“I’m on top of the world. I’m happy as can be,” sang Midge as she
skipped along the sidewalk.
“Wouldn’t you like to be happy too?”
“Hey Midge,” called
Jake from the front porch. “What are you
Midge skipped
through the gate of the fence and hurried up the walkway to the porch. “I’m
just singing. Nothing special.”
“Why are you
singing?” asked Jake. “You don’t usually like to sing.”
“I know,” said
Midge. “But today, I’m happy happy
“Okay,” said
Jake. “Why are you so happy today?”
“Guess,” said
“I’m not good at
guessing Midge,” said Jake shaking his head at her.
“Oh come on, just try,” said Midge.
“Okay,” said
Jake. “You got a new collar.”
“Nope,” said
Midge. “Try again.”
“Midge!” said
Jake. “Just tell me why you are so
happy. Why do I need to guess it.”
“I want to delay
the suspense,” smiled Midge.
“You can do that
by telling me you have something great and just not tell me for a while,” said
“I guess you are
right,” said Midge. “Okay, I will tell
you soon.”
“Very funny
Midge,” said Jake. “You are going to
tell me anyway so why wait?”
“I’m waiting for
Booker-T to get here,” said Midge.
“Okay,” said
Jake. “When is he coming to the house?”
“I saw him this
morning and he said he was going to go by and get Susie on his way here.”
“I will just wait
for him to get here,” said Jake. “You
will tell me eventually.”
“I might not,”
said Midge. “You don’t know that I will
tell you.”
“Oh yes I do,”
said Jake.
“How do you
know,” said Midge stomping her foot at him.
“How do you know that I will tell you.
Maybe I just will keep it a secret.”
“Very funny,”
laughed Jake. “You keep a secret? That will never happen. When have you ever kept a secret?”
“Well, let me
see,” said Midge as she stared at the porch ceiling.
“You can’t tell
me when, because you have never kept a secret,” said Jake.
“Maybe not,” said
Midge. “Maybe I will this time.”
“Maybe you will
what?” asked Booker-T as he and Susie walked up the steps to the porch.
“Hi Booker-T,”
said Jake. “She might keep a secret from
us this time.”
“Oh really,” said
Booker-T. “She can’t keep a secret
ever. She is always bursting inside to
tell it to everyone.”
“Well, I just
might keep a secret this time,” said Midge.
“Okay,” said
Jake. “That is okay, we really don’t
want to know it. It will come out one
day. Secrets always do.”
“That’s right
Midge,” said Booker-T. “Lets go to the
park to play.”
“You don’t want
to know my secret?” asked Midge.
“No,” said
Booker-T. “If you don’t want to tell us,
we don’t want to know it.”
“But it is a
good secret,” said Midge.
“That’s okay,”
said Susie. “If it is a secret, then we
don’t want to know it.”
“Susie!” said
Midge. “You are on their side?”
“There are no
sides to this,” said Susie. “Either you want to tell us your secret or you
don’t. If you don’t, we won’t talk about
“Okay,” said
Midge pacing back and forth on the porch.
Jake and
Booker-T smiled at each other and Susie jumped up on the swing and curled up in
the corner.
“Fine, I will
tell you,” said Midge.
“Only if you
really want to,” said Jake.
“I know you
really want to know what it is,” smiled Midge.
“If you want
to tell us, we will listen,” said Susie.
“Okay,” said
Midge. “Did you see the poster on the
pole over there? The dog show is coming
here next weekend?”
“That is your
secret?” asked Booker-T. “We already
know it. We can see the poster too.”
“No that isn’t my secret,” said Midge. “My secret is that my mistress entered me in
the dog show. Is that too cool or what?”
“Oh wow,”
said Susie. “ That is great!”
“Yes,” said
Jake. “That is great. You will be good Midge.
You looks so pretty when you are cleaned up with the bows in your hair.”
“Thank you
Jake,” smiled Midge.
“Wow, that is
too cool,” said Booker-T. “We know a celebrity.”
“Come on,
lets go play,” said Midge. “I’m no
The four
friends ran down the sidewalk to the
park to play.
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