Saturday, November 9, 2019

Space Kitty

Midge was sitting on the porch watching the clouds floating across the sky above. Through the front gate, Booker-T came into the yard and walked toward Midge. He started whistling as he approached the porch. Midge looked up as Booker-T got close.
"Oh!" said Midge as she looked up. "Is that you Booker-T?"
"Is it Booker-T?" asked Booker-T. "Or maybe I'm a space alien came to earth to see you."
"How do I know you are a space alien?" asked Midge.
"I'm from planet Kitty Box," said Booker-T.

"Planet Kitty Box?" asked Midge. "Where is that?"
"If you fly past Mars and take a left, you will see Kitty Box," said Booker-T.
"You are so funny, Booker-T," said Midge.
"How do you know I'm this Booker-T person?" asked Booker-T.
"Booker-T, you are not a person," said Midge.
"I know," said Booker-T. "I'm a space alien from Kitty Box."
"You are a cat," said Midge. "And your name is Booker-T.
"I'm Space Kitty," said Booker-T.
"When did you come to earth?" asked Midge.
"I came down this morning," said Booker-T. "Why do you think I'm Booker-T."
"Because I see your black and orange striped legs and body," laughed Midge. "With a helmet on your head."
"Maybe I made myself to look like Booker-T," said Booker-T. "And I'm not really Booker-T."
"Hey Booker-T!" called Jake as he came through the gate and saw Booker-T standing there with a black helmet on his head. "Where did you get that cool helmet?"
"He says he is Space Kitty from the planet Kitty Box," laughed Midge.
"What are we playing today?" asked Jake.
"I'm not playing anything," said Booker-T. "I'm a space alien that Midge has been wanting to come to earth to visit her."
"I like your helmet," said Jake. "Can I try it on?"
"It is my head," said Booker-T. "I can't take it off. I would look funny with no head."
"Where is your space ship?" asked Jake.
"It's at the park," said Booker-T. "Do you want to see my space ship?"
"Okay," said Midge. "Lets go."
Midge and Jake followed Booker-T out of the front gate and skipped along the sidewalk going to the park. They checked the street both ways and hurried into the park. "Where is it?" asked Midge.
"Behind those trees," said Booker-T pointing to the large cluster of trees near the pond.
They hurried across the park to where he said the space ship had landed. Standing behind the trees where Booker-T said it was, stood a large silver ship. Midge just stood there staring at it and looked over at Space Kitty.
"Hey guys!" called Booker-T running fast across the park. "Why did you leave me at home?"
From behind the tree, came Space Kitty.
"Why is that?" asked Booker-T. "He looks like me but has a helmet on his head."
"I thought he was you," said Midge.
"Me too," said Jake.
"Why is it?" asked Booker-T.
"He says he is Space Kitty from Kitty Box planet," said Midge sitting down and staring at the Space alien cat. "Are you really from outer space?"
"I'm really from outer space," said Space Kitty.
"Can you take off your helmet?" asked Booker-T.
"It's not a helmet," said Space Kitty. "It is my head."
"You are really a space alien?" asked Jake.
"I'm really a space alien," said Space Kitty. "I was flying overhead when I heard Midge saying one day a space alien would come to see her. So I came down to visit."
"Where do you live?" asked Booker-T.
"If you take off in a rocket and you fly toward Mars and then take a left and you will see a small planet called Kitty Box," said Space Kitty. "That is where I live. Do you want to fly to my planet and see me there?"
"We don't have helmets and maybe we can't breath on your planet," said Jake.
"We breath air on my planet," said Space Kitty. "Same as you do here. If you don't want to go to my planet. Do you want a ride in my space ship?"
"Can we go, Jake?" asked Booker-T and Midge.
"Can you fly that thing?" asked Jake.
"I don't fly it," laughed Space Kitty. "I have a pilot who flies the saucer.
"Lets go Jake!" said Midge. "Lets go."
"Midge!" said Jake as he shook Midge. "Where are you going?"
"Midge!" called Booker-T. "Midge. Wake up. You are talking in your sleep."
Midge sat up on the porch and saw Jake and Booker-T standing on the porch next to her. "Was it fun?"
"Was what fun?" asked Jake.
"We went for a ride in a space ship with Space Kitty," said Midge.
"We didn't go anywhere," said Booker-T. "Jake and I just got here and I think you were dreaming. You kept talking in your sleep."
"What did I say?" asked Midge.
"You kept saying, Lets go, lets go," said Jake.
"What were you dreaming about?" asked Booker-T.
Midge looked around the yard and then looked at Jake and Booker-T. "We are home?" asked Midge.
"Yes," said Jake. "Where did you think you were?"
"I thought we were at the park," said Midge. "Where Space Kitty had his space ship parked."
"Were you dreaming about a space alien?" asked Jake.
"What did he look like?" asked Booker-T.
"He looked like you Booker-T," said Midge. "I thought you were playing a joke on me."
"Your space alien looked like Me?" asked Booker-T.
"He had your legs and your body but his head looked like a black helmet," said Midge. "Are you sure I was dreaming? You didn't see anyone here when you came over to the porch?"
"No Midge," said Jake. " We found you talking in your sleep."
"But it seemed so real," sighed Midge. "I just know there are space aliens out there somewhere."
"Maybe," smiled Jake. "I guess no one knows for sure."
"Lets go to the park, guys," suggested Booker-T.
"Okay," said Midge. "Lets go Jake.
The three ran through the gate and along the sidewalk to the park.

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Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T