Friday, June 8, 2018

Lets Go Flying

Midge was sitting on the front porch waiting for Booker-T to come to the house so they could walk to Jake's house together. Suddenly Jake came running into the yard and hurried to the porch.
“What are you doing Jake?” asked Midge. “Why are you in such a hurry?”
“We should go to the Big hills near the farm,” said Jake.
“What is over there?” asked Midge.
“They are flying over there,” said Jake. “I heard it on the TV last night when my owner was watching a movie.
“Who are flying?” asked Midge. “Can we go fly too?”
“I don't think they will let us fly with them,” said Jake. “We can go watch them.”
“Who are flying?” asked Booker-T as he joined Midge and Jake on the front porch.

“The high school kids are flying,” said Jake.
“How?” asked Midge. “I want to fly too.”
“I know you do,” laughed Booker-T. “You always want to fly.”
“It would be fun, Jake,” said Midge. “I want to fly up there with Gabby.”
“How are they flying?” asked Booker-T.
“The TV said they were doing something called hand gliding,” said Jake.
“They are gliding?” asked Booker-T. “How do they do this gliding thing?”
“On TV,” said Jake. “They showed this big thing that looked like a big kite. Then the person ran and jumped off the side of the big hill and went floating in the air like a big bird.”
“Jake,” said Midge. “Lets go, lets go. I want to fly like a bird.”
“I don't think you can do this one,” said Jake.
“Oh sure I can Jake,” said Midge. “Lets go and I will try.”
“They won't let you do that,” said Booker-T.
“I can sneak when they aren't looking,” said Midge. “Come on, I want to fly.”
“Do you want to go too, Booker-T?” asked Jake.
“Midge isn't going to stop wanting to fly until we go,” smiled Booker-T. “Lets go.”
The three hurried along the sidewalk to where the farm was located.
“Hey Jake,” said Midge. “Look up there.”
“Looks like a big kite,” said Booker-T.
“Lets go up to the top,” said Midge as she started walking along the path to the top of the hill where the kids were leaping off the side of the hill.
“How are you going to fly?” asked Jake. “There are a lot of kids around here.”
“I will be sneaky,” said Midge.
“How are you going to be sneaky?” laughed Booker-T.
They got closer to the kids and sat down to watch what they did. They would hold onto the big kite and run to the side of the hill and jump.
“Look,” said Midge. “They are floating in the air. That looks like fun.”
“How do you think you can do it?” asked Jake. “That is a really big kite,”
They sat for a while and watched as one after another leaped from the side of the hill. They floated around in the air for about 15 minutes before they came back down. As their feet touched the ground, they ran fast and sometimes slid across the ground.
“That looks hard Midge,” said Jake.
“I can do it,” said Midge
“How can you get the big kite without them seeing you?” asked Booker-T.
“Maybe I can ride with one of the kids,” said Midge.
“How?” asked Jake.
Midge slowly walked toward the kids while Jake and Booker-T sat watching. “Be careful,” said Jake.
Midge sat near one of the kids as they took turns leaping off the hill with their big kites.
“Hey there little doggie,” said the kid as he reached out to pat Midge on top of the head.
Midge nuzzled the kid's arm with her nose and placed one of her paws on his hand.
“Time for me to go doggie,” said the kid as he once again patted her on the head.
He got up and walked over to the big kite and got ready to fly off the side of the hill. Midge stood watching as the kid began to run with the kite. Midge started running after him and as he leaped into the air, Midge leaped forward and grabbed the bar with her teeth. Suddenly she found herself hanging from the bar with her teeth as the kid flew off the hill.
“Little doggie,” said the kid. “What are you doing?”
Jake and Booker-T were on their feet as the kite took off into the air with Midge and the kid hanging off the big kite. “She's fly!” shouted Booker-T. “Oh my goodness, she's flying.”
Midge held tight with her teeth as her feet dangled below. “How am I going to land?” thought Midge. “I guess I didn't think of that.”
“She don't know how to land,” said Jake.
“I hope she hangs on tight,” said Booker-T. “She's going a long way away from here. Where will she land?”
“I don't know,” sighed Jake. “Lets just watch her.”
“Little doggie,” said the kid holding onto the glider. “I hope you can hang on tight with your teeth. I can't hold on to you.”
Midge licked the kid's hand. “This is so fun,” thought Midge. “Wow, I'm so far up in the air. Gabby should see me now.”
“Hold on little doggie,” said the kid. “I am going to land this now in that field.”
“I am sure ready to get back on the ground,” thought Midge. “My teeth are getting tired.”
Midge watched as the ground got closer and closer as the kid brought the glider into a landing in the field.. When his feet touched down onto the ground, the kid was running. Midge quickly let go and dropped to the ground. “Ouch!” said Midge. She stood up and looked around. “Wonder where I am,” thought Midge.
She started walking along the sidewalk looking for something she recognized. “I didn't think of getting lost,” thought Midge. “Oh Jake, I wish you were here.”
She had walked about 4 blocks when ahead, she saw Jake and Booker-T coming toward her. She quickly ran to them. “Jake!” said Midge. “Did you see me flying?”
“You were way up high in the sky,” smiled Booker-T. “Was it fun?”
“It was fun floating in the air,” said Midge. “But the landing was hard. I had to let go and I fell to the ground.”
“Are you okay?” asked Jake.
“I'm okay and ready to go home,” said Midge.
The three walked home to Jake's house and got some water and laid down to take a nap.

1 comment:

Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T