Friday, February 5, 2021

the Mudhole


Midge sat on the front porch watching the rain falling. "Is the rain ever going to stop!" thought Midge.

"Rain rain, go away. Come again another day," sang Midge.

"What are you singing?" asked Booker-T as he joined Midge on the front porch.

"What are you doing Booker-T?" asked Midge. "You look like a drowned rat."

"I was out there in the rain," smiled Booker-T.

"Why?" asked Midge.

"I was running around in the back yard," said Booker-T. "Come on and lets go play in the rain."

"You want to play in the rain?" asked Midge.

"It's not storming," said Booker-T. "It is just a nice little rain. We used to go play in the rain all the time."

"I remember," said Midge. "I guess I forgot about that."

"Are you getting old?" laughed Booker-T. "I keep hearing my owner's dad telling her he is getting old."

"No no," said Midge. "I don't think I'm old. Okay, lets go play in the rain."

"Do you want to go to the park and play in it?" asked Booker-T. "We can go get Jake on the way there."

"Okay," agreed Midge as she got up and started walking to the gate with Booker-T following behind her.

They started walking along the sidewalk and when they found a puddle of water, Midge stomped in it making the water splash. Booker-T followed behind her stomping his feet.

"What are you two doing?" asked Gabby as he flew down and stood next to a puddle taking a drink of the water.

"We are playing in the rain," smiled Midge.

"It is fun," said Booker-T. "Why don't you look like you are wet?"

"My feathers keep me dry," said Gabby. "If I'm in the rain a long time, I will get wet too."

"Do you want to come play in the rain with us?" asked Midge.

"No," said Gabby. "I'm on my way to the farm to see Lucy."

"Okay," smiled Booker-T. "We will see you later."

Midge and Booker-T started to run down the sidewalk splashing through the puddles. They ran through the gate into Jake's front yard. He was sitting on the front porch swing.

"What are you two doing in the rain?" asked Jake.

"We are getting wet," laughed Booker-T.

"You are really wet," said Jake.

"We are bored," said Midge. "I think it has rained for 3 days now."

"I know," sighed Jake. "I miss the sun."

"Lets go to the park," said Midge.

"But it is raining out there," said Jake.

"We can play in the rain," said Booker-T. "Come on, lets go."

Jake sat a moment and thought about it and agreed to go. He followed Midge and Booker-T out of the gate as they ran along the sidewalk to the park. They crossed the street and went into the park.

Squish squish went their feet as they crossed the soggy ground.

"The ground is soggy," said Jake. "And I can feel the mud squishing through my toes."

"Before we go home," said Midge. "We can wash our feet in the pond."

The three ran through the park chasing each other and laughing in the rain.

"This is fun," said Booker-T. "I like the rain."

"We are having fun and getting a nice shower at the same time," smiled Midge.

"If we are getting a shower," said Jake. "Why does our owners give us a bath after we have been in the rain?"

"I don't know," said Midge. "When my owner is giving me a bath she says I was stinking. Do I stink Jake?"

"I don't think so," said Jake.

"I don't think you stink either," said Midge.

"Do you think only humans smell it?" asked Booker-T. "Is there something stinky in the rain water?"

"I don't know," said Midge. "Maybe there is."

"Do you smell it, Booker-T?" asked Jake.

"No," said Booker-T. "I thought water would keep us clean. Why does rain water stink?"

"I don't know," said Midge. "Come on, lets go play in the pond."

They ran across the park jumping into the little puddles along the way. As they ran through the park, Midge slipped on the mud and her feet went out from under her.

"Oh Midge," said Jake. "You are so muddy now. Hurry lets go to the pond so you can jump in and get washed off."

"This mud is slippery," said Midge.

Jake ran fast and when he reached the muddy section, he slid through it. "Come on," said Jake. "This is fun."

Midge and Booker-T did the same thing. They ran fast and at the muddy section, they slid through the mud laughing. They each took turns running and sliding through the mud. They were covered in mud when they finished.

"We better go to the pond and wash off before we go home," said Booker-T. "I think our owners would not be happy with us if we come home covered in mud."

"Lets go," said Jake as he started to run to the pond.

When they reached the pond, the three of them leaped into the water and splashed around as they washed off the mud.

"That was fun," smiled Midge. "We can go mud sliding with it rains again."

"And no humans are here," said Booker-T. "We have the park all to ourselves."

"Rain is good," laughed Jake. "I like getting muddy."

"Me too," laughed Midge. "Next time we should ask our new friend to come along."

"Yes," said Jake. "I forgot to ask Boston if he wants to come. I haven't seen him since the rain started. I think he is staying in the house."

"He don't like to get wet?" asked Midge.

"I don't know," said Jake. "We will have to ask him."

"Next time we come to the park when it is raining," said Midge. "We will have to ask him to come with us."

"Let's go home now," said Booker-T. "I'm hungry."

"You are always hungry," laughed Midge.

"Okay, lets go," said Jake.

The three got out of the pond and started home. AT Jake's house, they found something to eat and curled up on the front porch for a nap and to dry off.

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Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T