Thursday, January 13, 2022

Jake Agrees


"The sun is out, the sun is out!" sang Midge as she hurried into the living room and leaped into the chair near Snappy's tank.

"You sound happy this morning," said Snappy.

"I am," smiled Midge. "Jake said we could go sledding when the sun came out and it's a little warmer out there."

"Does Jake want to go sledding?" asked Snappy.

"He said we would go," said Midge. "I will bug him all day long if we don't go."

"And I know you will," laughed Snappy. He was laughing so hard he slid off the log he was sitting at.

"What is so funny?" asked Midge.

"I know you don't give up when you want to do something," said Snappy. "Jake should know that also."

"We are going to use the lid from his trash can to go slid down the hill on," said Midge.

"Is he coming here?" asked Snappy.

"I think so," said Midge.

"Where is Booker-T?" asked Snappy.

"I'm here!" said Booker-T as he entered the room and leaped into the chair. "Hi Snappy."

"Hi Booker-T," said Snappy.

"Hi," said Midge. "The sun is out."

"I like the sun," said Booker-T. "It feels warm too."

"Now we can go ride the trashcan lid down the hill," smiled Midge.

"I think maybe Jake was kidding when he wanted to go sledding," suggested Booker-T.

"Why was he kidding?" asked Snappy. "He said he wanted to go sledding."

"He knew the sled wasn't here," said Booker-T.

"How did he know?" asked Midge.

"He saw your owner's nephew put it in the car when he took it home," said Booker-T.

"Oh," said Midge. "He knew it was too cold to go ride the sled and he knew there was no sled."

"I think that is right," said Snappy.

"Now, I'm going to tell him we are going," said Midge.

"Are you sure you want to go slide down the hill on the trashcan lid?" asked Booker-T.

"I think it will be fun," said Midge.

"You always do," laughed Booker-T.

Outside they could hear a funny scraping noise. Midge put her paws on the windowsill and pressed her nose against the window. Coming down the sidewalk was Jake trying to carry a trashcan lid. When he let it drag on the sidewalk it created a scraping noise. When he came through the gate, he dropped the lid on the ground and ran around to the back of the house and crawled through the doggie door.

"Hi guys," greeted Jake as he walked into the room where Midge and Booker-T were talking to Snappy.

"Hi Jake," said Midge. "Are you ready to go slide down the hill?"

"You will have fun," smiled Snappy. "I'm going to stay warm in the house."

"Don't you want to come with us?" asked Jake.

"No," said Snappy shaking his head. "I don't think a little turtle will do good sailing down a snowy hill on a trashcan lid."

"Maybe not," said Booker-T. "He might get tossed out the lid and get lost in the snow."

"Oh, we don't want to lose Snappy," said Jake.

"I don't have a fur coat like you guys have," said Snappy.

"Sometimes, I don't think my fur coat works too good," sighed Booker-T. "I get cold."

"Me too," said Midge. "We can go slide down the hill and then run back here real fast and get warm in the house."

"Lets go Jake," said Booker-T. "I don't think you will change Midge's mind."

"I brought the trashcan lid with me," said Jake.

"Snappy said you knew the sled wasn't here," said Midge. "So you really didn't want to go sledding, did you?"

"I didn't," said Jake. "I always think about how you flew off the sled and fell into the snow bank head first. I know it was hard to breathe stuck in the snow."

"It was a little scary," said Midge. "But it was fun."

"Okay," said Jake. "If you and Booker-T want to go slide down the hill, we will go."

"Yippee!" said Midge. "We are going to slide down the hill. Lets go!"

"See you guys later," smiled Snappy.

Midge, Jake and Booker-T ran into the kitchen and crawled through the doggie door and around the house to the gate. Jake picked up the trashcan lid and they walked to the hill behind the school.

"Come on guys," said Midge. "Lets go up the hill."

The three walked up the hill with Jake pulling the trashcan lid. At the top of the hill, Midge climbed into the center of the lid.

"Are you ready, Midge?" asked Jake with a wink at Booker-T.

"Push me," said Midge.

As Jake started to push the trashcan lid, Booker-T quickly leaped on to the trashcan lid as it started to down the hill.

"Booker-T!" shouted Midge. "What are you doing?"

"I'm riding with you," laughed Booker-T as they went flying down the hill.

Suddenly the lid started spinning as they slid down the hill. Booker-T and Midge were laughing. When they reached the bottom of the hill, the lid hit a bump in the snow and the lid went flying in the air and landed in the snow bank and they bounced off and landed in the snow. Jake came running down the hill and tripped and slid on down to the bottom on his belly. Midge and Booker-T was sitting there laughing at him.

"Was that fun?" asked Midge.

"Yes," smiled Jake. "But now my belly is cold. Lets go home and warm up."

"Okay," said Midge. "Next time we will just run down the hill and then go sliding on our bellies."

Jake picked up the trashcan lid and they walked back to Midge's house to warm up.

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Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T