Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Strange World of Rhymes

 Jake strolled the sidewalk on his way to Midge's house. As he got close to Booker-T's house, he met Jake at the gate. “Hi Jake,” greeted Booker-T.
“Hi Booker-T,” said Jake. “Come on, let's go see Midge.”
The two strolled over to Midge's house and entered the gate. They found Midge pacing back and forth in front of the house, mumbling to herself.
“Hey Midge,” said Jake. “What are you doing?”
Midge paced back and forth, not noticing Jake and Booker-T.
“Hey Midge!” said Booker-T. “Earth to Midge!”
Jake stepped in front of the pacing Midge. “Slow down,” said Jake.
“Oh, hi Jake,” said Midge.
“What planet are you on?” asked Booker-T.
“I'm on the same one you are,” said Midge.
“You didn't even hear us come in and say hi,” said Jake. “Where are you?”

“Oh, I guess I was thinking about some things my owner was talking about last night when her little niece was here for the night,” said Midge.
“What was she talking about?” asked Jake.
“Something she called Nursery Rhymes,” said Midge.
“I heard of them one time,” said Booker-T. “It is something big humans read to little human kids.”
“Some of them are strange,” said Midge. “And did you know there is this cow who can jump way up over the moon,”
“A cow?” asked Booker-T. “How can a cow jump that high?”
“I don't know,” said Midge. “The little rhyme didn't say how he jumped that high.”
“I'd like to meet that cow,” said Jake. “He must be famous.”
“And did you know there is a cat who plays the fiddle,” said Midge.
“What's a fiddle,” said Booker-T.
“It is like a violin,” said Jake. “My owner's friend plays the violin.”
“Who is the cat that plays the fiddle?” asked Booker-T. “Do you think I could learn how to play the fiddle?”
“I don't know where the cat lives,” said Midge. “The little rhyme didn't say where he lived.”
“I don't think we can play a fiddle,” said Jake. “That cat must really be smart. I wish we could meet him.”
“I'd like to meet that cow too,” said Booker-T. “She must really be a good jumper to jump all the way to the moon.”
“How does the rhyme go?” asked Jake. “Can you say it?”
“I think so,” said Midge. “Let me see. She said Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle.”
“What's a diddle?” asked Booker-T.
“I don't know,” said Midge. “I think it is someone's name.”
“Whose name is it?” asked Jake.
“I don't know,” said Midge. “My owner didn't say who has the name of diddle.”
“Okay,” said Booker-T. “What else does it say?”
“It says, the little dog laughed to see the fun,” said Midge.
“The dog was laughing at the cow and the cat?” asked Jake.
“I think so,” said Midge.
“I guess it is funny that the cat is playing a fiddle,” said Booker-T. “I don't know any cats or dogs who can play a fiddle.”
“And the cow who can jump way up high and reach the moon,” said Jake. “I think that is amazing, not funny.”
“Maybe the dog was laughing at the cat,” suggested Midge. “And in this world of the rhymes, guess what else lives there?”
“What?” asked Jake.
“A live dish,” said Midge.
“A live dish?” said Booker-T. “What is a live dish?”
“It is a dish that I think is living like we are,” said Midge.
“Oh no,” said Jake shaking his head. “I never heard of a dish that is living.”
“What did the dish do, Midge?” asked Booker-T.
“I guess he didn't like the cat playing the fiddle or the cow jumping over the moon,” said Midge.
“Why?” asked Jake.
“When the cat was playing the fiddle and the cow was jumping up really high,” said Midge. “He ran away somewhere with the spoon.”
“A spoon that is live too?” asked Booker-T.
“I think so,” said Midge.
“That place must a be a fun place to live,” said Jake. “Wow, I wonder if our owners dishes talk and walk.”
“I never saw one walking,” said Midge. “The ones we have just sit on the table doing nothing.”
“Ours too,” said Booker-T.
“Maybe they are shy,” suggested Jake. “I will talk to our dishes and see if they will talk to me when my owner goes to work.”
“Maybe they will only talk when humans are not around,” suggested Booker-T.
“Maybe,” said Midge. “But I don't think our dishes are smart enough to talk.”
“Lets go in the house and see if your dishes will talk to you,” said Jake.
“Okay,” said Midge as she started to walk toward the back of the house.
Jake and Booker-T slipped through the doggie door following Midge.
“Look Midge,” said Booker-T. “Your owner left a dish on the table. Try to talk to it.”
Midge walked to the table and leaped into the chair. “Hello dish,” she said as Jake and Booker-T stood waiting to hear if the dish talks back.
“Hello Dish,” said Midge again. “Do you talk?”
The dish just laid on the table without a word.
“I don't think our dishes talk,” said Midge. “Maybe your dishes talk, Booker-T.”
“Do you want to go try?” asked Booker-T. “If mine don't talk we can try the dishes at Jake's house.”
The three ran out the doggie door and ran to Booker-T's house next door. In the kitchen, they tried to talk to the dishes there. They wouldn't answer. “I think our dishes won't talk either. Lets go to your house Jake,” said Booker-T.
“Okay,” said Jake as the three ran along the sidewalk to his house..
They went inside and Jake asked the dish that sat on the counter to talk to him. “Hello Dish,” said Jake. “What are you doing?”
The three stood their and waited. Nothing happened.
“I don't think our dishes talk,” said Midge.
“Do you know any thing else about this rhyme place?” asked Jake. “Maybe that is the only place where dishes talk.”

“I know a few more,” laughed Midge. “I will tell you later. Lets go play.”

1 comment:

  1. ah yes the literal world, not as much fun as the imagined one:):)


Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T