Friday, December 6, 2019

Down on the Farm

Midge, Jake and Booker-T walked from the little pond to where the cows are in the barn area. Standing in the area, near the red barn, they saw several cows talking to each other and the horses were running around the field. Midge, Jake and Booker-T, crawled under the fence and walked to where the cows were standing.
"Hi everyone," greeted Midge. "Remember us?"
They turned to look toward the visitors.

"Hi Midge," said Betsy. "I remember you. You helped us with Bert, the Bull."
"Is Bert good to you now?" asked Jake. "He sure is a big bull."
"And very strong," said Betsy.
"He is nice to us now," said Daisy.
"What are you doing?" asked Betsy.
"We came to the country to see you and the horses," said Booker-T.
"Did you fall in our pond?" asked Daisy. "You look all wet, Midge."
"Midge fell into the wet cement," laughed Jake.
"How did you do that?" asked Daisy.
"I was going to touch the concrete to see if it was wet and my other feet slipped and I fell in," sighed Midge.
'Were you hurt?" asked Betsy.
"No, said Midge. "I was just covered in concrete and had to wash it off. I used your pond."
"What to see what we have in the barn?" asked Daisy.
"Sure," smiled Midge. "What do you have?"
"Lets go see," said Booker-T.
They followed Daisy and Betsy into the barn and walked to a large pen at the back of the barn. They got close to the pen and saw the baby calves.
"Aw," signed Midge. "There are two baby cows."
"They are so cute," smiled Booker-T. "What are their names?"
"This one is Typsy," said Daisy. "And this one is called Sammy,"
"Why is her name Typsy?" asked Midge. "That's a funny name."
"Because when she was born," said Daisy. "She kept falling down when she tried to stand up and walked like she had been drinking."
"Are they your babies?' asked Midge of Betsy.
"Typsy is mine," said Daisy. "And Sammy is Molly's little one."
"Where is Molly?" asked Booker-T.
"Molly took a break and went for a walk in the field along the small creek. She will be back soon," said Betsy.
"Hi there Typsy," greeted Midge.
"Hi," smiled Typsy.
"You are a cute little baby cow," said Midge. "You are almost as big as she is Jake."
"She will grow up fast," said Betsy.
"Do you have baby cows?" asked Midge.
"I did," said Betsy. "But they are all grown up now and went to live on another farm up the road."
"I like the baby cows," smiled Booker-T. "They are so cute."
"Do you have to stay in the pen all the time?" asked Jake.
"They will come outside in a few days," said Daisy. "They were just born 2 days ago."
"Wow," said Midge. "I couldn't walk for about three weeks when i was born. They are already standing up and walking around a little."
"Why are baby cows better than we are?" asked Booker-T.
"I don't know," said Jake. "I remember being wobbly when I tried to walk."
"Me too," said Booker-T.
"Can they play with us?" asked Midge. "Maybe we can run around the field together."
"Maybe when they get a little more steady on the feet, they can run with you," smiled Betsy.
"Something you can look forward to Midge," said Jake.
"They are so cute," said Midge. "I like it in the country."

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Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T