Midge, Booker-T and Jake walked along the sidewalk to the farm. They found the cows standing at the barn as they crawled under the fence near the barn.
"Hello," greeted Midge as they joined the cows.
"Hi guys," smiled Betsy. "What are you doing out here?'
"Hey Betsy," said Midge. "We came to see you."
"I'm happy to see you guys," said Daisy. "You haven't been here in a while."
"I know," said Jake. "We were over there at the new race track the other day."
"I saw them building it," said Betsy. "What is the race track for?"
"I think they race horses," said Midge.
"Why?" asked Daisy. "What is racing?"
"They have horses run around the track to see who is faster," said Jake.
"Why?" asked Daisy.
"I don't know," said Jake.
"Jesse and Rosie can run fast," said Betsy. "They chase Bert all the time around the fields."
"Maybe they can run on that track," suggested Booker-T.
"I can ride one of them," smiled Midge.
"How are you going to ride the running horse?" asked Jake.
"You would fall off," said Daisy. "I don't think dogs can ride a horse."
"I rode a horse once," said Midge. "Remember Jake?"
"You fell off the horse," said Jake.
"It didn't have anything I could hold on to," said Midge. "I tried to stay on the horse."
"So you can't ride the race horses," said Jake.
"Who will saddle the horse for you, Midge?" asked Booker-T.
"Oh," sighed Midge. "Maybe I can ride the horse with no saddle."
"What would you hold on to?" asked Jake.
"The horse's neck hair," said Midge. "I will hold on to the hair."
"Wouldn't that hurt the horse if you slipped off his back?" said Betsy.
"If I start to fall off," said Midge. "I could let go of the hair and slid off."
"But one of the other horses might run over you," suggested Daisy.
"Oh, that would not be good, would it?" said Midge.
"No," said Booker-T. "That wouldn't be good. You would get hurt and they are running really fast."
"I really want to ride the horse, Jake," said Midge.
"I can call Rosie to come up here and you can try to ride her," said Betsy. "It would be safer to try to ride her here."
"Can I really ride Rosie?" asked Midge.
"Hey Typsy!" called Betsy.
Typsy came running across the field to the barn. "What do you want?"
"Go find Rosie and asked her to come to the barn," said Betsy.
"Okay," said Typsy as she took off running across the field. She found Rosie and Jesse near the house.
"Rosie," said Typsy. "Will you come to the barn with me?"
"Sure, Typsy," said Rosie. "What do you need?"
"I don't know," replied Typsy. "Betsy wanted you to come."
Rosie followed Typsy to the barn and Jesse ran behind them.
"Hi Rosie," smiled Betsy. "Remember Midge, Jake and Booker-T?"
"Yes," said Rosie. "Hi guys. What are you doing?"
"Midge wants to ride on your back," said Daisy. "Do you mind if she tries?"
"How will you stay up here?" asked Rosie. "Humans ride with a saddle, but I don't have a saddle on me now."
"Can I hold on to your neck hair?" asked Midge.
"That is my mane," smiled Rosie.
"What is a mane?" asked Midge.
"That is what the hair on my neck is called," laughed Rosie. "I will walk over there by that pile of hay. Climb up there and then you can climb on my back."
"Okay," said Midge as she ran to the hay and climbed up the side of it to the top.
Rosie walked to the hay and turned sideways and stood beside the hay. Midge climbed on her back and held on to her mane with her mouth.
"I'm ready," said Midge.
"Hold on tight, Midge," said Rosie as she started to walk around the barn area.
As Rosie walked around and around, Midge held on tight as she laid down on Rosie's back.
"Hey Midge!" called Jake. "How can you see where you are going if you are laying down?"
"I can't let go," mumbled Midge.
"Hold on tight," said Booker-T. "Don't fall off."
Midge lay on Rosie's back and was wagging her tail. Rosie started going a little faster and Midge was bouncing up and down on her back. Booker-T and Jake were sitting on the ground laughing at Midge bouncing up and down on the back of Rosie. Suddenly Midge let go of the mane and slid off her back. Rosie turned around and put her nose on Midge's head.
"Are you okay Midge?" asked Rosie.
"I think so," said Midge as she stood up and started to walk toward Jake.
"Why are you walking funny?" laughed Jake.
"I am sore," said Midge. "The bouncing was hard.
"It looked funny too," laughed Booker-T.
"Were you running fast, Rosie?"asked Midge.
"No," said Rosie. "I was walking little slow."
"Do the race horses run faster?" asked Midge.
"They do," said Jake. "I think they run really fast."
"I don't think I better ride a horse in the race," said Midge sitting down beside Jake.
Jake and Booker-T sat down and started laughing at her. Betsy and Daisy were laughing too. "Thanks Rosie," said Betsy.
They stayed at the farm and visited with all the cows and the horses before going back home.
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