Friday, April 8, 2022

Midge's Tales


“Hi guys,” greeted Gabby as he flew down from above and landed on the fence post near the barn.

“Hey there Gabby,” said Jake. “What are you doing?”

“I was flying around and saw you guys here at the farm,” said Gabby. “What are you doing?”

“We came to take Lucy to the park,” said Midge. “Did you forget? We are going to show her where we live also.”

“She looks a little like Midge,” smiled Gabby.  "Midge and Lucy are both the same kind of dog.”

“What kind of dog are we?” asked Lucy.

“They are more alike that you know,” laughed Booker-T. “Lucy is just like Midge.”

“Why?” asked Gabby.

“Because they both like to do what the humans do,” said Jake.

“What kind of dog are we?” asked Lucy again.

“You and Midge are Cocker Spaniels,” said Jake.

“What kind of a dog are you, Jake?” asked Lucy.

“I am a Boxer,” said Jake.

“Jake, you and Booker-T are going to sure stay busy keeping the two of them safe,” said Gabby.

“I know it,” sighed Jake.

“We only want to have fun,” said Lucy.

“But sometimes, Midge wants to do something that she can't really do and she almost gets hurt,” said Jake. “She wants to do the human things”

“They have a lot of fun,” said Lucy. "The little humans are always doing something."

“But they do things too that we don't want to do,” said Booker-T.

“What?” asked Lucy.

“Our owners go to work all the time and they have to pay bills,” said Jake. “My owner is always worried about these things called bills.”

“What are bills?” asked Lucy.

“I don't know,” said Jake. “But they are always talking about them. They sound like a problem.”

“But they have fun,” said Lucy. “I see them playing on the slide at the parks and riding those things with wheels at the park over there.”

“Oh, the skateboards,” smiled Booker-T.

“Midge tried them,” laughed Jake.

“Was it fun, Midge?” asked Lucy.

“It was fun,” said Midge.

“Until she fell over on her back,” said Jake.

“ Did you get hurt?” asked Lucy raising an eyebrow.

“No,” said Midge. “I just fell off the skateboard.”

“She looked funny,” said Booker-T.  “Laying on her back with her feet in the air.”

“Oh,” said Lucy. “And she didn't get hurt?”

“No, not really,” said Midge. “felt bad a little.”

“You should see what happened when she tried to ride down a hill in the snow on a sled,” laughed Booker-T.

“That was really funny,” laughed Jake. “But also a little scary that she might be hurt.”

“What happened?” asked Lucy.

“She got on the sled at the top of the hill and Jake gave her a push down the hill,” said Booker-T.

“She was doing okay until she hit a rock under the snow near the bottom of the hill and she flew off the sled and landed in a snowbank head first. All we could see was her two hind legs waving in the air,” said Jake.

“We ran down the hill and Jake grabbed her feet and pulled her out of the snow,” said Booker-T.

“It was a little scary,” said Midge. “But I was okay. It was hard to breathe under the snow.”

“It sounds like you all have a lot of fun,” smiled Lucy. “I like having fun, but I had no one to have fun with before, but now we can all have fun together.”

“But you have to be safe, Lucy,” said Gabby. “You don't want to get hurt having fun.”

“She almost got hurt when she tried to fly like Gabby,” said Booker-T.

“You tried to fly?” asked Lucy. “We don't have wings.”

“I know,” said Midge. “Gabby has so much fun flying up there in the air and I wanted to fly up there too. I had Gabby gather me a lot of feathers and I tried to make two wings for me.”

“What happened?” asked Lucy.

“She jumped off the hill and landed on the ground on her back,” said Jake. “The wings she made didn't work. She hasn't tried flying again.”

“This is going to be so much fun being your friend,” smiled Lucy.

“We do have fun,” said Midge.

“Lets go for a walk and we will show you where we each live and then show you the park on the way back here to the farm,” said Jake. “Our owners go to work every day and we go have fun when they are not home. We stay home in the evenings when our owners are home.”

“Lets go!” said Midge.

They walked to Jake's house first and then Midge and Booker-T. After showing Lucy their homes, they ran to the park where they played near the pond before going home to the farm.

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Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T