Friday, May 24, 2019

A Nice Home

“Midge!” called Booker-T as he poked his head through her doggie door. “Where are you?”
“Hi Booker-T,” smiled Midge as she entered the kitchen. “Come on in and say hi to Snappy before we go to Jake's house.”
“Okay,” said Booker-T as he crawled the rest of the way into the kitchen.
He followed Midge to the living room and leaped into the chair beside Snappy's tank which sat on a table near the window.
“Hey there Snappy,” said Booker-T.
“Hi Booker-T,” smiled Snappy. “What are you doing? Good to see you.”

Friday, May 17, 2019

The Dark Figure

Jake sat on his front porch watching the kids across the street playing on their swings and the big trampoline. They were laughing and sometimes singing. The night was slowly moving in as the moon and stars began to appear in the sky. He closed his eyes and made a wish.
“What did you wish for Jake?” asked Midge.
“Hi Midge,” smiled Jake. “What are you doing here in the evening time?”
“My owner is working late today so I took a walk but time for me to go back home,” said Midge.
“Okay,” said Jake. “I guess I was wishing to see a space alien. You keep talking about them so I want to see one.”

Friday, May 10, 2019

A Space Ship Landed

Midge and Booker-T walked along the sidewalk to Jake's house. When they turned the corner, they saw something very big sitting in the yard across the street from Jake's house.
“Do you think the space aliens have landed?” whispered Midge. “Lets get Jake.”
They hurried through the gate and ran to the porch. Midge couldn't control herself. She was jumping up and down and very excited.
“Jake, Jake!” screamed Midge. “The aliens have landed from space.”

Friday, May 3, 2019

The Explanation

Midge crawled out her doggie door and hurried to Booker-T's house. As she entered the yard, she called out to him. “Booker-T!” called Midge. “Where are you? Are you still sleeping?”
“I'm awake,” replied Booker-T as he crawled through his doggie door and met Midge outside. “what are you doing?”
“Let's go to Jake's house,” said Midge.
“What do you want to do today?” asked Booker-T.
“I want to do something that is fun,” said Midge. “Humans always have lot of fun and I want to do something fun too.”

Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T