Friday, May 29, 2020

I Know You Are a Space Alien

Jake strolled along the sidewalk on his way to Midge's house. When he got close to Booker-T's house, he saw Booker-T sitting near his front yard gate and sitting on the fence was Gabby.
"Hey Booker-T and Gabby," smiled Jake. "What are you two doing?"
"We were waiting for you," said Booker-T.
"What is wrong?" asked Jake.
"Midge is acting really strange this morning," said Gabby.
"Strange for Midge?" asked Jake.
"Yes," said Booker-T. "She gets strange sometimes but this time she is really strange."

"What is she doing?" asked Jake.
"She is talking to herself," said Gabby.
"She does that a lot," said Jake. "Why is it strange this morning?"
"She is not really talking to herself," said Booker-T.
"You just told me she was talking to herself," said Jake with a puzzled look. "Is she talking to Gypsy?"
"No," said Gabby. "Here comes Gypsy now."
"Maybe Gypsy was over there and you didn't see her," suggested Jake. "She is coming from that direction."
"Hi Gypsy," greeted Booker-T. "Were you at Midge's house this morning?"
"I was just there," said Gypsy.
"See there Booker-T," said Jake. "Gypsy was there and Midge as probably talking to her. Right Gypsy?"
"She wasn't talking to me," said Gypsy. "She didn't even see me walk up to the porch."
"Who was she talking to?" asked Jake. "Did you see anyone?"
"No," said Gypsy. "She was talking and staring at a plant."
"What was she talking about?" asked Jake.
"She kept saying "I know you are a space alien,"" said Gypsy. "Can she see invisible space aliens?"
"She is always looking for space aliens," laughed Gabby. "She keeps thinking she sees them everywhere."
"Maybe she thinks that plant is a space alien in disguise," suggested Jake. "Come on lets go find out what she is doing."
They three of them walked to Midge's house with gabby flying above. They entered the front gate and saw Midge sitting there staring at this plant in the front yard. They walked up and sat down on the porch.
"Hey Midge," said Jake. "What are you doing?"
"I'm talking to a space alien," said Midge. "I'm trying to get it to admit it is a space alien from outer space."
"All I see is a strange looking plant you are talking to," said Booker-T. "Is it talking back to you?"
"No," said Midge shaking her head. "It just keeps sitting there and ignoring me."
"Why do you think it is a space alien?" asked Gabby.
"I never saw it here before," said Midge. "I think it just landed here last night."
"It don't look like a space alien," said Jake.
"How do you know?" asked Midge. "Have you ever seen one?"
"No," said Jake. "But it looks like a plant same as the one in my backyard."
"You have a space alien too?" asked Midge.
"No," said Jake. "I have a plant."
"How do you know it is a plant?" asked Midge. "It might be a space alien in disguising posing as a plant."
"I know it is a plant because I saw my owner plant it," said Jake.
"I bet your owner planted this one here," said Booker-T.
"I don't remember seeing it before," said Midge.
"You probably walked by it all the time and wasn't looking at it," said Jake. "Sometimes my owner puts a new plant in the yard and I don't notice it for days."
"So, It's not a space alien?" asked Midge.
"No," said Gabby. "It is only a plant."
"I think it is a space alien in disguise and it's not wanting to talk to me," said Midge.
"Plants don't talk, Midge," said Jake.
"Why?" asked Midge. "We talk."
"I never saw a talking plant," said Gabby. "I have been all over this city and not one plant has talked to me."
"That's sad," said Midge.
"Why is it sad?" asked Susie.
"The plants just stand there and no one to talk to," said Midge.
"Maybe they talk to each other and we just don't understand them," said Jake. "We talk and our owners don't know that we talk to each other. Maybe they talk to each other but can't talk to us."
"I was hoping it was a space alien," said Midge.
"Just keep watching for one," laughed Booker-T. "One of these days, you might find one."
"I just know they are out there somewhere," said Midge staring at the sky.
"You might be right," said Jake. "But I don't think even the humans have seen one."
"Do you think any of the humans are looking for one?" asked Susie.
"Maybe someone is," said Jake. "I just don't know who."
"Maybe someone already found one and they aren't talking," said Midge.
"Maybe," said Jake. "But we will never know."
"Can we go to the park?" asked Susie. "I want to go play."

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Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T