The three friends
walked along the sidewalk on their way to the park with their friend
Gabby flying above them. As they crossed the street and entered the
park, Booker-T said “Hey look over there. What are they doing?”
They stopped
and looked at what Booker-T was pointing at.
“Lets go
see,” said Midge.
“Looks like
they are putting up tents for something,” said Jake.
asked Booker-T as they started walking to the area.
When they
neared where the men were setting up the tents, Jake saw a large sign
near a tree facing the road.
“What does it
say, Jake?” asked Booker-T.
“It says
there is going to be a big picnic and outside concert here,” said
“A concert?”
asked Midge. “What is a concert? I know what a picnic is. Lot of
food, but I never heard of a concert.”
“A concert is
where someone is putting on a show.” said Gabby. “It is usually
someone singing.”
“I can sing,”
said Midge. “Maybe I can join their concert.”
“You howl,”
laughed Jake. “I don't think they would like you joining their
concert and howling.”
“I don't
howl,” signed Midge. “I sing good. Don't I Booker-T?”
“I think
humans call it howling,” laughed Booker-T.
“When is this
concert going to be?” asked Midge.
“The sign
says this weekend,” said Jake. “Will be Saturday and Sunday.”
“We should
come and see it,” said Midge. “And get something to eat.”
“You aren't
going to sing,” said Jake.
“Oh no,”
said Midge shaking her head. “I just want to come see and eat some
“How are we
going to get some of the food?” asked Booker-T.
“It's a
picnic, said Midge. “So maybe no one will be buying food. Maybe
they will be bringing food from home.”
“But how can
we get some of the food?” asked Jake.
“We sit near
someone and look hungry,” said Midge. “Then we tilt our head
from side to side while we look hungry and they will toss us a little
something to eat.”
“Do you have
it all figured out?” asked Jake.
“Oh sure,”
said Midge. “It always works with my owner. She sees me sitting
there when she is eating and looking hungry and she puts some down
for me to eat.”
“You do that
to your owner?” asked Booker-T.
said Midge. “It works all the time. She always has something that
smell so good and I always want a taste.”
“We can
try,” said Jake. “Maybe they will feel sad for us and give us
“Do you
think our owners will be there?” asked Booker-T. “They might not
like us coming here.”
said Midge. “I don't know. My owner likes Picnics. She goes with
her sister sometimes to the lake for picnics. But I think she is
working Saturday til evening. I heard her tell her sister on the
“Mine is
working too,” said Jake. “what about you Booker-T?”
“I never
heard her say anything about the picnic so I don't know,” said
are so much fun, Booker-T,” said Jake. “People eat a lot of food
and they play ball and laugh and have fun.”
“Maybe will
be fun,” agreed Booker-T.
“We will
come Saturday,” said Jake. “My owner has to work all day and we
will be careful if we see your owner coming, Booker-T.”
“Come to my
house in the morning Booker-T and we will walk to Jake's house,”
said Midge.
smiled Booker-T. “I will come early so I can say hi to Snappy.”
“What is
potluck?” asked Jake. “Have you ever heard of it Midge?”
“I don't
know,” said Midge. “Where did you see that?”
“On this
sign,” said Jake. “Where is Gabby?”
called Midge. “Where are you?”
Gabby swooped
down from the tree and landed next to Midge.
“Have you
ever heard of potluck Gabby?” asked Jake.
said Gabby. “I heard of it.”
“What is
it?” asked Midge.
“It means
good luck on the food,” laughed Gabby.
luck?” asked Midge. “What is good luck food? Is it like
bring food and you don't know what it is they are bringing,” said
Gabby. “It is a surprise to everyone and you share the food with
“Is it
potluck our owners give us to eat?” asked Booker-T. “I never
know what she is giving me until she sets the bowl on the floor.”
“Maybe that
is pot luck,” smiled Midge.
“Hey guys,”
said Jake. “I almost forgot. What did you get for Christmas?”
“I got a
pretty red sweater to wear when it is cold,” said Midge. “And
some chew bones. What did you get Jake and Booker-T.”
“I got a
new collar and some balls to play with and two big chew bones,”
said Jake.
“I got some
catnip in a ball with holes in it,” said Booker-T. “When I roll
it, it jingles. I got some fish tasting snack treats.”
“It was a
really nice Christmas this year,” said Jake.
Christmas to you all!
sweet and loving as always.