Friday, August 31, 2018

The Flying Mouse

“Hey Booker-T!” called Midge. “Where are you? I'm ready to go now.”
“Hi Midge,” said Booker-T as he came running from the back yard. “Why are you in such a hurry this morning?”
“I want to go flying,” said Midge. “We can go to the park and I'll leap off the big hill and go flying through the air.”
“It didn't work last time you tried, Midge,” laughed Booker-T. “You can't fly.”
“Maybe I can this time,” said Midge. “Lets go see Jake and I'll tell you all about it.”
They hurried along the sidewalk and Midge rushed inside the gate...”Hey Jake! Where are you?”
“I'm right here on the front porch napping,” said Jake. “What are you doing?”
“Midge wants to fly,” said Booker-T.

“You can't fly Midge,” said Jake. “Remember what happened when you tried it before.”
“Ha ha,” laughed Booker-T. “You fell flat on your face. You can't fly.”
“What makes you think you can fly now?” asked Jake. “And what is that thing you are dragging with you?”
“If that mouse can do it,” said Midge. “I can do it.”
“What mouse?” asked Jake. “There are no flying mouse here.”
“Where is there a flying mouse?” asked Booker-T. “I never saw a flying mouse. I don't think you did either.”
“I saw him,” said Midge. “I saw it on TV. He could fly all over the place.”
“I never saw a flying mouse,” said Jake. “When did you see it on TV? Was he on the news?”
“A flying mouse,” said Booker-T. “That would be big news.”
“I know,” said Midge. “I want to fly like he does. And I know what I need so I can fly too.”
“Wings,” laughed Jake.
“No,” said Midge. “I need a cape.”
“A what!” said Booker-T. “How can a cape help you fly?”
“I don't know,” said Midge. “But that mouse uses one and he flies all over the place.”
“A cape won't help you fly,” said Jake. “What is that mouse's name? Did they say where he lives and what his name is? I want to see him.”
“I want to see him too,” said Booker-T. “If he can really fly, maybe he can show you how, Midge.”
“He lives anywhere he wants to,” said Midge. “His name is Mighty.”
“Mighty?” laughed Jake. “That's a funny name for a mouse.”
“Mighty mouse,” smiled Booker-T. “You can't fly like Mighty Mouse, Midge.”
“Sure I can,” said Midge. “I have my cape here but I need you to help me put it on.”
“Midge, it won't work,” said Booker-T.
“How do you know?” asked Midge. “If that mouse can fly with a cape on, I can fly with a cape on,”
“Midge,” said Booker-T. “It won't work.”
“Sure it will,” said Midge. “I just know it will work this time. I have my cape.”
“How do you know it won't work, Booker-T?” asked Jake. “Maybe she can fly with a cape on. I want to meet that mouse.”
“You can't meet him,” said Booker-T.
“Why?” asked Jake.
“Because he is not real,” stated Booker-T.
“Maybe he is somewhere,” said Midge.
“You saw hi on TV, right?” asked Booker-T. “Mighty mouse with the cape.”
“Yes,” said Midge. “I saw him the other day. And he flies really good.”
“He is a cartoon,” Laughed Booker-T. “Mighty Mouse is a cartoon. He's now real.”
“Maybe he is real,” said Midge.
“My owner puts the Mighty Mouse cartoons on when her nephew is at the house,” said Booker-T. He is just a cartoon. So you can't fly Midge and the cape won't help you. You will get hurt if you jump off the side of that hill.”
“ He is only a cartoon?” asked Midge.
“I never saw that cartoon,” said Jake.
“He's only a cartoon Midge,” said Booker-T. “Did you see the beginning of the show?”
“It was already on when I came into the room,” said Midge.
“So you didn't hear the song,” said Booker-T.
“What song?” asked Jake.
“There is a song,” said Booker-T. “Here I come to save the day, which means that Mighty Mouse is on the way.”
“That's cool,” smiled Midge. “I could be Mighty Midge. Don't that sound cool.”
“Midge, it's a cartoon, okay,” said Jake. “There really is no Mighty Mouse and there won't be a Mighty Midge who flies. You are silly.”
“I could try,” said Midge.
“No you can't,” said Booker-T. “You can use your cape for a blanket and it will work better or you.”
“It is my blanket,” said Midge. “I took it out of my bed. Maybe it will work better than the feathers.”
“Forget it Midge,” said Jake. “Put your blanket back on your bed. It won't help you fly.”
“Why can't dogs fly, Jake?” asked Midge.
“I don't know,” said Jake. “I guess we aren't made for flying. Gabby is made to fly.”
“It looks like so much fun,” said Midge. “Do you think Gabby could teach us?”
“No,” said Booker-T. “We aren't the same.”
“Gabby is made for flying and we are made for walking,” said Jake.
“My feet get tired sometimes,” said Midge. “Don't your feet get tired?”
“Mine does too sometimes,” said Booker-T.
“Do you think Gabby's wings get tired?” asked Midge.
“Maybe,” said Jake.
“Hey you guys,” said Gabby as he flew down from the trees. “What are you talking about?”
“Midge wants to try flying again,” said Jake.
“Midge, Midge,” laughed Jake. “You can't fly. That's my job.”
“Do your wings get tired sometimes?” asked Midge.
“Sometimes,” said Gabby. “Why do you want to fly?”
“It looks so fun,” said Midge.
“She was watching a cartoon Mouse who flies,” said Jake. “So she thought all she needed was a cape and she would fly too.”
“I think you should keep your feet on the ground Midge,” said Gabby. “It is safer for you.”
“One of these days, I will figure out how to fly,” said Midge.
“You just need a good pair of wings,” laughed Jake. “Lets go play.”
They decided to go to the park to see what is going on there.

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Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T