Friday, October 12, 2018

The Sausage Man

Midge and Jake skipped along the sidewalk on their way to Jake's house. They hurried across the street and ran through the gate. Jake was sleeping on the front porch swing.
“Hi there Jake!” called Midge as she got to the porch. “What are you doing?”
“I was napping,” said Jake.
“Did you sleep last night?” asked Booker-T.
“I slept,” said Jake. “I was just resting my eyes while I waited for you two to get here.”
“Today is the last day of the fair,” said Midge. “Lets go check out the food.”

“Maybe they will give us some today if they have a lot of food left over,” said Booker-T.
“It all smells so good when we are there,” said Jake. “I hope we can find someone to feel sorry for us and give us some food.”
“We have to look hungry,” said Midge. “And stare at them with sad eyes.”
“You are good doing that look,” smiled Jake.
“Lets go,” said Booker-T. “I want some of that food that smells so good.”
They hurried out the gate and strolled along the sidewalk headed for the fair grounds.
“Is Gabby coming to the fair today?” asked Midge.
“I don't know,” said Jake. “He likes to eat, so might be there looking for food too.”
They reached the corner and looked both ways before running across the street and entered the fair grounds. They walked through the grounds sniffing the air.
“It all smells so good,” said Midge.
“Hot dogs! Get your hot dogs,” sang out a voice from one of the stands.
“Do you want a hot dog?” asked Jake.
“Lets see what is here first and then we will decide,” said Midge.
They started walking slowly through the grounds checking all the booths along the way.
“Come and get it,” sang out another voice. “Sausage on a stick. Come and taste the heavenly flavor of the sausage on a stick.”
“What is a sausage on a stick?” asked Booker-T. “Why is the food on a stick?”
“I don't know,” said Midge. “The only think I have seen on a stick is ice cream bars and popsicles.”
“Do they have popsicles here?” asked Booker-T.
“I don't know,” said Jake. “Do you like Popsicles?”
“I licked on that my owner's nephew was eating one day,” aid Booker-T. “They are sweet.”
“Lets go see what this sausage on a stick is,” said Midge. “Maybe we can try it.”
They walked over to the booth where the man was talking about a sausage on a stick. The sign above the booth had a picture of a sausage with a stick stuck in it.
“It looks like a hot dog with a popsicle stick in it,” smiled Midge. “It sure smells good. Lets stare at him with our sad eyes and maybe he will give us one.”
They sat there staring at the booth and watched the man pushing sticks into the sausages and putting them in a glass box. Jake walked close to the booth and stood on hind legs and tried to see in the glass box.
“Hello there doggie,” said the man.
Midge and Booker-T walked close to the booth where Jake was now sitting in front of it. “Is he going to give us a sausage?” asked Midge.
“I don't know,” said Jake. “He said hello. Look hungry.”
Midge lifted her nose to the air and sniffed the scent of the sausages.
“Well, doggie,” smiled the man. “Looks like you have friends with you. Come on closer and I'll give you some sausage.”
“Oh boy,” said Booker-T.
The man took three small sausages out of the box and pulled out the sticks. He reached out and tossed them to the three friends. They looked up at the man and then each one took a sausage and started eating it.
“These are so good,” said Midge. “I never ate sausage before.”
“They are really good,” said Jake. “The sausage man is so nice.”
The man came out of the booth and walked around to where the three were sitting. He walked up to them and patted each on the head. “I know you can't talk,” said the man. “I hope you enjoyed the sausage. Have fun you three.” He turned and walked back into the booth.
“Are you still hungry?” asked Midge.
“No,” said Jake as they started strolling through the grounds. “That sausage was better than a hot dog.”
“Get your fresh buttered popcorn here!” called a woman's voice from around the corner. “Hot buttered popcorn.”
“It smells good,” said Jake. “Remember when we sneaked into the movie? The popcorn smelled so good. It smells the same here. I like popcorn.”
“I'm full,” said Midge. “That was sausage was all I need right now.”
“Lets keep walking around and see what else they have,” said Jake.
“What is that sweet smell?” asked Midge looking around.
“Smells something like what my owner makes for breakfast sometimes,” said Booker-T.
“What does she make?' asked Jake.
“She makes pancakes,” said Booker-T. “She puts butter and some kind of sweet liquid on them.”
“I think that liquid stuff, they call syrup,” said Midge. “My owner makes them too.”
“Get your hot fudge sundaes here!” called a voice.
“We can't eat that,” said Midge.
“Why?” asked Booker-T. What is a hot fudge sundae?”
“It is ice cream with hot chocolate on top,” said Jake. “Chocolate is bad for dogs. I'm not sure about cats.”
“Does it make you sick?” asked Booker-T.
“I think it can kill dogs,” said Midge.
“Maybe it is bad for cats too,” said Booker-T. “ I don't think I want to try it. I like my chicken and other meats.”
“Me too,” smiled Jake. “Lets go see what else is here.”
“Hey,” said Midge. “Look over there. Horses.”
“Little horses,” said Booker-T. “Are they baby horses?”
“I think they call them ponies,” said Jake. “Lets go see them.”
They walked to where the small horses were eating hay. “Hello,” said Midge.
“Hi,” said one of the ponies. “What are you doing? Are you in the animal shows?”
“No,” said Jake. “We are walking around and looking at all the food booths.”
“Why?” asked the pony.
“We were begging for some good food to eat,” said Booker-T.
“I will share my food with you,” said the pony. “I'm Bucky.”
“I'm Jake,” said Jake. “This is Midge and that's Booker-T.”
“We don't eat hay,” said Midge. “We eat the same kind of meats that humans eat.”
“I like hay,” said Bucky. “Sometimes we eat apples and carrots.”
“What do you do at the fair?” asked Jake.
“We give rides to little kids,” said Bucky. “They like to ride.”
“I think it is time for us to go home,” said Midge. “I'm sleepy now.”
“Have fun Bucky,” said Jake. “Was nice to meet you.”
“Bye you guys,” said Bucky.
The three smiled and started walking home.

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Jake and Midge

Jake and Midge
Jake and Midge with Booker-T