Thursday, January 3, 2019

Pokey the Sloth

Jake, Midge and Booker-T took a short nap in the new hammock at Jake's house before walking to the little zoo transfer building to check out this thing they call a sloth.
“What kind of animal is at the little zoo building now?” asked Booker-T.
“I don't know what it is,” said Midge. “I heard it was something called a sloth. When my owner was watching the news, the reporter said that everyone should go check out the sloth if anyone had never seen one before.”
“Did they say what it was?” asked Booker-T. “It is a funny name for an animal.”
“Lets go see what it is,” said Midge as she stood up in the hammock and walked to the edge to jump down.

When Midge jumped off the hammock, she caused it to flip Jake and Booker-T to the ground.
“Midge!” yelled Jake. “We said we were going to the zoo. You didn't have to throw us out of the hammock.”
“Sorry Jake,” said Midge. “I didn't mane to knock you out. Now lelts go to the little zoo tranfe station.”
“Okay, said Jake as he stood up under the hammock and shook himself off.
The three walked out of Jake's yard and slowly went along he sidewalk to the zoo transfer station.
“Where are you going?” asked Gabby as he flew overhead.
“Hi Gabby,” greeted Booker-T.
“We are going to the zoo station to see something called a sloth,” said Jake.
“Have you ever seen one Gabby?” asked Midge.
“I saw one once,” said Gabby. “I think they are really very slow moving animals.”
“Why are they so slow?” asked Midge.
“I don't know,” said Gabby. “I don't think they have any energy to move faster. They must be tired all the time.”
“What does it do if someone or something is after them?” asked Midge. “They could get caught if they can't run.”
“I don't know,” said Gabby. “I'm sure glad I can fly.”
“Come on lets go hurry and see it” said Midge.
They entered the zoo station and in th efar corner they found the sloth hanging in the tree.
“Wow, Jake,”s aid Midge. “Look at his long nails. He needs a manicure really bad.”
'Maybe he needs them to help him climb the trees,” suggested Jake.
“What does the sign say, Jake?” asked Booker-T.
“It says his name is Pokey,” said Jake.
“I guess that is a good name for him, if he is so slow,” said Midge.
“It says it can take a month to digest a meal,” said Jake. “He must get real hungry all the time,” said Booker-T.
“He is a fuzzy looking animal,” said Midge as she stared at him in the cage hanging upside down. “Hello Pokey.”
“Who are you?” asked Pokey. “ Are you talking to me?”
“I'm Midge and these are my friends, Jake and Booker-T.
“Do you always hang upside down?” asked Booker-T.
“I like hanging upside down, don't you?” asked Pokey.
“No,” said Jake. “It hurts my head to hang upside down.”
“Where do you live?” asked Midge.
“In the trees,” said Pokey.
“How do you sleep in the trees?” asked Booker-T.
“I just hold on tight and close my eyes,” laughed Pokey.
“Why do you have greenish colored hair?” asked Midge.
“I get something on me called Algae and it makes me look green,” said Pokey. “Does your fur turn green too?”
“Oh no,' said Midge. “We don't change colors.
“I like the color green,” said Pokey. “It is like the leaves I like to eat. Can you come in here and play with me?”
“No,” said Midge. “ The door is locked. They will take you soon to a big zoo where you will have lot of friends.”
“I like having friends, but I am all alone in here,” said Pokey. “I have no one to play with.”
“Don't be sad,” said Midge. “Soon you will have friends who are just like you.”
“Why are you out there and I am in here?” asked Pokey.
“Because we aren't wild animals,” said Jake.
“I'm not wild,” said Pokey. “I move too slow to be wild.”
“I don't think being slow matters,” said Midge. “I think maybe because you don't like with humans like we do, they call you a wild animal.”
“Can I come home and live with you?” asked Pokey. 'Then I won't be wild anymore.”
“I don't think it works like that,” said Jake.
“You guys aren't wild,” asked Pokey.
“No,” said Midge. “We are house pets.”
“What is a house pet?” asked Pokey.
“We live in a house with humans and they take care of us,” said Booker-T.
“You would spend all your time outside in the trees,” said Midge.
“You don't have trees in the house?” asked Pokey.
“No,” said Jake. “The trees are all outside.”
“Why is there a tree in here?” asked Pokey.
“That's a fake tree,” said Midge.
“Fake?” asked Pokey.
“Yes, fake,” said Jake.
“You mean, I have been eating a fake tree?” said Pokey. “That must be why it tastes so funny.”
“Oh,” said Midge. “I hope you don't get sick. Drink some water and take it easy.”
“Okay,” said Pokey.
“Nice meeting you Pokey,” smiled Midge. “We are going to the park to play. Maybe we will see you another time.”
“Okay,” smiled Pokey

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Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T