call a sloth.
“What kind of animal is at the little zoo building now?” asked Booker-T.
“I don't know what it is,” said Midge. “I heard it was something called a sloth. When my owner was watching the news, the reporter said that everyone should go check out the sloth if anyone had never seen one before.”
“Did they say what it was?” asked Booker-T. “It is a funny name for an animal.”
“Lets go see what it is,” said Midge as she stood up in the hammock and walked to the edge to jump down.

Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T