Friday, June 19, 2020

The Carnival Parade

Midge ran into the living room from the bedroom and leaped into the big chair near Snappy's tank.
"Hi Snappy," smiled Midge. "What are you doing this morning?"
"Hi Midge," greeted Snappy as he poked his nose against the glass of the tank. I was resting on the rock and looking out the window. What are you doing?"
"I just woke up," said Midge.
"Is Jake and Booker-T coming to the house today?" asked Gabby.

"I think Booker-T is coming and we are going to walk over to Jake's house," said Midge.
Suddenly they heard a tapping on the window near Snappy's tank. Snappy turned to see Gabby outside the window. Midge leaped from the chair and ran through the kitchen and o ut the doggie door. she ran to the front of the house where she found Gabby perched on the porch railing.
"Hi Gabby," greeted Midge. "What are you doing?"
"Did you see?' asked Gabby. "Did you see that they are coming?"
"See what?" asked Midge. "Are the space aliens here now?"
"No Midge,"s said Gabby. "Are you still looking for space aliens?"
"Yes, she is," laughed Booker-T as he walked up and sat down on the porch.
"I know they are out there," said Midge. "I just know they are."
"How do you know?" asked Gabby.
"I just know," said Midge. "One day they will come see us. Why were you tapping on the window?"
"Oh," said Gabby. "I forgot. Did you see what is coming to town?"
"No," said Midge. "What is coming to town if not space aliens?"
"I know you will like it Midge," said Gabby.
"What is it?" asked Midge again.
"A parade is coming," said Gabby.
"A parade for what?" asked Booker-T.
"I want to be in the parade," smiled Midge.
"I know that look Midge," said Booker-T. "You can't be in the parade."
"Why not?" asked Midge. "I would look good on one of those floats."
"But you can't be on a float," said Gabby.
"What is the parade for?" asked Midge.
"There is another carnival coming to town for a couple of days," said Gabby.
"I like carnivals too," said Midge. "This will be a fun two days."
"Hi guys," greeted Jake. "I was waiting for you and Booker-T. What are you guys doing?"
"Hi Jake," smiled Midge. I forgot we were going to your house. Gabby came and I forgot."
"Gabby came to tell us about a parade and a carnival is coming to town," said Booker-T.
"I want to be in the parade, Jake," said Midge.
"Why?" asked Jake. "You can't be in the parade. The humans won't let you get on the float."
"I want to ride the float," said Midge.
"But you can't ride the float," said Gabby.
"I want to ride," said Midge. "When is the parade?"
"It is later this morning," said Gabby. "The parade will start at the school yard."
"Lets go Jake," said Midge.
"Lets go watch the parade," said Booker-T. "It will be fun."
They hurried to the school yard to see the parade when it started.
"Look over there," said Midge. "Here comes the parade now. Listen to the music. It is fun."
"Look at that float," said Booker-T. "It has animals on it."
"I want to ride that one with the other animals," said Midge. "I'll run and jump on the float." f
"No," said Gabby.
But it was too late. Midge was running after the float. She ran fast to catch up with the float. She held her breath and made a leap into the air to get onto the float.
"Midge!" screamed Jake. "No!"
Then Gabby and Booker-T were on the ground laughing. Midge had leaped toward the float and landed on a man's head. She quickly leaped off and ran as fast as she could so he wouldn't see her.
"That was close Midge," laughed Jake. "He almost grabbed you."
"Lets go home," puffed Midge.

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Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T