Friday, August 25, 2017

New Show in Town

Midge and Jake strolled along the sidewalk to Jake's house. Along the way, they say them setting up a stage at the place where the circus always performed.
“What are they doing?” asked Booker-T.
“I don't know,” said Midge. “Lets see what that sign over there says.”
They walked to the sign that was posted near the corner of the lot. Midge read it but didn't understand what it was saying. She never heard of it before.
“What is that saying?” asked Booker-T.
“I'm not sure,” said Midge. “I never heard of it before. Maybe Jake knows what it is. They are going to do something here tomorrow night.”
“Lets go to get Jake,” said Booker-T.

They hurried along the sidewalk to Jake's house. When they entered the yard through the gate, Jake came running from the back yard.
“Hi Jake,” said Midge. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” said Jake. “I just finished eating my breakfast. What are you two doing?”
“We came to see you,” said Booker-T. “Do you want to go play at the park today?”
“Did you see the stage they are setting up at the old circus grounds?” asked Midge.
“When?” asked Jake.
“We saw them putting it up this morning,” said Midge. “They are having some kind of show there tomorrow night.”
“What kind of show?” asked Jake.
“I don't know,” said Midge.
“Was there a sign out there?” asked Jake.
“Yes,” said Midge.
“What did it say?” asked Jake.
“What is Kookie?” asked Booker-T.
“Kookie!” said Jake. “I never heard of kookie. Maybe it is the name of some singer or magic act or something.”
“I don't know,” said Midge. “I never heard of them.”
“We wouldn't know unless we saw it on TV when our owner had it on,” said Jake. “Lets go see what they are doing over there and I'll look at the sign.”
“Okay Jake,” agreed Midge. Lets go.”
“Where are you going?” asked Gabby as he swooped down from the roof top.
“We are going to the old circus yard,” said Booker-T. “Want to come with us?”
“They are building a stage over there,” said Midge. “I think they are going to have a show there tomorrow.”
“It's kind of a show,” said Gabby. “There will be lot of people there having fun.”
“What kind of show is a Kookie?” asked Midge.
“A kookie?” asked Gabby. “I don't know what a Kookie is? Where did you hear that it was a Kookie show?”
“She read it on the sign near the Stage,” said Booker-T.
Gabby fell over and started rolling on the ground laughing and laughing. “Oh that is funny,” laughed Gabby. “That is so funny.”
“What is funny?” asked Jake. “Is it a comedy show that is coming?”
“It's not a Kookie show,” laughed Gabby. “It's a Karoke show.”
“What is karoke?” asked Jake.
“All these people get together and each one who wants to try, gets on the stage and sings their choice of songs,” said Gabby. “Some people can sing and some can't.”
“Like my owner,” laughed Booker-T. “She likes to sing but she sounds like a sick cat when she sings. I love my owner, but she really can't sing.”
“Mine either,” said Jake. “She only sings in the shower.”
“But what is this karoke stuff?” asked Midge.
“I don't know why they call it karoke,” said Gabby. “But I heard people taking and they do it at those places called clubs.”
“We have to go see the funny people try to sing,” laughed Midge. “Do you want to go Jake?”
“When will they be doing this karoke thing?” asked Jake.
“The sign said it was in the afternoon,” said Gabby.
“Maybe,” Midge started to say, when Jake interrupted her.
“Oh no, Midge,” said Jake. “You can't try.”
“But maybe I can sing too,” said Midge.
“No human would know what you were doing,” said Booker-T. “We are the only ones who understand you.”
“He's right,” said Gabby. “People would think you are just howling.”
“He is right,” said Jake. “We would understand you singing, but humans don't hear us.”
“Why can't humans understand us talking?” asked Booker-T. “Wouldn't it be nice if they could hear us the same as we hear ourselves.”
“Maybe their ears are different then ours,” said Jake. “We understand each other talking and we understand the humans when they talk, but they don't understand when we talk. They think we are just barking or meowing.”
“They talk to us sometimes like they understand what we say,” said Midge. “But I don't think they really understand.”
“Do you want to go watch the humans acting stupid?” asked Booker-T.
“That will be fun,” laughed Midge. “I like to see the humans acting stupid.”
“Me too,” said Booker-T.
“Lets go see if they have the stage built yet,” said Midge.
The three started walking along the sidewalk with Gabby flying above them. When they reached the old circus yard, they looked around and no one was there. The stage was built and speakers were set up on the stage facing the people. They had some big thing setting on the stage behind he speakers facing the mic that stood in the center of the stage.
“Is that were the people will be standing?” asked Booker-T.
“Yes,” said Jake. “I think so.”
Midge ran up on the stage. “Midge!” called Jake. “Come down here. They might not like you up there.”
“Who?” asked Midge. “No one is here.”
“Oh my,” said Jake.
Midge stood in front of the thing that looked like a TV screen. “Why do they have a TV on the stage?” asked Midge.
“I think the words to the songs are on the screen,” said Gabby.
“But I don't see any words,” said Midge.
“Maybe they need to turn it on,” said Gabby.
“Maybe,” agreed Midge.
“Do you want to come tomorrow afternoon and see what they do?” asked Jake.
“Okay,” said Midge. “Lets go to the park now and swim in the pond a little.”

“Okay,” said Jake and Booker-T.  


Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T