Midge, Jake and Booker-T walked along
the sidewalk on their way to the park.
“Hey look guys,” said Booker-T.
“The kids are flying kites.”
“They are pretty,” smiled Midge.
“I want to fly one.”
“How can you fly a kite?” asked
Jake. “For one thing, you don't have a kite.”
“I could get one,” said Midge.
“Where?” asked Booker-T.
“I don't know yet,” said Midge.
“Maybe one of the kids will lay one down and forget it or maybe
they will lose one.”
“You are just hoping they do,”
said Booker-T.
“Maybe I am,” said Midge. “I
can hope.”
“Look Midge,” shouted Booker-T.
“That kite got away from that boy over there and is flying away.”
“Come on lets run after it,”
said Midge.
“But you don't know where it is
going,” said Jake. “It is so high in the air. We will have a
hard time finding it.”
“It might get stuck in a tree,”
said Midge. “Booker-T is a really good climber and he can go get
it for me.”
“I haven't climbed a tree in a
long time, Midge,” said Booker-T.
“You will remember” said Midge.
“I know you will.”
They followed the kite as it
slowly floated in the air. When it reached the park area, it got
caught on one of the trees.
“There it is Booker-T,” said
Midge. “Can you get it for me?”
“I don't know,” said Booker-T.
“I will try.”
Booker-T started to climb the
tree. “How far is it?” asked Booker-T.
“Keep going Booker-T,” said
Midge. “You are almost there.”
“Out on that big limb,” said
Booker-T carefully crawled out on
the big limb where the kite was flapping in the breeze.
“Can you get it down?” asked
“I don't know,” said Booker-T
as he tugged at it. “It is real high up there Midge.”
“Be careful so you don't fall,”
said Jake.
“I got it,” said Booker-T.
“But the string is stuck around the branches.”
“We need the string too” said
Midge. I have this end of the string.”
Midge gently pulled on the string
hoping to pull it loose. “Can you untangle it?”
“Maybe,” said Booker-T as he
yanked on the string with his teeth.
Finally he was able to get the
kite loose from the leaves and branches.
“Pull on it,” said Jake.
Midge pulled and started to walk
away from the trees. The kite came out of the tree and floated freely
in the air with Midge holding on tight to the string.
“Look Jake,” smiled Midge.
“I'm flying the kite!”
“Midge!” shouted Jake. “Look
out for that tree!”
Jake had barely said the words when
Midge ran into the tree. Jake and Booker-T ran to where Midge was
sitting on the ground.
“Are you okay?' asked Jake.
“I think so,” said Midge
shaking her head.
“You have to watch where you are
going,” said Jake.
“I was watching the kite,”
said Midge.
“Now you lost the kite,” said
Booker-T. “It flew away when you hit the tree.”
“Well,” said Midge. “I
guess kite flying is not for me.”
“I don't think so,” laughed
“But I like what the humans do,”
said Midge. “They have so much fun all the time.”
“We have a lot of fun too,”
said Booker-T.
“Sure we do Midge,” said
Jake. “Booker-T is right. We do a lot and you try what the humans
do sometimes.”
“I guess you are right,”
sighed Midge.
“Sure,” said Jake. “We have
rode the sled down a hill and a trashcan lid.”
“Those were fun” said Midge.
“And you danced on stage at the
gym and tried to fly like Gabby and humans don't fly,” said
“And we got into the water park
and went down the slide,” said Jake. “And you just rode a roller
coaster the other day.”
“There is a lot more we could do
if we had hands, Jake,” said Midge.
“I know Midge,” said Jake.
“But we have to be happy with what we have.”
“I'm happy having four feet,”
said Booker-T. “We can run faster than humans.”
“We can bark and meow,” said
Jake. “Oh yes, I forgot, they can make barking and meowing sounds
too, but we are better at it.
“I guess there are things that
we can do that the humans can't do,” said Midge.
“Sure there is Midge,” said
Jake. “Now lets go play and have fun.”
everything in life is worth a try, even if it doesn't work out, at least you wont wonder if it would have