Friday, February 24, 2023

What Are You?


Midge crawled out the doggie door into the back yard. As she walked around the back corner of the house, she saw something green move a big leaf of the ivy that went up the side of the house. She walked close and stared at it. It moved a little and turned it's head to look at Midge.

Hello,” said Midge. “Wow, I almost didn't see you up there.”

Who are you?” asked the little green animal.

I'm Midge,” said Midge. “I live here. Who are you?”

Friday, February 17, 2023

The Tiny Bird

As Midge, Jake, Lucy and Booker-T started to walk out of the building after they took KoKo out of his cage for the trip to the big zoo across town, when Booker-T saw a tiny bird in a cage in the corner.

Wow,” said Booker-T. “Look at that tiny bird in that cage.”

Is it a baby bird?” asked Midge.

Maybe,” said Lucy. “Lets go see the cute little bird.”

They walked to the cage where the little bird was walking around the bottom of the cage.

Friday, February 10, 2023

A Mystery Animal


Midge and Booker-T were walking along the sidewalk on their way to Jake's house when Gabby flew down and landed on the sidewalk in front of them.

Hey guy!” said Gabby. “What are you two doing?”

Hi Gabby,” said Midge.

We are on our way to Jake's house,” said Booker-T. “What are you doing?”

I was just flying around and looking around,” said Gabby. “I went to the little zoo building to see what kind of animals are there today.”

Do they have some neat animals there today?” asked Midge.

Friday, February 3, 2023

The Treasure Hunt


Midge was sitting on the porch looking at some kind of drawing he found in her back yard. Booker-T walked over and found her staring at the paper.

Hi Midge,” said Booker-T. “What are you doing?”

I found this in the back yard,” said Midge. “I think the wind blew it there. Do you know what it is?”

Booker-T stared at the paper. “It looks like a map of some kind,” suggested Booker-T. “It looks like some little humans drew it.”

What kind of a map?” asked Midge.

Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T