Friday, May 8, 2020

Gypsy Meets Snappy

Gypsy strolled to Midge's house and hurried around the back of the house where she found the doggie door into the house. She poked her head through the door and didn't see Midge in the kitchen. Slowly she crawled through the door and stood in the kitchen. "Hey Midge!" called Gypsy as she stood in the middle of the room. "Where are you?"
She ran to the living room and didn't see Midge there either. "Midge!" called Gypsy again.
"Hi there," said Snappy."
"Who said that?" asked Gypsy looking around the room. "Midge, is that you playing around? Where are you hiding?"

"It's me," said Snappy. "Look up here in the tank on the table. Jump in one of the chairs so you can see me."
Gypsy looked at the tank on the table as she tilted her head from one side to the other. she jumped into one of the chairs and pressed her nose against the glass.
"Hi there," said Snappy as he pressed his little nose against the other side of the glass. "I'm Snappy. Can you see me in here? I'm just a little green turtle."
"Hi Snappy," smiled Gypsy. "I see you in there now."
"Are you Gypsy?" asked Snappy. "Midge's new little friend?"
"Yes," said Gypsy. "I was looking for her."
"She is still sleeping in the other room, I think," said Snappy. "Or maybe she is outside in the back yard somewhere."
"Hi there Snappy," greeted Booker-T as he entered the room and leaped into the other chair. "Midge isn't outside. I just came through the back yard and didn't see her. Did you come looking for her too, Gypsy?"
"Yes," said Gypsy. "I called her name, but she didn't answer. I hope it is okay that I came into the house. When I heard Snappy talking, I thought Midge was hiding and playing games with me."
"You just met Snappy?" asked Booker-T.
"Yes," said Gypsy. "Why is he in that tank?"
"Because he is so tiny," said Booker-T. " And he is safe in there. He likes it in his new home. No more being out in the cold winter."
"You home is really nice, Snappy," said Gypsy.
"It is really comfortable, "Smiled Snappy. "Midge helped me get my nice home."
"Will Midge take me to that little zoo place?" asked Gypsy. "So I can see the animals there."
"We can ask her," said Booker-T. "Lets go wake her up."
Booker-T and Gypsy hurried into the bedroom and found Midge stretched out on her owner's bed.
"Hey Midge!" called Booker-T as he jumped onto the b ed and pushed her with his paw. "Wake up Midge."
Midge rolled over and looked up at Booker-T. "Hi Booker-T," smiled Midge. "What are you doing? Why a re you here at night time. Is everything okay?"
"It is day time, Midge," laughed Booker-T. "Your owner is gone to work now."
"Oh," said Midge as she jumped up and stretched. "I think I slept late."
"Yes you did," said Booker-T. "Gypsy came to look for you."
"My owner was up watching a movie last night," said Midge. "And I sat with her. I guess I was sleeping really good and didn't even hear her go to work this morning."
"Hi, Midge," said Gypsy. "I met Snappy this morning. He is really tiny isn't he?"
"Yes he is," smiled Midge. "That's why his home is here with me now."
"Does he really like it in the tank?" asked Gypsy.
"He used to live at the pond in the park," said Booker-T. "But kids were mean to him."
"Why?" asked Gypsy.
"They threw rocks at him," sighed Midge. "So he came home with me one day and my owner gave him a nice little home to live in."
"That was really nice," said Gypsy.
"She is nice," smiled Booker-T. "she found a nice home for me too,"
"That's good," said Gypsy. "She sounds really nice. Now we are all friends. Do you want to go to the zoo place today? I want to see the animals"
"Sure Gypsy," said Midge. "Lets go get Jake on the way."

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Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T