Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hello all my Fans

“Hello everyone.  I’m Midge.  I’m a little black and white cocker spaniel.   I live with my mistress in a beige brick home.  Do you have pets at home?  Pets are nice to have. We love our humans who take care of us unconditionally.  It’s nice to have a good home with loving humans.  I love my mistress. She takes good care of me.  She has a little nephew who comes to visit us sometimes and he likes to run and play when he isn’t getting into mischief and causing me problems.   I have heard my mistress tell people that he is a typical little boy.
  I don’t know.  I know that when he is at our house, my toys end up in my water dish, my food ends up on the floor and things are tossed into my dog house.  I like to run and play with him, but am happy when he goes home and it is only my mistress and I at the house.  He always comes to stay with us for a week in the summer time. 

   I have lot of friends too.  They are animals like me.  I have a best friend and his name is Jake.  Jake is a big proud boxer.  We have been friends for a long time.  We like to go play in the neighborhood park with our other friends.  Jake lives in a blue house not too far from me.  I used to live next door to him until my mistress bought this brick home a few blocks away.  That is how Jake and I met.  Jake lives with his mistress who takes good care of him. 

    We have a good friend named Booker-T.  Now Booker-T isn’t a dog like Jake and I are.  Booker-T is a big orange stripped cat.  We found Booker-T living in an alley behind a café.  He was digging in the trash can looking for scraps of food to eat.  I felt bad for him so Jake and I took him some of our dog food to share with him.  Booker-T wasn’t sure about us at first, but we became friends.  I found Booker-T a home next door to me.  The people and their little girl took Booker-T in and gave him a home with them.  Booker-T, Jake and I like to go play in the neighborhood park.  We have a friend who lives in the park near the pond.  His name is Snappy.  Snappy is a cute little green turtle.  We also have a Blue Jay whose name is Gabby. Gabby seems to be everywhere at times.  When you least expect it, he shows up laughing and talking all the time.  Gabby flies around the neighborhood  and always seems to know what is going on most of the time. 

   We have other friends who you might meet along the way as you read our stories.  I hope you like our stories and our adventures.  You never know what might happen with us.  If you are new here, there are a lot of little stories you can read and if you have been here before, a new story will be posted every Saturday or Sunday for you to read.  If a problem occurs with the internet or we aren’t at home, the story should be posted for you by Monday.   I hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoyed the fun.  Take care of yourself and your pet if you have one.  Always be the best you can be. 

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Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T