Friday, December 14, 2018

The Magic Show

Midge, Jake, Booker-T and Gabby all went to the park for a little swim in the pond. As they entered the park, Midge saw that many people were gathered in the picnic area.
“He Jake,” said Midge. “What are all those people over there doing?”
“I don't know,” said Jake. “Hey Gabby, you can fly faster than we can run. Go see what is going on over there for us.”
“Okay,” laughed Gabby. “Be right back.”
In a few minutes, Gabby flew back where the three sat and waiting on his return.
“They are having a magic show,” said Gabby.
“What is a magic show?” asked Booker-T.

“They do tricks that surprise the humans,” said Gabby. “Come on, lets go watch.”
They followed Gabby to the picnic area to see what they were doing. As they sat down where they could see, the man put a woman inside a box and shut the top down over her.
“Why did he put her in the box, Jake?” asked Midge. “She could die in the box.”
“I don't know,” said Jake. “Lets see what he does.”
The man picked up a sword and got ready to stick it into the box.
“Jake!” screamed Midge. “He will kill her. Stop him Jake!”
Jake sprinted to the man and grabbed his hand so he could not stick the sword into the box. The people who were watching gasped and a man in the audience said. “Is the dog part of the act?”
“Hey dog!” said the man with the sword. “Let go of my arm! Whose dog is this?”
No one in the audience spoke up. A young lady in the front row said, “We don't know. They came over and sat down.”
“Someone get this dog off of me,” said the magician.
“Put down the sword,” said an older gentleman in the next row. “I think the dog thought you were going to hurt that girl in the box.”
“Doggie,” said the magician as he set the sword son the ground and opened the box. “I don't think you will understand me, but I wasn't going to hurt the woman or anyone else. This is magic and the girl isn't in the box when I put the swords into the box.”
Jake ran to the open box and looked inside. He looked at the empty box and back up at the man. From behind the curtain that was set up, the girl came walking out to join the magician. Jake ran to her and nuzzled her hand.
“You saved her Jake,” said Midge. “Why don't she look happy?”
“Guys, I think you messed up his trick,” laughed Gabby.
“But he was going to hurt her with that big sword,” said Booker-T.
“No,” said Gabby. “It was just a trick. He would not have hurt her.”
“Are you sure?” asked Midge.
“Yes,” said Gabby. “He would have put all the those swords into the box and then he would have opened the box and shown everyone it was empty.”
“How did she get out of the box?” asked Jake. “I didn't see her get out.”
“I didn't either,” said Midge.
“Wow,” said Booker-T. “She is the invisible woman.”
“How did she get invisible?” asked Midge.
“I don't know,” said Jake. “I guess she is magic too.”
“Maybe we should go,” said Midge. “I don't think they are happy with you here.”
“Because you messed up his trick,” said Gabby.
“Lets go to the pond, said Booker-T. “We can't get into trouble over there, can we?”
“You three can get into trouble any where you go,” laughed Gabby. “Especially when Midge gets her ideas she wants to do.”
“Gabby,” said Midge. “I thought you were my friend.”
“I am your friend,” smiled Gabby. “But I think that trouble just follows you around, Midge. You don't mean to cause any trouble for anyone.”
“Jake said my middle name was “trouble',” sighed Midge. “I just like to have fun too. The humans have so much fun I think.”
“But we are animals Midge,” said Jake. “We just can't do every thing that the humans can do.”
“But we can try, Jake,” said midge. “You never know if you can do something until you try it.”
“You can get hurt if you are not careful too,” said Booker-T. “I'm not too good at doing human things. I fell off the swing, I fell off the merry-go-round and flew off the sled when it was going downhill really fast. I think my four feet are better staying on the ground.”
“Lets go swim a little and go home,” suggested Jake.
They ran to the pond where they found a couple of boys playing.
“What are they doing?” asked Booker-T.
“I don't know,” said Midge. “What are those things they are making Jake?”
They inched close to where the boys were playing and watched them. They were putting this ring on a sick into a bucket and then they would blow on it.
“Why are they blowing on the rings?” asked Midge.
Gabby swooped won and landed on Jake's head.
“Gabby!” called Jake. “you scared me. I thought you were gone.”
“I'm here Jake,” smiled Gabby. “I thought you were going to for a swim. Winter is coming and won't be long and will be too cold to swim.”
“We were,” said Jake. “We stopped to watch the boys with their stick and ring.”
“We will go and swim in a few minutes,” said Midge.
“Okay,” said Gabby. “I will see you at the pond.”
“Wow,” said Midge. “Look at what they are doing. That is so cool. What are those things?”
“They look like balloons,” said Jake.
“I like them,” said Booker-T.
“Hey,” said Midge. “ We better go. Gabby is waiting for us at the pond.”
They ran to the pond and found Gabby sitting on a rock waiting for them.

1 comment:

  1. good story, nice and sweet with a little dash of humor.
    Loved it


Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T