Thursday, June 14, 2018

Fun Things To Do

“Hey Jake!” called Booker-T as he and Midge came through the gate at Jake's house.
“What are you doing?” called Midge as they walked to the porch where they found Jake laying on the swing.
“Hi you two,” smiled Jake. “What are you doing?”
“We are coming to see you,” said Midge. “What do you want to do today?”
“I don't know,” said Jake. “What do you want to do?”
“I don't know either,” said Booker-T.
“Let me think,” said Midge. “I'm sure we could find something to do. We always do.”

“I know,” laughed Jake. “You always have something you want to do.”
“We have done so much already,” said Booker-T. “I don't think there is anything else left to do.”
“We have gone to the water park but got chased out by the guard,” said Jake.
“But it was fun sliding down that big slide into the pool of water,” said Midge. “Maybe we could try that again and sneak in with some people this time. Maybe the guard wouldn't see us if we walked in with the people.”
“We rode the little train to the big zoo,” said Booker-T.
“And almost had to walk home,” said Jake. “That would have been a long walk back here. I like going to see the animals at the little zoo transport facility.”
“We have met some nice new friends at the zoo facility,” said Midge.
“We could do that again,” said Booker-T. “I like the wild animals.”
“I do too,” agreed Jake. “Do you want to do that again, Midge?”
“We could go talk to the cows and the horses at the farm,” said Jake. “They are fun.”
“I want something exciting,” said Midge.
“But sometimes exciting comes with a little danger,” said Jake.
“We are always careful,” said Booker-T.
“Midge wasn't too careful when she grabbed onto that big kite an was floating in the air way above,” said Jake. “It would have been awful if you fell off the big kite. I'm glad you didn't fall.”
“It was fun but was a little scary up there,” said Midge. “Gabby is lucky he can fly.”
“The circus was fun but I heard on the news when my owner was watching it,” said Jake. “That the circus was ended. I don't know why.”
“I wonder what they did with all the animals,” said Booker-T. “I like the tigers.”
“Ha ha Booker-T,” said Midge. “You always like the tigers.”
“Don't you think I look like a tiger?” asked Booker-T. “Grrrrrrr. Roar!”
“You have the same colors but you look like a cat,” said Jake.
“Tigers are cats,” said Booker-T. “I could be a tiger.”
“A very little tiger,” smiled Midge.
“We have little people,” said Booker-T. “So I could be a little tiger.”
“But you don't want to live in a zoo do you?” asked Midge.
“Oh no,” said Booker-T. “I like my house and my owner. I guess I better stay being just a cat.”
“But you are a special cat to us,” said Jake. “You are our friend.”
“Okay,” said Booker-T. “I will be just a special cat.”
“So,” said Midge. “What are we going to do today.”
“No aliens have landed from outer space,” said Jake. “So we can't go see them.”
“You told me there was no such thing as an alien from outer space,” said Midge. “I think we just haven't seen any yet. One of these days we will see a real one.”
“We really don't know if there are any outer space aliens,” said Booker-T.
“What are you guys doing?” asked Gabby as he swooped down from the tree and landed on the porch railing.
“Hi Gabby,” said Midge. “We are trying to find something fun to do today.”
“Did you see what they are doing in the old circus field?” asked Gabby.
“No,” said Jake. “What are they doing?”
“They are building some old looking buildings,” said Gabby.
“Why would they want to build old buildings?” asked Booker-T.
“But if they are building them now,” said Midge. “Aren't they new?”
“They are new buildings but they are making them look like old buildings,” said Gabby.
“Why?” asked Jake. “Lets go check it out.”
They all agreed to go check out the new old buildings and started up the sidewalk going to the old circus field. When they got to the big open field, they saw trucks and tractors and lot of men hammering nails into the wood.
“There is a sign over there, Jake,” said Midge. “Lets go see what it says.”
They went to where the sign was and Jake read, “JJ's Western Town.”
“They are building an old west town here,” said Midge. “Why are they building an old west town?”
“Does the sign say why?” asked Booker-T.
“It says that the little town will open in two months,” said Jake. “It says it will be a tourist attraction.”
“We can come here and see what a tourist is,” smiled Booker-T.
“Will they have fun things to do here?” asked Midge.
“Maybe,” said Jake. “Maybe there will be something on the TV about it.”
“I hope it will be fun,” said Midge. “I want to come see what a tourist is when it is ready.”
“Me too,” said Booker-T. “What is an old west town?”
“I think it is an old town from many years ago,” said Gabby. “Where people use to live and work.”
“Is it from the old days when there were cowboys?” asked Midge.
“I think so,” said Gabby.
“Oh boy!” said Booker-T. “Cowboys and Indians. They rode horses I think. I saw them on TV when my owner watched an old western movie one night.”
“I want to ride a horse,” said Midge.
“You can't ride a horse,” said Jake.
“Who is JJ?” asked Booker-T.
“I think he is the guy who owns the town,” suggested Midge.
“Maybe this will be fun place to come,” said Jake. “Like when we go to the little zoo.”
“I will be excited,” said Booker-T. “I hope they hurry.”
“Lets go home and get something to eat,” said Jake.
They all agreed to come back when the town was ready to check out the tourists.

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Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T