Sunday, September 22, 2019

Space Aliens are Somewhere

Booker-T walked to Midge's house and hurried through the gate. He found Midge sitting on the front porch staring at the sky.
"Are you looking for space aliens again, Midge?" asked Booker-T.
"I think they are out there, Booker-T," said Midge. "I know one day, they will come down to earth and meet us."
"How do you know?" asked Booker-T. "Did you get a message from one?"
"No," sighed Midge. "Do you think they can send messages?"
"I don't know," said Booker-T. "Maybe they aren't as smart as we are, if they are out there."
"I wonder how we can send them a message and tell them it's okay for them to come here," said Midge.

"Maybe they can hear you talking if they are out there," said Booker-T.
"How?" asked Midge as she looked around the sky hoping to see one fly by in their silver space ship.
"May be with that stuff called mentaltopy," said Booker-T.
"Mental what?' asked Midge.
"You know," said Booker-T. "That thing where someone can read your mind."
"Oh," said Midge. "I think it is called mental telepathy."
"Do you think the aliens can do that mental thing?" asked Booker-T.
"I don't know," said Midge. "Maybe they can. Maybe if I close my eyes and think real hard telling them to come see us, they will hear my mind."
"Your mind can talk?" asked Booker-T.
"It only thinks," laughed Midge. "My mouth does the talking. But maybe they can hear me think."
"Are you a noisy thinker?" asked Booker-T.
"Hey there you guys," called Jake as he walked to the porch where Midge and Booker-T were sitting there talking. "What are you guys doing?"
"Midge's mind is talking to the aliens," said Booker-T.
"Your mind is talking?" asked Jake.
"It is thinking and my mouth is talking," said Midge.
"All our minds think some times," said Jake.
"She is sending messages to the space aliens out there somewhere," said Booker-T.
"What space aliens?" asked Jake.
"She is still looking for space aliens out there," said Booker-T.
"You are talking to them with your mind?" asked Jake. "How are you doing that?"
"I think real hard so they can hear the message," said Midge. "I think the space aliens can do that mental telepathy thing."
"How do you know?" asked Jake. "Have you talked to a space alien lately?"
"No," said Midge. "I think they are smarter then we are."
"But how do you know?" asked Jake.
"I guess I don't," said Midge. "The space aliens in those movies are really smart."
"But that's just a movie, Midge," said Booker-T.
"One day they will come see us," said Midge. "Are you ready for them to come?"
"Sure," smiled Booker-T. "They can come any time they want if they really are out there. HEY space aliens!! Are you out there? Midge wants to see you."
"Ha ha Booker-T," said Midge.
"I'm trying to help you out," said Booker-T. "Maybe if I call them, they will come see you."
"If they are listening out there," said Jake. "Maybe they will come."
Midge looked around the sky at all the white fluffy clouds slowly floating through the air. "Are you out there?" softly said Midge. "I'm waiting for you."
"Are we going to watch for space aliens today or do you want to go to the park?" asked Jake.
"Do you think they can hear my mind calling them when I am at the park?" asked Midge.
"I'll bet they can hear your mind ticking anywhere you are," laughed Jake.
"Ha ha Jake," said Midge. "My mind isn't ticking."
"It is always ticking Midge," said Booker-T. "You are always thinking up something we can do."
"What do you want to do at the park today?" asked Midge.
"I want to ride the train," said Jake. "I like riding around the park on the train."
"Me too, Midge," said Booker-T. "Come on, lets go."
"I guess we can go," sighed Midge. "I like to ride the train too."
The three started walking along the sidewalk, when something flew past them and then soared up into the air and back the other way.
"Jake! Jake!" shouted Midge. "It's a space ship. They are coming to see us Jake."
"That wasn't a space ship," said Booker-T.
"Yes it was," said Midge jumping up and down. "I saw it."
"What did it look like?" asked Jake.
"It was round and had two lights on it," said Midge. "I saw it! Didn't you see it fly over us?"
"Maybe it was Gabby," suggested Booker-T. "He is always flying above us."
"No no," said Midge. "It was something round and silver."
"I think it was Gabby," said Jake.
"Gabby don't shine in the sunlight," said Midge.
"Maybe he does," said Jake.
"Look over there," said Booker-T. "There is your space ship. It is a toy space ship that the boys are playing with."
"It's not a real space ship?" sighed Midge.
"No, Midge," said Jake. "It's not real."
"Maybe they will come another day," said Midge.
"All right," said Jake. "Lets go to the park and ride the train.
They looked both ways at the street and then hurried into the park.

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Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T