Friday, December 20, 2019

Christmas Time

“Hey Booker-T!" called Jake as he stopped at the gate on his way to Midge's house. "Where are you?"
"Hi Jake," said Booker-T as he ran around to the front yard. "What are you doing?"
"Lets go see Midge," said Jake.
They hurried to Midge's house and entered the yard and found Midge sitting on the front porch.
"What are you doing, Midge?" asked Jake.
"I am just sitting here looking at the porch," said Midge.
"Why?" asked Jake.
"I'm looking at the lights all along the top of the porch and along the roof," said Midge. "Aren't they pretty?"

"When did your owner put up the lights?" asked Jake.
"Her brother came to the house last night and hung them out," said Midge.
"Do they look pretty when they are lit up?" asked Booker-T.
"Didn't you see them when he turned them on last night?" asked Midge.
"No," said Booker-T. "I was in the house and didn't look out the window."
"What is your owner going to do for Christmas?" asked Midge.
"I think she is going to her sister's house for dinner and spend the night on Christmas Eve," said Booker-T.
"What is she going to do with you?" asked Midge. "Do you have to stay home alone?"
"I think so," said Booker-T. "She will leave me water and food and I will enjoy the quiet."
"Booker-T, you can come to my house," said Midge. "My owner is having dinner here at the house so her brother and sister-in-law and nephew are coming here."
"I can do that," said Booker-T. "Do you think your owner won't mind."
"She will be busy with everyone so she won't mind," said Midge. "What are you going to do, Jake?"
"I think my owner is taking me to her cousin's farm for a couple of days and I will have her two dogs to run around with, I will miss you all when I go. I wish you two could come with me."
"Thanks Jake," smiled Midge. "Booker-T and I will have fun watching everyone open presents and we will beg for some of that good turkey my owner cooks."
"My owner loves The Christmas time," said Booker-T.
"Mine too," said Midge.
"Mine does too," said Jake. "Last year her cousin and family came to our house so this year, we have to go to theirs."
"My owner has a big family and they all won't fit in our small house, so she always goes to one of their houses for Thanksgiving and Christmas," said Booker-T. "But I don't mind. There are too many kids running around that day and I would get stepped on, so I like staying home. She brings me some of the turkey bones to chew on when she comes back."
"I love turkey," said Midge. "But she won't give me the bones."
"Why?" asked Jake.
"She is afraid I might get one stuck in my throat," said Midge.
"What do you want for Christmas this year?" asked Booker-T.
"I want a new ball to play with and some snacks," said Midge.
"I want some snacks too," said Jake and a new sweater."
"What do you want Booker-T?" asked Midge.
"I want some catnip and snacks and a new collar," said Booker-T.
"I wish we could buy something for our owners," said Midge.
"I know," said Jake. "They keep buying us things and we can't give them anything .. That's sad."
"But we are just animals," sighed Midge. "What can we do?"
"Can you think of something?" asked Booker-T.
"I don't know," said Midge. "I wish we could be a human for one day and could buy something nice for our owners."
"I don't think we will ever be human," said Jake.
"Does your owner have any clothes she don't wear anymore?" asked Midge.
"I never see her wear her long socks anymore," said Booker-T.
"Same with mine," said Jake.
"Maybe we can take one of their socks and drop in a colorful bag they have and carry it in and give it to them," suggested Midge.
"That might be a good idea," agreed Jake.
"Lets do it," said Booker-T. "I'm excited."
A week before Christmas, they all gathered at Jake's house.
"Did you get the long socks?" asked Booker-T. "I found a pair of red ones in her bottom drawer."
"I got a pretty pair of grey ones," said Jake.
"And I found a pair of black one with white trim on the top," said Midge. "Where are we going to get a pretty bag to put them in?"
"Here are some bags I found inside on my owner's desk," said Jake. "I got us each one."
They each took a bag and with their paws and mouth, they got the bags open and dropped in the socks.
"This will be fun," smiled Midge. " like getting presents and this will be nice to give our owners a present too this year."
"Midge and Booker-T carried their little bags home and placed them under the tree. On Christmas morning, they each grabbed their bags to give to their owner. Midge jumped on the sofa next to her owner and placed the bag in her lap and stared at her owner.
"What have you got Midge?" said her owner as she opened the bag. "Oh, nice. A pair of my socks. Thank you Midge."
Booker-T jumped into her owners lap and laid the bag next to her.
"What are you doing with the bag, Booker-T." asked his owner as she patted him on the head.
Booker-T nudged her arm and looked up at her. She smiled and opened the bag.
"Wow Booker-T," said her owner. "You found my nice gray socks. Thanks Booker-T."
Jake put his paws into his owner's lap and stared at her. Then dropped the bag into her lap and sat down in front of her.
"What have you got here Jake?" asked his owner. "Where did you get this little bag?"
Jake turned his head from side to side staring at her and put his paw on her arm. She opened the bag and inside were the black socks with the white trim. "Thank you Jake. I don't know how you did this but it was nice."
Jake laid his head in her lap and she patted the top of his head.
They all were able to surprise their owners with a small bag for Christmas..
Merry Christmas everyone.. NO matter how big or small the gift.. it is the thought that counts.

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Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T