Midge, Jake, Booker-T and Lucy walked walked along the sidewalk, on their way to the zoo building to visit the petting zoo that is set up behind the building. Suddenly from above, they heard a swirling noise and looked up. Something shiny was flying above them.
“Jake,” whispered Midge. “What is that?”
“I don't know,” said Jake staring at the object above them. “Look at it. It has eyes.”
“Is it a space ship, Jake?” asked Lucy.
“I don't know,” said Jake. “Hello space guys. What do you want?”
No voices came from the space ship.
“Hello space ship,” said Midge. “Are you coming here in peace?”
“We are nice to everyone,” said Booker-T. “Do you want to play with us?”
“Why don't it talk to us,” said Midge. “Hello space people, are you in there?”
Suddenly it started going around and around in circles and beeping.
“Do you think they heard you?” asked Jake.
“Maybe,” said Midge. “Can you land here on the ground, Mr. space person?”
“You want them to land here?” asked Booker-T. “That might be scary.”
“Why scary?” asked Lucy.
“We don't know who is flying the ship,” said Jake. “It is a really small space ship.”
“I know,” said Midge. “I think they are really small space people.”
“We could step on them if they are mean,” said Lucy. “Hey space people. Come out so we can see you.”
Suddenly it took off flying away.
“Where did it go?” asked Midge. “Did it get scared of us?”
“Why would it be scared of us?” asked Booker-T.
“That was a small space ship,” said Jake. “They must be very small space people.”
“Maybe,” said Midge. “Maybe it was space bugs.”
“Space bugs?” asked Booker-T. “Why do you think they are space bugs?”
“Look at the space ship,” said Midge. “It looked like a bug.”
“It did,” smiled Lucy. “The space ship had legs.”
“Maybe these space people like to fly around in a buggy ship,” laughed Booker-T.
“A buggy ship,” laughed Midge. “I want to see a space person. Wonder where the space person lives.”
“I don't know,” said Jake. “Maybe they will come back.”
“Hey!” said Booker-T. “Look over there. It's back sitting on top of that table.”
“Be quiet,” said Lucy. “Maybe we can sneak up on it.”
The four tip-toed quietly to the table and slowly walked around the buggy ship. Midge reached out with her paw and touched it.
“How does it feel?” asked Jake.
“It's cold,” said Midge as she used her paw to tap on the ship. “Hello in there!”
“Maybe they don't understand what we are saying,” suggested Lucy.,
“We don't know where the space people came from,” said Jake.
“Maybe they are like humans,” said Booker-T. “The humans don't understand what we say to them.”
“I like their ship,” said Midge as she softly barked at the ship. “Do you think they heard me in there?”
“Maybe,” said Jake. “I don't know.”
They were sitting there staring at the space ship hoping that a little door would open and little space people would come out. Suddenly two little humans walked up and one of them picked up the space ship and they walked away with it.
“What is he going to do with the space ship?” asked Midge.
“I don't know,” said Jake. “Maybe he can get the little people to come out.”
“I wanted to see the little people,” sighed Midge. “Now some humans captured the space ship.”
“Maybe it will get away from them,” suggested Booker-T. “Lets go to the petting zoo.”
They started to walk along the sidewalk again going to the little zoo. Gabby flew down and landed on Jake's back.
“Hey guys,” said Gabby. “Where are you going?”
“We are on the way to the petting zoo,” said Midge. “Do you want to come with us?”
“I was just over that way,” said Gabby. “Some humans are having drone races.”
“What is a drone?” asked Jake.
“A big flying toy that the kids are playing with,” said Gabby.
“It flies?” asked Booker-T.
“Yes,” said Gabby. “Come on and I will show you.”
They walked along the sidewalk with Gabby flying above. They crossed the street into the parking lot of the big zoo transfer building.
“Look up there, Midge,” said Lucy. “There are 4 more space ships.”
“Those are drones,” said Gabby. “That is what the little humans are flying around.”
“They must be very tiny humans to get inside one of them,” said Jake.
“No one is inside,” laughed Gabby. “The little humans are standing on the ground and they are making the drones fly in the sky.”
“So they aren't space ships?” said Midge.
“Oh no,” said Gabby. “They are toys that the humans are playing with. Even the big humans like to make them fly around.”
“Wow,” laughed Lucy. “We thought the one we saw was a space ship.”
“They kind of look like a space ship,” smiled Gabby.
They all walked around to the back of the building and sat down on the ground under the big oak tree to watch the humans play with the flying toy.
“I just know there are space people out there somewhere,” said Midge.
“Maybe there are,” smiled Jake. “Some day, maybe you will see some.”
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