Friday, July 31, 2020

I'm An Actress

"I made a movie," sang Midge as she started to walk to Jake's house. Booker-T was waiting for her at his front yard gate.
"What are you singing about?" asked Booker-T.
"I made a movie," smiled Midge. "I'm an actress. Do you want my autograph?"
"How can you sign your name?" laughed Booker-T. "You can't write."
"I can put my paw print on something for you," said Midge.
"What movie did you do?" asked Booker-T. "You didn't tell us you were going to be in a movie."
"I didn't know about it til last night," said Midge.
"What is the name of your movie?" asked Booker-T.

"I think she said it was the life of a dog," said Midge.
"Who made the movie?" asked Booker-T.
"My owner's niece made it," smiled Midge. "Snappy and I both were in her movie. I'm the star you know."
"What did you have to do in the movie?" asked Booker-T.
"I just was myself," said Midge. "She followed me around and sometimes she was in it when she sat down to pet me."
"Wow," said Booker-T. "That is cool. I am friends with a movie star."
"Lets go see Jake," said Midge. "I want to tell him I'm a movie star."
"But isn't the movie you are in just a home movie for family?" asked Booker-T.
"Maybe," said Midge. "But it's a movie."
"No one will see it but your owner's family," said Booker-T.
"Don't tell Jake," said Midge. "I want to fool him for a little time."
"Okay," said Booker-T. "Lets go."
"Promise you won't tell," said Midge.
"I promise," said Booker-T. "But Jake is smart. He will know you are kidding."
"Maybe," said Midge.
The two walked along the sidewalk and entered Jake's front yard and found him sleeping on the front porch swing.
"Hey Jake!" called Midge. "Wake up! It is exciting!"
"Hi Midge," said Jake as he sat up in the swing. "What is exciting?"
"I am now a movie star Jake," said Midge.
Booker-T sat and smiled.
"How are you a movie star?" asked Jake.
"I was in a movie last night," smiled Midge. "I acted so good too."
"Who made the movie?" asked Jake.
"It was a human," said Midge. "I think they call the human movie person a cameraman."
"What is the name of the movie?" asked Jake.
"The Life of a Dog," said Midge. "Do you want my autograph?"
"You can't write," said Jake.
"I can put my paw print on something for you," said Midge. "You can tell everyone you have a friend who is a movie star."
"Your friends are my friends, so they will already know," said Jake. "When will the movie be
on TV?"
"I don't know," said Midge. "The camera person didn't say."
Booker-T sat their looking around in the air trying hard not to laugh.
"Aren't you excited for Midge, Booker-T?" asked Jake.
"Oh sure," agreed Booker-T. "I'm excited that we know a movie star."
"I want to see the movie when it is on TV," said Jake. "I hope my owner will want to watch it and turn it on."
"Midge?" said Booker-T. "Will you tell him?"
"Don't you want to know, Booker-T?" asked Jake. "Do you know already?"
"Oh no," said Booker-T shaking his head as he rolled his eyes.
"Booker-T," said Jake. "Why do you keep rolling your eyes? I think it is so neat that our friend is a movie star now. But you know, when she does more movies she will be famous and won't have time for her friends anymore."
"I think you are right," smiled Booker-T. "We will miss Midge when she gets famous and moves away."
"I'm not moving," said Midge.
"But when you get famous," said Jake. "They will want you to go to that place they call Hollywood. All the movie stars are out there."
"My movie is only a family movie," said Midge. "I won't move away. My owner's niece made the movie."
"Oh," said Jake. "Just a family movie."
"But I'm still a movie star," said Midge. "It was a little movie and I was the star of it."
"A family movie is a good movie," said Jake. "You are a family movie star."
"That's good, right Jake," said Midge.
"Yes, that's really good," said Jake. "You can do lot of family movies and stay here with your friends."
"Can we be in your next movie?" asked Booker-T.
"Sure," smiled Midge. "That would be fun."
"Does your owner's family make movies, Booker-T?" asked Jake.
"No," said Booker-T. "I don't think so, does yours?"
"No," said Jake.
"But I saw a picture of you on the wall in your living room," said Midge.
"She has pictures of me, but no movie," said Jake.
"Humans like to take pictures," Laughed Midge. "I see them taking pictures in the park, at the zoo, at the school and all over the place."
"They do like pictures," said Jake.
"Why do they take all those pictures?" asked Booker-T.
"I don't know," said Midge.
"I heard my owner tell her nephew that they are something called memories," said Jake.
"What are memories?" asked Midge.
"I don't know," said Jake.
"I think it is good thing," said Midge. "Humans are funny."
"I know," said Jake. "They do funny things."
"I wish I was a human," said Midge.
"Too much work to be a human, Midge," said Jake. "I like being a pet for someone nice."
"Me too," said Booker-T.
"The life of a Dog can be good," said Midge.
"And the life of a cat," laughed Booker-T.

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Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T