Friday, July 14, 2023

Going to Meet Sassy


Midge and Booker-T strolled along the sidewalk to Jake's house. They hurried through the gate and ran to the porch where they found Jake asleep on the porch swing. Lucy came through the gate and joined Midge and Booker-T at the porch.

Hey Jake!” called Midge. “Time to wake up now.”

sh sh sh!” said Booker-T. “Listen!”

What is that?” asked Lucy.

Jake is snoring,” laughed Midge.

Hey Jake!” called Lucy. “Wake up?   You are snoring.”

Jake!” said Booker-T tapping him on the head with his foot. “Wake up sleepy head.”

What!” said Jake opening his eyes and sitting up to see his friends sitting there around him. “Hi there. What are you guys doing?”

You snore,” laughed Midge.

No I don't,” said Jake.

We all heard you,” said Booker-T.

You sounded like a motor boat,” laughed Lucy. “We all heard you snoring. Were you dreaming of motor boats?”

You were sleeping good,” said Midge.

I'm awake now,” said Jake.

Lets go to the farm,” suggested Lucy.

Are we going to ride the horses again,” asked Jake.

No,” said Lucy. “You have to come meet Sassy.”

Who is Sassy?” asked Midge.

She is a chicken,” said Lucy.

You have a chicken at your house?” asked Booker-T.

Yes,” said Lucy. “My owner is going to get some more chickens in about a week.”

Why?” asked Midge.

They make eggs,” said Lucy.

They have to work at the farm?” asked Booker-T.

Some animals work,” said Lucy.

We just have fun at the farm,” said Jake.

I like having fun,” said Midge.

Wow!” said Booker-T. “Humans work and now some animals work too.”

I guess they do,” said Lucy. “The chickens make eggs and the cows make milk.”

And the horses work too,” said Jake. “They give humans rides. We work too sometimes.”

We work too?” asked Midge. “How do we work?”

Sure we do,” said Jake. “We watch the house for our owners and we bark if someone is at the door they don't know.”

I don't bark,” laughed Booker-T. “I just sit there and eat, sleep and have fun. I'm just a cat.”

That's okay,” smiled Lucy. “Come on and lets go meet Sassy.”

Okay,” said Midge. “Come on guys. I want to meet the chicken.”

They followed Lucy out the gate and they strolled along the sidewalk on their way to the farm. In the yard near the side of the house, they found Sassy walking around pecking at the ground.

Hi Sassy,” greeted Lucy.

Hi Lucy,” said Sassy. “What are you doing?”

I brought my friends to the farm to meet you,” said Lucy. “They never met a chicken before.”

Hi everyone,” said Sassy.

This is Midge,” said Lucy. “That one is Jake and this is Booker-T.”

Hi Sassy,” greeted Midge. “We never saw a chicken before. Lucy said you make eggs.”

I do,” smiled Sassy. “The humans like to eat eggs.”

Me too,” said Jake.

How many eggs do you make?” asked Booker-T.

I only make one egg a day,” said Sassy.

Only one egg?” asked Midge. “That isn't very many.”

That is why my owner is getting twenty more chickens in a few days,” said Lucy.

Wow,” said Midge. “The cows work harder every day. They make milk twice a day and a big pail of it.”

Do you want to be our friend?” asked Jake as they all sat down in the shade.

I'd like that,” said Sassy.

Can we watch you make an egg?” asked Booker-T.

I'm making one now,” said Sassy. “I will be ready in the morning.”

Wow,” said Booker-T. “That's cool.”

What do you do?” asked Sassy.

I have fun,” said Booker-T. “We like to play and have fun.”

Is that all you do?” asked Midge. “Eat, walk around and make one egg?”

That's it,” sighed Sassy.

Wow, chickens don't work too hard,” said Jake.

Can you make an egg?” asked Sassy.

No,” said Midge shaking her head. “We don't know how.”

That's okay,” said Sassy. “Lets go walk to the barn and visit with the cows.”

Do you want to go to the zoo with us?” asked Midge.

I don't think I can leave the farm,” said Sassy.

You can walk with us if you want to,” suggested Booker-T.

I better stay here,” said Sassy. “You guys go have fun.”

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Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T