Thursday, October 12, 2017


 Booker-T and Midge walked along the sidewalk going to Jake's house. As they came down the street, they saw many people in the yard across the street. They were laughing and kids were running and jumping around. Some were standing near a big tree with pretty flowers around it. They entered the yard at Jake's house and found him laying on the swing.
“Hey Jake,” called Midge as she walked to the porch. “Are they having a party over there?”
“Hi Midge,” smiled Jake. “Yes. They have been there since yesterday. They were out there early this morning again.”
“What are they doing?” asked Booker-T. “Why are they pointing that thing at those near the tree? Are they going to shoot them?”

“They are going to shoot pictures of them,” said Jake. “That is a camera they have, not a gun.”
“Oh,” said Booker-T. “That is good. Why are they shooting pictures?”
“People take pictures of each other all the time,” said Midge. “My owner is always taking pictures of her family.”
“Does she take pictures of you too?” asked Booker-T.
“Sometimes,” said Midge. “She has a picture of me on the wall that she took when I was little puppy.”
“Oh,” said Jake. “That's is nice. My owner has one of me too when I was a puppy.”
“My owner didn't have me when I was a kitten,” said Booker-T. “She don't have a picture of me when I was younger.”
“Does she take any pictures of you now?” asked Midge.
“She hasn't taken any of me,” said Booker-T. “I never saw a camera before. Maybe humans don't like cat pictures.”
“I've seen pictures of cats in magazines that my owner has,” said Jake.
“Me too,” said Midge. “Maybe your owner don't do pictures like some humans do. My owner loves taking pictures all the time.”
“Mine does sometimes,” said Jake. “She likes to take pictures of flowers. She has pictures of bugs too.”
“Bugs?” asked Midge. “Why does she have pictures of bugs?”
“Does she like Bugs?” asked Booker-T.
“I don't know,” said Jake. “I think she just likes taking pictures of them. I saw some of them when she was looking at the ones she took. They look cool.”
“I guess there are lot of things they can take pictures of,” said Midge.
“I want my picture taken,” sighed Booker-T. “Lets go over there. Maybe they will take our picture.”
“I don't know,” said Jake.
“See that dog over there,” said Midge. “Lets go see who that is. Maybe if they see us there, they will take our picture too. We can pose for them.”
“Lets go,” said Booker-T as he started walking to the gate.
“Wait,” said Jake. “Are you sure you want to go where all those humans are?”
“It's okay Jake,” said Midge. “I want my picture taken too.”
The three walked across the street and walked to where the person was with the camera taking pictures. Midge stood up on her hind legs trying to get his attention. She danced around in front of him.
“Look at this silly dog,” laughed the young man. “I think she is posing for a picture.”
“Go ahead and take one, Jerry,” said the young lady. “She is pretty dog. Maybe she will dance for you and you can shot a short video.”
“What is a video, Jake!” asked Midge. “I don't want him to shoot me. I only want him to take a picture.”
“A video is when you are moving,” said Jake. “He wants to take a moving picture of you dancing.”
“They have pictures that move?” asked Booker-T.
“Yes,” said Jake. “It is like a movie.”
“Oh wow,” said Midge as she started dancing around. “I can be in the movies.”
As the man aimed the camera at her, Jake and Booker-T walked over to her and joined her in her dancing.
“They are funny,” laughed a little girl who walked up and joined the young man with the camera.
More of the humans gathered around to watch the three dancing for the camera. They laughed and clapped as the three danced for the crowd of humans. They said down and stared at all the humans who gathered there.
“I'm tired,” said Booker-T. “Dancing is hard.”
“They like us,” said Midge. “Lets pose for a picture.”
In a few minutes, they walked away and let them sitting there alone. “I guess they don't want any more pictures,” said Midge.
“I wish we could take pictures,” said Booker-T.
“We don't know how to use a camera,” laughed Jake. “What would you do with the pictures if you had them?”
“I don't know,” said Booker-T. “I like having my picture taken.”
“How do we get our owners to take more pictures of us?” asked Midge.
“I don't know,” said Jake. “You are the one who thinks of stuff to do and how to get your owner to do things for you.”
“I guess I will have to think of an idea to get her to take my picture,”said Midge. “We need a parrot.”
“Why?” asked Booker-T.
“They can talk to humans,” said Midge.
“They don't say much,” said Jake. “I saw one once and he was hungry all the time.”
“How do you know he was hungry?” asked Midge.
“She was always wanting a cracker,” said Jake. “Over and over, she kept saying, Polly wants a cracker.”
“Did the human give her a cracker?” asked Booker-T.
“No,” said Jake. “They just laughed at her.”
“They were not very nice,” said Midge. “I will have to think of some way to let my owner know I want my picture taken.”
“If anyone can think of an idea, you can Midge,” laughed Jake.
“Do you think she will take my picture too?” asked Booker-T.
“I don't know,” said Midge. “Maybe. You can come to the house when I try to get my picture taken.”
“Okay,” agreed Booker-T.
“Lets go check out the zoo again,” said Jake.
“Okay,” said Midge.
The three ran to the zoo.

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Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T