Friday, October 7, 2022

Look What I Found


Lucy, Midge and Booker-T laid down under the tree and took a nap in the shade. It seemed like a long time that they slept when Booker-T stood up and stretched and looked around the pasture for Jake.

Hey, Midge, Lucy!” called Booker-T. “Wake up you guys. Where is Jake?”

Midge stood up and stretched and looked around and Lucy looked around and no one saw where Jake was.

Did Jake go home?” asked Lucy.

I don't think so,” said Midge. “He would have woke us up if he was going to go home. He never would have gone without us.”

I don't seen him anywhere,” said Lucy.

Lets go up to the barn and look in there,” suggested Booker-T. “Maybe he went to lay down in the barn on the hay.”

The three ran to the barn and looked around inside, but didn't see Jake.

I don't see him,” said Midge. “He's hiding somewhere, I think.”

Why is he hiding from us?” asked Lucy. I'll go ask Daisy. Maybe she saw him.”

They hurried outside where the cows were all standing around staring at something laying on the ground.

Hi, Daisy,” said Midge. “What are you guys doing?”

We are looking at this thing laying on the ground,” said Daisy.

What is it?” asked Lucy.

I don't know,” said Betsy. “Do you know what it is?”

The three looked at the object and walked around it. They poked their nose on it and then each one pushed on it with one of their paws.

I don't know what that thing is,” said Midge. “Do you know, Lucy?”

I don't know either,” said Lucy. “How about you Booker-T?”

No,” said Booker-T. “It looks a little like something I have seen before, but don't know.”

What do you think it is?” asked Betsy.”

Well,” said Booker-T as he walked around it three times and stood staring at it. “It looks like a handle.”

A handle for what?” asked Lucy.

Where did it come from?” asked Daisy.

You didn't see it here before?” asked Midge.

No,” said Betsy. “We were in the barn and when we came out here, there it was just laying on the ground.”

Maybe it fell from the sky,” suggested Midge. “A space ship flying over maybe dropped it from the sky.”

A space ship,” laughed Booker-T.

It could be,” said Midge. “How else would that thing get here? I don't think it walked there.”

I don't see any legs on it,” laughed Lucy. “Maybe Midge is right. Maybe a space ship dropped it here.”

Maybe it fell from an airplane,” suggested Booker-T. “We need to find Jake.”

They all stood still staring at the object laying on the ground. Suddenly Gabby swooped down from the trees and landed on top of Betsy's head.

Hey you guys,” said Gabby. “What are you doing?”

We found this laying on the ground,” said Midge. “And we lost Jake.”

How did you lose Jake?” asked Gabby.

We don't know,” said Lucy. “We all took a nap and when we woke up, Jake wasn't here.”

Did he go home?” asked Gabby.

Oh no,” said Booker-T. “He would never go home without us.”

Maybe the space ship picked him up when they dropped this on the ground,” suggested Midge. “It's possible.”

I don't think there are any space ships,” laughed Gabby.

Gabby jumped down to the ground from Daisy's head. He walked around the object twice and touched it with his little foot.

Do you know what this is?” asked Gabby.

No,” said Midge.

We don't know,” said Lucy.

It looks like a big diamond on a stick,” said Midge.

You have these in your house,” said Gabby. “It's a door knob.”

A door knob?” asked Booker-T. “It don't look like the door knobs in my house.”

My door knobs don't look like that either,” said Midge.

I don't think mine look like that either,” said Lucy.

I'll be right back,” said Gabby as he took off into the air flying around the farm.

In a few minutes, Gabby flew back down and landed near Midge.

What were you looking for?” asked Midge.

Go behind the barn,” said Gabby.

They all ran to the back of the barn and there in a big hole, lay Jake, taking a nap.

Hey Jake!” called Midge. “Jake! Wake up!”

Jake rolled over and looked up at everyone standing looking down into the hole.

Wow, Jake,” said Booker-T. “That is a really big hole in the ground. Did you dig this hole?”

I just dug and dug some more and before I knew it, I was in a deep hole,” said Jake as he climbed out. “Did you see what I found?”

We saw something laying on the ground,” said Midge.

Gabby said it was a door knob,” said Lucy.

I think it is a door knob,” said Jake. “A really old one.”

What is a door knob doing in the ground?” asked Midge.

I don't know,” said Jake.

Maybe someone wanted to save it like you do your bones,” laughed Booker-T.

Is that why the dinosaur bones are in the ground?” asked Lucy. “Someone wanted to save them?”

Maybe,” said Jake.

I think our door knob is better than the old dinosaur bones,” smiled Midge. “Lets go home now.”

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Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T