Friday, July 24, 2020

The Lucky Charm

"Hey Midge!" called Booker-T as he came through the front gate into the front yard. "Midge!"
Midge strolled around the house to the front yard. "Hi Booker-T. What are you doing?"
"Are we going to the petting zoo today to see Pinky?" asked Booker-T.
"Sure," smiled Midge. "Lets go get Jake."
They went through the gate and strolled along the sidewalk on their way to Jake's house. Gabby flew down and landed n the sidewalk in front of them.
"Hey you guys," greeted Gabby. "Where are you going?"
"We are going to get Jake," said Midge.

"Then we are going to the little petting zoo to see Pinky," said Booker-T.
"Come on and go with us," invited Midge.
"Sure," said Gabby.
They started walking again with Gabby flying above them. They rounded the corner and hurried up the street to Jake's house. He was sitting on the front porch swing.
"Hi Jake," greeted Midge.
"Hi guys," smiled Jake. "What are you guys doing?"
"We are want to go to the petting zoo to see Pinky," said Booker-T. "Gabby came along with us."
"What is this?' asked Gabby as he found the little statue of a 4-leaf clover.
"That's my lucky charm," said Jake.
"You have a lucky charm?" asked Midge poking her nose on the statue.
"Yes," said Jake.
"Where did you get a lucky charm?" asked Booker-T.
"I found it in the back yard last week," said Jake.
"How do you know it is a lucky charm?" asked Gabby.
"I heard my owner tell her nephew when he was here," said Jake. "That if he found a 4-leaf clover in the yard, it would be good luck. She showed him a picture of one."
"Did he lose the little statue?" asked Midge.
"I don't think so," said Jake. "I didn't see him have it when he was here."
"Wow," said Booker-T. "It is so nice. Does it give you good luck?"
"I don't know," said Jake. "I don't know how to tell if it gives me good luck."
"Do you know, Gabby?" asked Midge.
"No," said Gabby. "Maybe it just keeps you safe from things."
"Maybe that is it," said Booker-T. "But don't you have to carry it with you all the time to give you good luck?"
"I think you do," said Midge. "You don't have any pockets."
"I could carry it in my mouth," suggested Jake.
"That would be uncomfortable to carry it around all the time," said Midge.
"I will just leave it in my dog bed," said Jake.
"Do you want to go see Pinky at the petting zoo?" asked Midge.
"Okay," said Jake. "Lets go. Wait and I'm going to put my lucky charm in the house."
After putting the lucky charm into the house, the three of them walked along the sidewalk to the petting zoo with Gabby flying overhead. Jake tripped on a rock that was in his way.
"Jake!" said Midge. "Are you okay?"
"I'm good," sighed Jake. "I wasn't looking and that rock was in my way."
"Be careful," said Gabby.
They started walking along again and suddenly Jake yelled out, "Ouch!"
"Jake," said Midge. "What happened?"
"Something stuck me in the foot," said Jake as he sat down and lifted up his foot. "I can't see it. Will you look for me?"
Midge looked at the bottom of Jake's foot for him. "You have one of those plant stickers in your foot," said Midge.
"Can you pull it out with your beak, Gabby?" asked Booker-T.
"Sure," said Gabby as he flew down and landed on the sidewalk and looked at the bottom of Jake's foot. "I see it."
Gabby grabbed it with his beak and pulled.
"Ouch," said Jake. "That hurts. Did you get it?"
"I got it out," said Gabby. "Boy are you having a bad day."
"I need my lucky charm," said Jake.
"It won't help you," said Booker-T. "It wouldn't have moved the rock and I don't think it could pull out the sticker from you foot."
"But don't you think the good luck charm would have saved me from tripping on the rock and getting that sticker stuck in my foot?" asked Jake.
"No," said Midge shaking her head.
"But why would my owner tell her nephew that the 4-leaf clover was good luck?" asked Jake. "I heard her tell him that."
"Maybe it has to be a real 4-leaf clover and not just a statue," suggested Midge.
"That might be it," smiled Booker-T. "Maybe it has to be a real one and what you have is a statue of one."
"But why am I having bad luck today?" asked Jake.
"You are just clumsy today," laughed Midge.
"You are funny," said Jake.
"You have always done good without that statue," said Midge. "You don't need a luck charm. You have us."
"I'm happy you all are my friend," said Jake.
"And we are happy that you are our friend," said Booker-T. "You can leave the little statue at home."
"Okay," smiled Jake. "Lets go to the petting zoo."
The four friends hurried to the petting zoo

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Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T