Friday, April 12, 2019

The Story

Midge sat on the front porch staring at the ground in deep thought.
“The sky was getting dark as the heavy rain clouds moved in,” said Midge.
“What rain clouds?” asked Booker-T when he walked to the porch and heard her talking to her self. “I don't see any clouds in the blue sky, do you?”
“That's the beginning of my story,” smiled Midge. “Don't you think it sounds good?”
“You tried story writing before,” said Booker-T. “You still can't type it up and sent to someone to publish it.”
“Gabby is going to help me this time,” said Midge.
“Gabby is going to help you do what?” asked Jake when he walked up and joined Midge and Booker-T on the porch.

“I'm writing another story, Jake,” said Midge. “How does this sound Jake? 'The sky was getting dark as the heavy rain clouds moved in to the area.”
“How is Gabby going to help with that?” asked Jake. “He can't write.”
“I will tell him the story and he will type it into the computer with his beak,” smiled Midge. “Don't you think that is a good idea?”
“Big problem Midge,” said Jake. “You don't have a computer.”
“That is a big problem,” agreed Booker-T. “You need a computer.”
“My owner got a new one two days ago,” said Midge. “Come on and I will show you.”
Jake and Booker-T followed Midge to the back yard and they crawled into the house through the doggie door. When they entered the living room, they saw a new desk in the corner of the room with a laptop and printer set up there.
“Isn't this nice, Jake?” asked Midge. “It looks really nice.”
“Yes,” said Jake. “This is nice, but is your owner going to be okay with Gabby's beak pecking on the keyboard?”
“I don't know,” said Midge. “Maybe not, but we will do it when she isn't home and Gabby will be careful. Maybe when Gabby types it in for me and my owner sees the good story she will have it printed and send it to a magazine. Then I will be a famous author.”
“Midge, why do you want to be famous?” asked Booker-T. “Animals don't write stories. Humans write stories about animals. Remember Lassie? She wasn't famous for writing stories. She was famous because some human wrote about her.”
“I have a good idea for a story,” said Midge. “Maybe Lassie had a good story too.”
“She saved animals and humans so someone wrote about it,” said Jake.
“Not everyone can be famous, Midge,” said Booker-T. “Our owners are not famous humans and we love them the way they are. They will love us the way we are, happy animals.”
“You are right, Booker-T,” said Jake. “Don't you think he is right, Midge?”
Midge sat down a moment, thinking about what Booker-T said. She had not thought about it that way before.
“Booker-T,” said Midge. “I know you are right. You are a smart little cat.”
“Oh,” said Booker-T. “And you are a smart little dog.”
“I'm a medium dog,” said Midge. “Jose is a little dog and Jake is a big dog.”
“Who is Jose?” asked Booker-T.
“Remember the little chihuahua my owner's brother has?” asked Midge. “That is Jose. He is a small dog.”
“Don't they have big cats?” asked Booker-T.
“Sure,” smiled Jake. “They call them tigers.”
“I knew there was a reason I liked tigers,” smiled Booker-T. “They are a big version of me.”
“You have a very big heart, Midge,” said Jake. “You can be famous for that. And you love all of us animals whether we are dogs, cats, birds, lizards, frogs or anything. You are always good to all of them. You even found Snappy and Booker-T a good home.”
“Maybe one day someone will want to write a story about you and your big heart,” said Booker-T.
“They could call the story, 'Midge and her fabulous heart,'” said Midge. “I can be famous like Lassie.”
“Maybe you will be one day,” said Booker-T. “And Jake and I will be in your story because we are your best friends.”
Midge smiled and nodded her head.

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Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T