Sunday, November 24, 2019


"Hey Booker-T!" called Midge as she walked through the gate at Booker-T's house. "Where are you this morning?"
"Hi Midge," said Booker-T. "Are we going to the zoo building today?"
"I think so," said Midge.
"You don't know?" asked Booker-T.
"No," said Midge. "We have to talk to Jake and see if he wants to go."
"What are you thinking about?" asked Booker-T.
"Do you know if dragons are real?" asked Midge.
"I don't know," said Booker-T. "Where did you hear about dragons?"

"My owner's brother came to the house last night and they watched a movie that had dragons in it," said Midge. "I never saw one before."
"I never saw one either," said Booker-T. "I don't know if they are real. Maybe Jake knows."
"Lets go to Jake's house," said Midge. "I want to ask him about the dragons."
The two hurried along the sidewalk to Jake's house. They ran through the gate and found Jake sleeping in the porch swing. "Wake up Jake!" called Midge.
Jake sat up in the swing. "Hi there guys," said Jake. "What are you doing this morning?"
"We want to go to the zoo building this morning and see what animals are there," said Midge.
"Are you wanting to see a kangaroo?" asked Jake.
"Yes," said Midge. "Having a pocket must be pretty neat. Do you want to go see what animals are there today?"
"Sure," said Jake. "Lets go."
The three walked along the sidewalk on the way to the zoo. Gabby came swooping down from above them. "Where are you guys going?" asked Gabby.
"We are going to the zoo," said Jake. "Do you want to come with us?"
"I sure do," said Gabby. "I was coming to tell you that they have a kangaroo there today."
"Oh good," smiled Midge. "Lets hurry."
They looked both ways and crossed the street into the Zoo building parking lot. At the door, they stood a moment looking around the room
"Over there in that back cage," said Gabby. "Come on lets go over there."
They walked to the corner cage and stood at the bars staring at the animal inside.
"He looks funny," said Booker-T turning his head from one side to the other as he stared at the animal in the cage. "Why is his legs shorter in the front?"
"It is a she," said Gabby.
"How do you know that?" asked Midge.
"Because she has a pocket to keep the baby in," said Gabby.
"I don't see a pocket," said Midge staring at the kangaroo. "Where is it."
"When it stands up," said Gabby. "Look in the front of her. That is where it is."
"Why are you all staring at me?" asked the kangaroo.
"We never saw a kangaroo before," said Midge. "What is your name?"
"They call me Molly," said the kangaroo. "Why are you out there?"
"Because we don't belong in a cage," said Jake.
"Do you have a pocket, Molly?" asked Booker-T.
"Yes," laughed Molly. "Don't you have a pocket?"
"No," said Midge. "Can we see your pocket?"
Molly walked over to where Midge, Jake and Booker-T stood watching her. She stood on her hind legs and put her front paw into the pocket. "This is my pocket," said Molly.
"Wow," said Midge. "That is really neat. What do you keep in the pocket?"
"I have a pocket to carry my baby in when I have one," said Molly. "Why don't you have a pocket?"
"I don't know," said Midge. "I guess we are different."
"You have big back feet and little front feet," said Booker-T. "Our feet are the same size."
"I use my back feet for jumping," said Molly.
"Why do you jump?" asked Jake.
"That is the way I move around," said Molly. "I can go really fast that way. I bet I could race you and win."
"I don't jump when I walk or run," said Jake.
"Hey," said Midge watching as Molly sat back on her hind legs and tail. "You can sit on your tail. That is so cool. I can't sit on my tail."
"That's the way I sit all the time," said Molly.
"I like that," said Jake. "You can sit on you tail all the time."
"You don't fall over?" asked Booker-T.
"No," said Molly. "I can sit like this for a long time."
"Hey Midge!" called Gabby as he flew into the building.
"Hi Gabby," said Midge. "We have been talking to Molly. See how she sits on her tail."
"Hi Molly," greeted Gabby as he landed on top of the cage. "There is a sign outside with pictures of dragons on it. Come see."
"We have to go see the sign," said Midge. "It was nice meeting you, Molly."
"Will you come back to see me again?" asked Molly.
"We will if you are still here," said Jake. "I think you are going to the big zoo on the other side of town."
"Bye," said Molly.
Jake, Booker-T and Midge, followed Gabby out to the side of the building where the petting zoo was. Many kids were in the fenced area petting the animals.
"Look on that wall there," said Gabby. "It's pictures of dragons."
"What does it say?" asked Midge.
Jake read the sign. It says they are putting on a Dragons and Dungeons show at the big field where the dinosaur exhibit was.
"Can we go see it Jake?" asked Booker-T. "I want to see the dragons."
"Okay," said Jake. "I want to see the dragons too."
"Me too," smiled Midge. "Those pictures look scary."
"Are they real, Jake?" asked Booker-T.
"I don't know," said Jake.
"When is the exhibit going to be here?" asked Midge.
"It says it will be here next week," read Jake.
"Lets go past the field and see if they are putting up the exhibit now," said Booker-T.
"Okay," said Jake. "Lets go on the way home."
The three of them hurried along the sidewalk and Gabby flew above them in the direction of the large open field, the city used for exhibits or the circus.
"Look over there," said Jake. "They are building some mountains."
"Why are they making mountains?" asked Midge. "We have real mountains behind the school."
"I don't know," said Jake.
"Maybe the dragons live in the mountains," suggested Booker-T,
"We will come see them next week," said Jake. "Lets go home. I'm hungry."
"Okay," said Midge. "I'm hungry too."
The three started for home. Gabby flew the other direction. "See you guys later," said Gabby.
"Bye Gabby," said Jake. "We will see you later."

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Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T