Friday, August 19, 2016

I Think I Can

 “I think we can, I think we can,” sang Midge as she strolled along the sidewalk to Booker-T's house. “I think we can, I think we can.”
“Hey there Midge,” smiled Booker-T as he came around the house. “What are you singing?”
“A little song from this movie my owner played for her nephew one day,” said Midge. “I think we can, I think we can. There is nothing we can't do.”
“I know you always try things,” said Booker-T. “Even if you can't do it, you try.”
“You never know until you try,” said Midge. “I think we can.”
“Oh no,” said Booker-T.
“Oh no, what?” asked Midge.
“What are you wanting to do that you think we can do?” asked Booker-T.
“Why do you think we are going to do anything?” asked Midge.
“Because I know you,” said Booker-T. “I think you want to try something and you think we can do it.”

“Right,” laughed Midge.
“Are you going to tell me?” asked Booker-T.
“I will tell you when we get to Jake's house,” said Midge. “I think we can, I think we can, I know we can.”
The two strolled along the sidewalk singing I think we can. “Do you really think we can do it?” asked Booker-T. “Whatever it is you are thinking we can do.”
“Maybe,” smiled Midge.
They turned into the yard at Jake's. “Hey Jake!” called Midge. “Where are you?”
“Jake!” called Booker-T. “Midge has an idea!”
“What?” asked Jake as he came running around the house. “Hi guys. What idea is that?”
“I think we can Jake,” smiled Midge.
“What do you think we can do?” asked Jake.
“I think we can hide on the train and go to the big zoo for the morning,” said Midge.
“We tried it once and it didn't work,” said Booker-T. “How will we get on the train without them seeing us?”
“I don't know yet,” said Midge. “Lets go to the train and look around.”
“Okay,” said Jake.
“Do you want to try it again?” asked Booker-T. “It means we have to sneak on the train two times.”
“Two time?” asked Midge.
“Did you forget that if we get on the train and go to the zoo,” said Jake. “We also have to sneak on the train to get back home. It is a really long walk back here if we can't get on the train.”
“Oh,” sighed Midge. “I didn't think about coming back home. Do you think we can sneak back on the train to come home?”
“We can try,” said Jake. “Do you really want to walk all the way home from the zoo if we can't get on the train?”
“Lets go to the train and I will think about it while we walk,” said Midge.
“It is a really long walk Midge,” said Booker-T. “My poor little feet would sure be hurting when we got home. Think about it really hard.”
“Lets go to my house first Jake,” said Midge.
“What are we going to do at your house?” asked Jake.
“Remember that new collar my owner got for me?” asked Midge.
“I remember,” said Booker-T. “The pretty pink one.”
“My name and address are on the tag that is on the collar,” said Midge.
“What does that matter?” asked Jake. “Do you need it?”
“It's an idea,” smiled Midge.
“How is your collar and address tag going to help us get on the train?” asked Booker-T.
“I think my idea is easy,” smiled Midge. “If we can get on the train and sneak over to the big zoo, we can try to sneak back on the train to come home. If they catch us, they will see my address on the tag and will know that we belong on this side of town. Don't you think that is a good idea?”
“How do you know the man with the train will read the tag and let us ride the train back?” asked Jake.
“I guess I don't,” said Midge. “I hope he will.”
“He might ignore the tag and call some animal shelter,” said Booker-T. “And there we will sit locked up in a cage like the zoo animals.”
“That would be bad,” said Midge. “I don't want to be locked up.”
“Are you sure you want to try and sneak on the train?” asked Jake.
“I want to see the big zoo Jake,” said Midge.
“I guess we will try,” said Jake. “I think we can run faster than they can.”
“I know we can,” said Midge as the three shuffled along the sidewalk to the train station near the holding zoo building.
“Look,” said Booker-T. “Here comes the little zoo train.”
“Okay,” said Jake. “When the man goes to the back of the train, we sneak on and get under the seat way in the back of the car.”
“Okay,” said Midge.
They stood behind the post near the ticket booth for the train and waited. A few people stood waiting for the train to come to a stop. After the train stopped, many people came out of the cars. There were a lot of kids running around after getting off the train.
“Look Midge,” said Jake. “The man went into the building there. Lets hurry and sneak on the train.”
They ran to the train car and stood their staring at the cars.
“Oh Jake,” sighed Midge. “The doors are all shut.”
“How can we get on the train when the doors are all shut?” asked Booker-T.
“We can't,” said Jake. “We will have to try when he opens the door.”
“But when will he open the door?” asked Booker-T.
“I don't know,” said Midge.
“Maybe we have to wait until another time,” said Jake.
“I really wanted to go to the zoo today,” frowned Midge. “Where did the man go?”
“He went inside that building,” said Jake pointing at the train station building.
“Maybe he went in to use the bathroom and will be back soon,” suggested Midge.
They sat down and waited for the man to return to the train.

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Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T