Friday, July 19, 2019

The Motorcycle Race

“Zoom, Zoom,” said Midge as she walked around the front porch and the front yard.
Booker-T entered the gate and stood watching her.
“Zoom, Zoom,” sang Midge. “I'm motorcycle Midge. Zoom Zoom.”
“What are you doing?” asked Booker-T as he walked up to the front porch.
“I'm riding my motorcycle and singing my song,” said Midge.
“What motorcycle?” asked Booker-T. “And what song?”

“It is a pretend motorcycle, Booker-T,” said Midge. “Don't you have an imagination?”
“What color is your pretend motorcycle?” asked Booker-T.
“It is bright red,” smiled Midge. “I like red. You can ride the blue one over there.”
“What blue one?” asked Booker-T.
“Don't you see it?” asked Midge. “It is sitting right over there.'
“Uh, no,” sighed Booker-T.
“Use your imagination,” said Midge. “Pretend there is one and lets go ride around the yard. Zoom, Zoom. I'm motorcycle Midge. Zoom, Zoom, the wind is in my face.”
“Zoom Zoom,” sang Booker-T as he followed Midge around the yard. “I'll race you Midge to the back yard.”
“But I'm motorcycle Midge and my motorcycle is the fasted in town,” said Midge. “I will beat you.”
“Zoom Zoom, Zoom,” said Booker-T. “Come on and I'll race you to that tree.”
Midge got beside Booker-T ready to race him to the tree when Jake entered the yard.
“Are you two racing each other?' asked Jake.
“We are going to have a motorcycle race,” smiled Midge.
“What motorcycles?” asked Jake. “I don't see any motorcycles.”
“They are pretend ones, Jake,” said Midge. “Your pretend motorcycle is standing by that tree, Jake.”
“I don't see it,” said Jake.
“It's the green motorcycle,” said Booker-T.
“You can see it too?” asked Jake.
“Oh sure,” smiled Booker-T. “You have to use your imagination. Now think about it really hard.”
Jake walked to the tree where Booker-T and Midge said the motorcycle stood. He turned around and looked at them and then back to the tree. He smiled and said, “I think this purple motorcycle is better. It is maybe faster than the green one. And I just know it will be faster than the blue and red one.”
“None of them are faster than the red one,” said Midge.
Jake walked back to stand next to Midge. He stomped his right foot and said “Zoom, zoom! Who will say go?”
“I will,” said Gabby as he flew down and landed on the porch railing. He had been watching them from high on the tree branches.
“Okay,” said Midge.
“Are you ready?” asked Gabby.
“Zoom, zoom!” said Midge. “We are ready.”
“Zoom, zoom,” said Jake and Booker-T pretending to be ready to ride their motorcycles.
“Get ready,” said Gabby. “One, two, three, Go!”
“Zoom, zoom,” said Booker-T as he started running across the yard to the tree.
“Zoom, zoom,” said Midge as she took off at a run. “I will win this race.”
“Zoom, zoom,” said Jake. “Zoom, bump, zoom, bump.”
Midge reached the tree with Booker-T right behind her. They turned around and Jake was just standing there looking at them.
“What happened Jake?” asked Midge. “I thought your motorcycle was the fastest one.”
“It is,” said Jake. “I had a flat tire.”
Gabby fell off the porch railing from laughing so hard. “A pretend motorcycle with a pretend flat. You lost the pretend race. That was too funny.”
Midge and Booker-T started laughing and Jake joined in with them.

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Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T