Thursday, January 4, 2018

Bungee Jumping

 Jake was sitting on his front porch swing watching the kids riding their new bikes up and down the road. Midge and Booker-T entered the yard and went to the porch.
“Hi Jake,” greeted Midge as she sat down on the ground in front of the porch. “What are you doing?”
“Hi Midge, Booker-T,” said Jake.
“Hi Jake,” smiled Booker-T.
“I was watching all the kids riding around on their new bikes they got for Christmas,” said Jake.   "There sure are a lot of them today.  Nice they can ride with no snow on the ground."
“Lot of kids on our street got new bikes too,” said Midge.
“Christmas is over and now we are starting a new year,” said Jake. "The year went by so fast Midge."
“Remember all the fun we had this past year?” asked Booker-T.
“Oh yes,” smiled Midge. “I'm ready for some new adventures and maybe try some of the old ones again.”
“What kind of new things you want to do?” asked Jake.
“I want to bungee jump,” smiled Midge.  "I saw the kids doing it and I want to do it too."
“You are kidding right?” laughed Booker-T.
“Oh no,” said Midge. “I saw some kids doing it and it looks like a lot of fun.”
“I don't think it is good for us to be doing it,” said Jake.
“But it looks like fun Jake,” said Midge. “You jump off the bridge and when you get to the end of the rope, it goes boing and snaps you back up and you bounce up and down in the air at the bottom of the rope.”
“What if the rope breaks?” asked Jake. “It could you know.”
“I think the ropes are strong,” said Midge. “Or the kids wouldn't be doing it.”
“Who is going to tie the rope on you?” asked Jake. “I can't tie and and Booker-T can't do it either. We don't have hands to tie a rope with.”
“I saw the rope,” said Midge. “And it has a hook on it so I could hook it to my collar.”
“No Midge!” said Jake. "Hook it on your collar and you would hang yourself up there."
“What are you wanting to do now?” asked Gabby as he swooped down from the tree.
“Midge wants to do something called bungee jumping,” said Booker-T.
Gabby fell off the porch railing, he was laughing so hard.
“I can bungee jump,” said Midge.
“No you can't,” said Gabby. “You are a dog. Dogs don't bungee jump.”
“Don't tell her that, Gabby,” said Jake. “You know Midge. She will try anything at least once that the humans are doing.The more you tell her no, the more she will want to do it."
“Dogs don't bungee jump,” said Gabby again. “I have never seen an animal bungee jump before.”
“I'll be the first dog to bungee jump,” smiled Midge. “I will be the first in history. Can you tie a rope?”
“We don't know how Midge,” said Jake.
“Maybe if we go to the bridge when the kids are jumping,” said Midge. “They will help me.”
“We can go watch them,” suggested Booker-T. “But how will they know you want to jump too?”
“I don't want to just watch,” said Midge. “I want to jump. Lets go check it out.”
“We might as well go,” said Jake. “ You know Midge won't stop until she tries this thing.”
When they got to the bridge, there were about twenty boys taking turns jumping off. Midge walked toward a young man who was tying the rope onto someone. She got very close to them and nudged his leg with her nose.
“Shoo pup,” said the young man. Midge grabbed the rope.
“Go go,” said the said the young man trying to shoo Midge away from him.
“Maybe the dog wants to bungee jump,” said one of the boys.
“Dogs don't bungee jump,” said the young man.
“Throw her off the bridge once and let's see what she does,” laughed the other boy.
Midge looked at him and ran back to the where Jake and Booker-T were standing.
“What's wrong?” asked Jake. “I thought you wanted to bungee jump.”
“He was going to throw me off the bridge,” shouted Midge. “Lets go home.”
“I thought you wanted to be thrown off the bridge,” said Booker-T.
“I do, but he wanted to throw me off the bridge without the rope,” said Midge. “I would get hurt.”
“It is safer to stay on the ground Midge,” said Gabby.
“I guess you are right Gabby,” Sighed Midge. “It really looks like fun though.”
The three hurried along the sidewalk back to Jake's house where they got a bite to eat and laid down on the front porch to take a nap.

1 comment:

Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T