Friday, May 15, 2020

A Trip to the Petting Zoo

Jake, Midge along with Booker-T and Gypsy strolled along the sidewalk to the petting zoo which was behind the small zoo transfer building.
"You want to go see the petting zoo first?" asked Midge.
"Lets go see," said Gypsy. "What is a petting zoo?"
"It is a little zoo of animals that the humans can go pet the little baby animals," said Jake. "It is fun to go talk to them."
"So, if I am there," said Gypsy. "Will the humans pet me too?"
"Maybe," said Midge.
"They pet us when were were there to visit Pinky the last time," said Jake.
"Who is Pinky?" asked Gypsy.

"He is a little pot bellied pig who lives with the petting zoo animals," said Jake.
"I never saw a pig before," said Gypsy.
"Pinky is a nice little pig," smiled Midge.
They walked to the back of the zoo transfer building where they found the humans walking around and petting all the little animals inside the coral area.
"Where is Pinky?" asked Gypsy.
"Pinky!" called Midge. "Where are you hiding?"
Across the fenced area, ran a fat little pig.
"Hey Midge!" called Pinky. "You remembered me."
"Hi Pinky," smiled Midge. "Yes, I remember you. You are my friend."
"What are you all doing today?" asked Pinky.
"We came to see you and all the other animals," said Midge.
"Our new little friend wanted to meet you," said Jake. "She never met a pig before."
"This is Gypsy," said Midge.
"Hi Gypsy," said Pinky. "Nice to meet you."
"Hi Pinky," smiled Gypsy. "Do you like the humans petting you?"
"Yes," said Pinky. "Everyone is really nice and they want to pet you and some will give you a big hug."
"Can I come in and be petted too?" asked Gypsy.
"Can you crawl under the fence?" asked Pinky.
"Maybe," said Gypsy. "Lets go inside Midge. I want to be petted and hugged by the humans."
"You have a nice human at home who pets you all the time," said Midge.
"I know," said Gypsy. "But I want to go in there with the other animals."
"Jake's too big to crawl under the fence." said Midge. "He will have to run around and sneak in through the gate. Wait and we will run around and sneak in with him."
"Okay," said Pinky as he watched them walk away.
They hurried along the fence making their way to the front gate. Kids and mothers were entering through the gate. They got close to a mother and her three kids and slipped in through the gate with them and then ran across the open area to where Pinky was standing.
"Hi," said Gypsy. "This is fun sneaking in with all the animals."
"Look at all the kids in here," said Jake. "Watch your feet Gypsy."
"Why do I want to watch my feet?" asked Gypsy. "I want to watch the animals and kids and my feet aren't going to go anywhere without me."
Pinky started laughing.
"Do you watch your feet too, Pinky?" asked Gypsy.
"Yes," said Pinky. "When the little humans come near you, they will step on your feet if you don't move them out of their way."
"Oh," sighed Gypsy. "That would hurt. A little boy who came to visit my owner, stepped on my foot and it hurt a lot."
"If they come close," said Jake. "Just watch you feet and don't let them step on you."
Kids were running around and petting all the animals. They ran toward Pinky and Gypsy was standing next to him. Someone stopped to pet Jake and Midge and then ran to pet Booker-T. The kids were laughing when Booker-T rubbed against their legs. Jake and Midge turned around to find Gypsy and when they saw her, they sat down and started laughing. There was Gypsy standing on Pinky's back.
"What are you doing on Pinky's back?" asked Midge.
"I didn't want the kids stepping on my little feet, " said Gypsy. "Pinky told me to jump on his back. I fell off once and I got back on. The kids pet me and laugh because I'm standing on a pig."
"You do look funny up there," laughed Midge.

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Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T