Midge was prancing around on the front porch, back and forth. Got on two legs and was dancing around when Jake and Lucy walked through the front yard gate. Booker-T came in behind them and they stood there watching Midge as she danced around.
“What are you doing?” asked Jake.
“Hi there,” smiled Midge.
“What are you doing?” asked Booker-T. “You look like you are dancing?”
“I was,” said Midge. “I'm a dancing star.”
“A star of what?” asked Lucy.
“I'm a dancing star in my movie,” said Midge flipping her head back.
“What movie?” asked Jake. “Who is making a movie of you dancing?”
“I am,” said Midge.
“How can you make a movie?” asked Booker-T. “You don't have a camera.”
“Look up there above the door,” said Midge. “What do you see?”
“Looks like a camera,” said Lucy looking closing at what was above the door.
“Is it running?” asked Jake.
“It's running,” said Midge.
“How do you know?” asked Booker-T.
“It is running now,” said Midge. “See that little light on it?”
Jake walked closer and leaped onto the chair and looked at the camera.
“I see a little light going on and off,” said Jake.
“So, the camera takes your picture all by itself?” asked Lucy.
“Yes,” said Midge. “I don't have to do anything, just move.”
“Move where?” asked Booker-T.
“Just walk or dance around,” said Midge. “And then it takes my picture on a video. Do you want to see it?”
“Yes,” said Jake. “How do we see it?”
“Come on,” said Midge as she jumped off the porch and ran to the back yard with the others following behind.
In the back yard they followed Midge into the house through the doggie door. She hurried to the living room and in the corner of the room, hung a TV.
“You have two TVs?” asked Jake looking around the room.
“Now we do,” said Midge. “My owner got the new TV yesterday evening.”
“Why does she want two TVs in the same room?” asked Lucy raising an eyebrow. “Is she wanting to watch two different shows at the same time?”
“No,” said Midge. “She called this TV a monitor, I think it was.”
“What is a monitor?” asked Booker-T walking closer to take a look. “Wow, look there Jake. I see the front porch and the yard.”
“Wow,” said Jake. “Your owner wants to look at your front porch?”
“Yes,” said Midge.
“Why?” asked Lucy.
“The big human said she could see humans coming to the door on the TV,” said Midge.
“What big human?” asked Jake.
“He put that TV on the wall there,” said Midge. “And he put the camera over the door.”
“Hey,” said Booker-T. “Look here. See that little human walking on the sidewalk out there.”
“I don't see you on the TV,” said Lucy. “So how are you making a movie?”
“Keep watching the TV,” said Midge. “I will be right back.”
Midge ran through the kitchen and out the doggie door and ran around to the front of the house and danced around on the porch.
“Hey guys!” called Midge. “Do you hear me?”
Inside the three friends could hear Midge but found they couldn't talk to her.
“Hey Midge!” called Booker-T. “Can you hear us?”
Midge didn't answer them.
“Midge!” called out Jake. “We are watching you!”
Midge ran back in the house to join her friends who were watching the TV. They saw that Midge disappeared and wasn't on the TV anymore.
“Where did she go?” asked Lucy. “How did she disappear? Maybe this is a magic show.”
“What is a magic show?” asked Midge.
“We saw you on the porch and then we didn't see you,” said Jake. “Lucy thought maybe it was a magic show you were doing.”
“No magic,” said Midge looking at the TV and only seeing the porch and no one there. “Why am I not showing on there?”
“I don't know Midge,” said Jake. “Maybe the camera isn't working right. How do you make a movie if you can't see the movie when you are finished?”
“I don't know,” said Midge. “I wanted to do a dance movie. Did I look good on the video?”
“You looked real good, Midge,” smiled Lucy.
could hear you talking to us,” said Booker-T. “Did you hear us
talking to you?”
“No,” said Midge. “Were you talking
to me?”
“Yes,” said Jake.
“It worked when the big human was here,” said Midge. “My owner talked to him outside when she was in here and he heard her and she heard him.”
“Must be a human thing,” laughed Booker-T.
“Hey look guys,” said Midge. “There is the mailman human.”
“That's cool,” said Jake. “You can see when the mail comes.”
“When my owner comes home, I can see her on this thing,” said Midge.
“I can just look out the window,” laughed Snappy.
“I guess that's true,” said Lucy.
“Humans do funny things sometimes,” said Booker-T.
“I guess you aren't a star, Midge,” said Jake. “Because there is no video to watch later.”
“Maybe not,” sighed Midge. “Lets go play.”
“Okay,” agreed Booker-T. “Lets go.”
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