Friday, September 10, 2021

The Movie Palace


Jake, Midge and Booker-T were sitting on the porch at Midge's house when Gabby flew down and landed on the porch railing.

"Hey you guys," said Gabby. "What are you guys doing?"

"We are trying to decide what we want to do today to have fun," said Midge.

"What are you doing, Gabby?" asked Booker-T.

"I was near the skateboard ramp," said Gabby.

"Were you watching the humans playing with their skateboards?" asked Jake.

"No," said Gabby. "I was watching the builders."

"What builders?" asked Midge.

"They are building a movie palace near the skateboard ramp," said Gabby.

"Oh," said Midge. "A palace. I want to see the palace. Do you think we might see a queen there?"

"It's not that kind of palace," laughed Gabby. "They show movies there."

"I want to go watch a movie," said Midge. "I like movies. My favorite movie is Lassie. Do you like Lassie, Jake."

"My owner has that movie on the bookshelf," said Jake.

"Who is Lassie?" asked Gabby.

"It is a dog," said Jake. "A really smart dog. I watch movies all the time with my owner."

"Me too," said Midge. "I like movies. My favorite are cartoons."

"Lets go see a movie," said Booker-T.

"They aren't showing any movies yet," said Gabby.

"But you said it was a movie palace," sighed Midge. "Why aren't they showing any movies?"

"They will show movies," said Gabby. "After they finish building it. I think it will be finished in a month."

"Oh," said Booker-T. "That is a long time."

"Can we go inside and watch the movies when the palace opens?" asked Midge.

"I don't think they will let animals inside," laughed Gabby.

"We can sneak in," suggested Midge.

"How?" asked Gabby.

"Midge always finds a way," smiled Jake. "Never tell Midge that she can't go inside a place."

"But she always gets caught," laughed Booker-T.

"We will try when it opens," said Midge. "I want to go see a movie."

"What do you want to do now?" asked Jake. "Gabby said it will be a month before the movie palace opens."

"Lets go see what they are doing at the building," suggested Booker-T. "We will be close to the farm there and we can go see the cows again."

"Okay," said Midge. "Lets go. I want to see the movie palace."

"It isn't a palace yet," said Gabby. "I don't know what it will look like when they finish it."

"I know," said Midge. "I want to see what they are doing with it."

"Okay," said Jake.

"I'll see you guys later," smiled Gabby.

"Where are you going?" asked Booker-T.

"I'm going to see Polly," smiled Gabby.

"How is Polly?" asked Jake.

"She is good," said Gabby. "I will tell Polly hi for you."

"See you later Gabby," said Midge.

Gabby flew away and Midge, Jake and Booker-T hurried out the gate and walked along the sidewalk on their way to where the movie palace was being built.

"Look," said Midge. "There it is. What does that sign say, Jake?"

"It says, The Movie Palace coming soon," read Jake. "Grand opening will be in a month."

"We can go to the grand opening, Jake," smiled Midge. "There will be a lot of humans there and we can sneak in with them."

"Do you think we can sneak in?" asked Booker-T. "I want to see a movie."

"Does the sign say anything else?" asked Midge.

Jake stood staring at the sign. "It says that the first movie when the palace opens will be 'The Moon People'," read Jake.

"I told you there were space aliens," smiled Midge. "Now they are making movie about them."

"It is not real," said Jake. "It is just a movie."

"One of these days, Jake," said Midge. "They will come to see us."

"Why?" asked Jake.

"Maybe they want to know who we are," said Midge.

"We are just animals," said Booker-T. "I don't think the space aliens want to come and see us."

"Maybe they will," said Midge. "We are smart animals and the space aliens might want to meet some smart animals.'

"The show dogs are smarter than we are," suggested Jake. "If there really are space aliens, and they want to talk to smart animals, I think they would go see the show dogs or maybe the circus animals."

"Do you think there are space aliens?" asked Booker-T.

"No," said Jake. "Midge does."

"One day, they will come Jake," said Midge nodding her head.

"Okay," said Jake. "Maybe one day they will come for you."

"I don't want to go with them," said Midge. "I just want to meet a real space alien."

"Do you want to see the movie when the palace opens?" asked Booker-T.

"Yes," smiled Midge. "I want to see what the moon people look like."

"Do you think they look like us, Jake?" asked Booker-T.

"I don't know," said Jake.

"I want to see the movie too," said Booker-T.

"When they do the grand opening," said Jake. "We will try to get into the movie palace."

"Yippee," sang Midge. "We are going to the movies. We are going to the movies."

"I hope we can sneak in," said Booker-T.

"You know Midge," said Jake. "She always finds a way in to places. Lets go to the farm, guys."

"Okay," said Midge. "Lets go."

The three hurried along the sidewalk to the farm where they walked around to the barn where they found the cows standing around enjoying the sun.

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Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T